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from Xenophon.

After this, taking down the nets and toils, and calling off the dogs, he ſhould give over the ſport, ſtaying ſomewhere, if it is the heat of the day in ſummer, leſt the feet of the dogs ſhould be ſcorched by the way.

The beſt time for breeding dogs is in the winter, when the labors of the chace are over, the quiet of that ſeaſon, and the approach of ſpring, being moſt likely to contribute to form a generous race, for that time of the year agrees beſt with the growth of dogs. The time the bitch is fit to admit the male laſts a fortnight; they ſhould then be ſhut up with the beſt dogs, and in a quiet manner, that they may conceive the ſooner: and, while they are with whelp, they ſhould not be frequently taken out, but be often left at home, leſt the exertion ſhould injure them. They go ſixty days with their young.

The puppies when they are whelped ſhould be left with the mother, and not put to another bitch; for the care of others is not ſo good for their growth; the milk and
