ROYAL HOUSEHOLDS. HOUSEHOLD OF H.R.H. THE PRIXCE OF WALES. Council Viscount PORTMAN, Major-Gen. Sir T. M. BIDDULPH, K.C.B., Gen. Sir William Thomas KNOLLYS, K.C.B., D.C.L., Earl of LEICESTER. Keeper of the Prim/ Seal Earl of LEICESTER. Keeper of the. Great Seal of the Prince of Wales in Scotland Sir W. DUNB AR, Bart. Groom of the Stole (Vacant). Deputy Warden of the StanneriesB.. W. FISHER, E-q. Attorney-General George LOCH, Esq.,Q.C. Lords of the. Bedchamber Marquess of HAMILTON, M.P., Baron SUFFIELD. Extra Lord of the Bedchamber Earl of MOUNT-EDGCUMNE. Grooms of the Bedchamber The Hon. C. L. WOOD, the Hon. A. T. FITZMAURICE. Ertra Groom, of the Bedchamber The Hon. Robert II. MEAUE. Treasurer an iUomptroller Gen.theRt.Hon. Sir W. Tho-. KNOLLYS, K.C.B., D.C.L. Private Secretary Francis KNOLLYS, Esq. Equerries Lieut-Col. Charles Christopher TKESDALE, V.C , C.B., Lieut-Col. A. E. A. ELLIS, Maj.-Gen. D. M. PROBYN, C.B., V.C.. Major J. Cecil RUSSKLL. Extra Eqiu-rrics Col H. Fitzhardinge KINGSCOTE, C.B., M.P., Lieut.-Col. Robert L ,YI>-LINI>-AY, V.O., M.P., Lieut.-Col. Frederick Charles KEPPEL. Librarian and German Secretary M. HOLZ- MANN, Esq. Tutor to the Princes Albert and Victor Rev. J. X. DALTON, M.A. Ron. Physicians II. W. Ac i,.ND,Esq.,M.D., D.C.L.', F.R.S., T. K. CHAMBERS, Esq., M.D., Sir Alexander ARMSTRONG, M.D., R.X. Physicians hi Ordinary Edward SIEVEKIXG, Esq., M.D. ; Sir W. JKN.VKK, Mart., K.C.B. ; M.L).; Sir W. Gri.r,, Uart., M.D. Physician Extraordinary Wilson Fox, Esq., M.D. Surgeons in Ordinary Sir James PAGET, Bart., F.R.S., George POLLOCK, Esq. Extra Sury 'on in Ordin try Oscar CLAY- TON, Esq., M.I). Surgeon Kstraordinary John MiNTER,Esq., R.N., M.I)., F.R.0.8. Surgeon Apot >ecary to Household C. F. Du PAsciriKR, Esq., F.U.C.S. Snrgeo,i-l),-n ist Edwin SAVNDERS, Esq. Chemist in Ordinary P. SUUIHE, Esq. linn. ChaplaimThe Kev. Canon Henry Mil- dred Bikcn, t)ieV(>iy Kev. Arthur Peurhyn STANLEY, D.D. (Dean of Westnii the Rev. Charles Feral TARVER, tli Robin on DUCKWORTH, M.A. (Canon of Westminster.) '"haplain in Ordinary The Rev. W. Lake OXSLOW. HOUSEHOLD OF H.R.H. THE I'JMXCESS OF WALES. },ndie.s of the, Bedchamber Coui MORTON, Countess of MACTLKSFIELD, Lady fimily KINGSCOTE, Baroness SUFFIELD. Household of H.R.H the Prince continued. Women of the Bedchamber Hon. Mrs. Edward COKE, Hon. Mrs. Francis STONOR, Hon. Mr-;. Arthur HARUINGE, Hon. Eliza- beth Charlotte KNOLLYS. Extra Women of th- Bedchamber Hon. Mrs. Robert BRUCE, Countess Gustav D'OTRANTE. Chamberlain Baron COLVILLE, P.O. Physicians Accoucheu-s Arthur FARRE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., G GREVME. Esq., M.D. Private Secretary Maurice HOLZMANN, Esq. HOUSEHOLD OF H.R.H. THE DL T KE OF EDINBURGH. Comptroller and Treasurer Col. the Hon. William James COLVILLE. Equerries The Hon. Debonnaire JohnMoN- sov, and Capt. A. B. HAIG, R.E. Extra Equerries The HOP. E. YORKE, and Capt. CLERK. Physicians Dr. WILSON Fox, J. FAYRER, Esq.. M.D., C.S.I. Surqeon in Ordinary Oscar CLAYTON, Esq., M.D. Xaval Counsel Frederick J. FEGAX, Esq. Physician in Ordinary WILSON Fox, Esq.* Chaplain in Ordinary The Rev. John MIL- NER, B.A. HOUSEHOLD OF H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH. Ladies of the Bedchamber Lady Frances BAILLIE, Lady Emma OSUORXE, Lady Mary BUTLER. Private Secretary. Dmitry KALOCHINE, Esq. Phi/xidrm Arro'tcheiir ARTHUR FARRE, Esq., M.D., F.R.S. HOUSEHOLD OF H.R.H. THE DUKE OF COXXAUGHT Comptroller of the II msehold Lieut.-Col. Sir Howard Craufurd ELPIIINSTONE, V C , C.M.G., K.C B. Equerry Captain Arthur Frederick PICK- ARD, R.A., VC. Er'ra Equ"rry Lieut. Maurice FITZGERALD, Rifle Brigade. HOUSEHOLD OF II.R.TT. PKI.<'E LEOPOLD. Comptroller of the Household R. COLLINGS, Esq. Private Secretary Robert Hawthorne COLLINS, Esq., C.B. EI/ uerry Ho n. A lexanderGrantham YORKK. Mistress of the Huuavhold Mrs. COLLINGS. HOUSEHOLD OF II.R.H. PIMNCKSS lUvVTRICE. Lady in Attendance to the. Princess Lady BinnuLPH. Second Ladt/ m Attendance Miss Ethel Henrietta Mary CADOGAN.
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