ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS. 683 Her Majesties Household, continued. Master of the Boys in Her Majesty's Chapel Itoyal'fhe Rev. Thomas HELMORE, M.A.. QUEEN'S CHAPLAINS. BIRCH, Rev. Henry Mildred, B.D., Rector ofPrestwich: appointed 1852. BENSON, Rev. Edward White, D.D., Chan- cellor of Lincoln Cathedral: appointed 1875 BLUNT, Rev. James St. John, M.A., Vicar of Old Windsor, Berks: appointed 1875. BOYLE, Hon. and Rev. Richard Cavendish Townshend,M.A.: appointed 1S47. BRIDGEMAN, Hon. and Rev. George Thomas Orlando, M.A. : appointed 1872. BROOKE, Rev. btopford A., M.A. Minister of St. James's Chapel, Westminster : appointed 1872. BYNG, Hon. and Rev. F.E.C., M.A., Incum- bent of St. Peter's, Brompton : appointed 1872. CARTMELL, Rev. James, D.D., Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, : appointed 1851 4 CANNON, Rev. George Henry, M.A., Vicar of Newport, Isle of Wight: appointed 1875. COOK, Kev. Frederick Charles, M.A., Preacher at Lincoln's Inn: appointed Ls5 7. COURTENAY, Hon. and Rev. Charles Leslie, M.A. Vicar of Bovey Tracey, Devon : appoint- ed 1849. DRAKE, Rev. William, M.A. f>. 1813 ; Rector of Sedgebrook, near Grautham: appointed 1862. DUCKWORTH. Rev. Robinson, M.A., Vicar of St. Mark's, Marylebone : appointed 1870. FARRAR, Rev. Frederic W., D.D., Head Master of Jvlarlborough College: appointed 1873. GORDON, II< n. and Rev. Douglas, M.A., Vicar of Northolt, Middlesex: appointed HARVEY, Rev. Richard, M.A., Rector of Hornsey, appointed 1847. HOOK, Very Rev. Walter Farquhar, D.D., Dean of Chichester : appointed 1827. HOWARTU, Rev. Henry, B.D., Rector of St. George's, Hanover Square: appointed 1845. JOLLEY, Rev. William Rowe, M.A., Rector of North Repps, Norwich : appointed 1873. KXMPE, Rev. John Edward, M.A., Rector of St. James's, Piccadilly: appointed 1.-G8. MATIIIAS, Rev. George, M.A., Chaplain of Chelsea Hospital : appointed 1858. MILLS, Rev. Thomas, 15. A., Rector of Great Button, and of Great tiaxhaxn. Suffolk, and of Little llenny, K>sex : appointed l8l(i. MOOKE, Rev. Daniel, M.A., Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Paddington : appointed 1871. MOORBOCBK, Rev. James, M.A., Vicar of Paddington: appointed 1*71. PHIPPS, Hon. and Kev. Augustus Frederic, M.A.. Rector of Euston with Bainham, Suffolk : appointed 1847. PIGOU, Rev. Francis, M.A., Vicar of Don- caster : appointed 1874. PROTHEKO, Rev. George, M.A., Rector of Whippingham, Isle of Wight; appointed 867. Queen's Chaplains continued. RANDOLPH, Rev. Thomas, M.A., Rector of Much Hadham, Herts : appointed 1825. ROGERS, Rev. William, M.A., Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate : appointed 1857. ROWSELL, Rev. Thomas James. M.A., Rector of bt. Margaret's, Lothbury: appointed 1866. SEYMOUR, Rev. Sir John Hobart Culme, Bart., M.A., Rector of Northchurch, Herts : appointed 1827. TARVER, Rev. Charles Feral. M.A., Rector of Stisted, Essex : appointed 185. VAUGHAN, . ev. Charles John, D.D., Master of the Temple : appointed l&oi. WHITE, Rev. Hemy, M.A., Chaplain of the Chapel Royal Savoy: appointed 18/3. WOOD, Rev. John Rylu, M.A., Vicar of St. John's, Worcester: appointed Ib37. 2;iNCKE, Rev. Foster Barnaul, B.A., Vicar of Wherstead, Ipswich : appointed 1858. HONORARY CHAPLAINS TO II. M. BLISS, Rev. William Henry, M.A., Rector of West llsley, Berks : appointed 1874. BUADLKY, Rev. George Grauville, M.A., Master oi University College, Oxfoid: ap- pointed lt>74. BUTLER, Rev. Henry Montagu, D.D., Head Master of Harrow School : appointed 187o. ELLISON, Rev. Henry John, M.A., lion. Can . n of Christ Churcn, Vic.u- oi Windsor, and Reader at Windsor Cattle in ordinary to Her Majesty : appointed 18/i. HOLLAND, Rev. Francis James, M.A., Min- ister of Quebec Chapel, Marylebone: appointed 18 . LIDDELL, Very Rev. Henry George, D.D. , Dean of Christ Church, Oxiord : appointed 1863. LIGHTFOOT, Rev. Joseph Barber, D.D., Ilulsean Professor of Divinity in the Uni- ver.-ity of Cambridge : appointed 1802. PKUOWNE, f;ev. Jolm James Stewart, C.uion Residentiary of Llamialf : appointed Is 7 5. liEKVE, Rev. Jolm William, M.A., Minister of Portinaii Chapel, Baker Street : appointed 1873. UTSSELL, Rev. Lord Wriothesley, M.A., Rector ol Chenies, Bucks : appointed 1862. STANLEY, Vry Kev Arthur i'eiirhyii,D.D., Dean ol 'Westminster, : appoinien Lhoii.
BBCOTT, Rev. li. F., lM).,utnoii of Peter-
borough, and Regius i'roie.-.--or of Divinity, Cambridge University : appointed 18/5. MEDICAL DEPAUl .MKXr. Physicians in Ordinary Sir William JEN- NEU, Bart., M.I). ; fair Thomas WATSON, Bart.,M.D., F.R.S.; fair BURROWS, Bart, M.D., F.U.S. Physical tix J.jtitii/rdinary WILSON Fox, Eq.,M.D.; Sir William*' i 1.1., i. u . ., M.D.; Lciward Henry >IK EKING, i.sq., M.D. ; ( huries James Blasuis WILLIAMS, M.D. ; Sir James AI.DKUSON, M.D.; Ai'thur FARHE, Esq., M.D. lion, Physicians Henry W. ACLAND, Esq.; M.D., F.R.S.; T. K. CUAMUKUS, Esq