684 ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS. Medical Department continued, M.D.; Sir Alexander ARMSTRONG, M.D., R.N.; Thomas G. LOGAN, Esq., M.D.. C.B.; Sir William M. Mum, M.D., K.C.B.; Sir E. HILUITCH, M.D., Sir David DUMBRECK, M.D. ; J. FAYKKR, Esq., M.D., C.S.I. Sergeant Surgeons Caesar Henry HAWKINS, Esq., P.R.S. ; Sir William FERGUSSON, Bart., F.R.S. Sergeant Surf/eon Extraordinary Sir James PAGET, Bart., F.R.S. Surgeons Extraordinary Richard QUAIN, Esq., F.R.S., J. HILTON, Esq., F.R.S., P. G. HEWKTT, Esq., F.R.C.S. Honorary Sure/eons G. MACKAY, Esq.. M.D..R. BERNARD, Esq., M.D., J. J. L. BONNET, E.-q., M -D. Physician to the Household Francis HAW- KINS, Esq., M.I). Surgeon to the Household Thomas Spencer WELLS, Esq. Surgeon Apothecaries Claude Francis Du PASO.UIEK, Esq., Francis Henry LAKINC, M.D. Apothecaries Extraordinary Messrs, MER- EIMAN. Chemists and Druggist*?. SauiRE, and P. Wyatt SauiRK, Esqrs. Surgeons and Apoth'carie in Ordinary to the Household at Windsor James ELLI- SON, Esq., Thomas FAIRBANK, Esq. Surge -n Oculist Win. White COOPER, Esq. Surgeon Dentist Edwin SAUNDEKS, Esq. Dentist to the Household Edwin. TRUMAN, Esq. LORD STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT, BOARD OF GREEN CLOTH, BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Lord Steward Right Hon. Earl BBAUCHAMP P.C. Treasurer Right Hon. Lord Henry THYNNE, M.P. P.C. Comptroller Right Hon. Lord Henry Richard Charles SOMERSET, P.C., M.P. Master of the Household Lieut.-Col. Sir J. C. COWELL, K.C.B. Secretary to the Board Edward Mash BROWELL, E~q. Clerks. First Clerk George MARRABLE, Esq. Seco id ditto A. F. COURKOUX, Esq. Third ditto G. A. CouRROUx,ti.-q. Paymaster of the Household T. C. MARSH, Esq. Coroner of Household W. T. MANNING , Esq. Messeng rsC. ARCHER, C. SAUM>ERS. To Lord Steward John WAUGH. Almonry. Hereditary Grand Almoner Marquess of EXETER, P.C. Lord High Almoner The Hon. and Very Rev. Gera.ld WELLESLEY. Sub-Almoner The Rev. Ernest Roland WILBERFORCK, M.A. Se- cretary and Yeoman John HANBY, Esq. MASTER OF THE HORSE'S DEPARTMENT. OFFICE, ROYAL MEWS, PIMLICO. Master of the Horse Ihe Earl of BRADFORD, P.C. Master of the Horse's Department, continued. Clerk Marshal Maj.-Gen. Lord Alfred PAGET. Equerries Maj.-Gen. Viscount BRIDPORT, Ma j. -Gen. Lord A. C. L FITZROY, C.B., Col. Charks Taylor Du PLAT, Maj.-Gen. H. F. PONSONBY, Maj.-Gen. the Hon. A. E. HARDINGE, C.B., Col. H. Lynedoch GAR- DINER, Lieut. -Col, the Hon. Henry William John BYNG, Col. John C. M'NEILL, V.C., C.B., C.M.G. Extra Equerries Major-Gen. Sir Thomas M. BIDDULPH, K.C.B., Col. the Earl of MOUNT- CHARLES. Tlon. Eq urrry Major-Gen, the Hon. Alex. GORDON, C.B. Pages of Honor Arthur H. HARDINGE, Esq., Victor A. F. M. BIDDULPH, Esq. Count Albert Edward Wilfred GLEICHEN, Lauren ce George DRUMMOM), Esq. Crown Equerry and Secretary Lieut.-Col. G. A. MAUDE, C.B.. R.A. Accountant F. William MALLESON. Esq. Superintendents of Royal Meics Windsor Robert MOON, Esq. Pimlico William NORTON, Esq. Storekeeper John MILLER, E^q. Clerk J tines BREWTEY, Esq. Messenger and Assistant Storekeeper Mr. H. C. HISCOCKS. Lady Rider Mrs. COMPTON. Veterinary Surgeons London George WILLIAMS, Esq. Windsor Henry ALLNI TT, Esq. Her Majesty's Personal Servant John BROWN. ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, SCOTLAND. Lord High Consta'-le Earl of ERKOLL. Keeper of Great Seal Earl of SELKIRK. Hereditary Carver Sir W. C. ANSTRUTHKR, Bart. Ditto Cupbearer Earl of SOUTHESK. Ditto Usher of the White Rod The Misses WALKER, of Coates. Cnpt.-Gen. of Queen's Body Guard Duke of BUCCLEUGH, K.G. Physicians iu Ordinary Sir Robert CUKIS- TISON. Bart., M.D., Dr. LAYCOCK. Lord Privy Seal Marquess of LOTHIAN. Knight MaritchalDuke of HAMILTON and BRANDON. Master of Household Duke of ARGYLL, K.T. Standard Jlearer Earl of LAUDERDALK, G.CB. Lord High Commissioner Earl of ROSSLYN. Lord Justice General Right lion. John INGLIS. Lord Justice Clerk Right Hon. Barou MONCPKJFF. Lord Advocate Right. Hon. E. S. GORDON, M.P. Solicitor-General William WATSON, Esq. Lord Clerk Renter Right Hon. Sir W. G. CRAIG. Bart. Deputy Clei k Register W. P. DUNDAS, Esq. burgeon Dentist John SMITH, Esq., M.D. Lyon King at Arms George BURNETT, Esq.
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