Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 4 (1897).djvu/16

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CONTENTS CHAPTER XLI ■Conquests of Jnst'uuan in the West— Character and first Campaigns of Belisarius — He invades and subdues the Vandal Kingdom of Africa — His triumph — The Gothic War — He recovers Sicily, Naples and Rome — Siege of Rome by the Goths — Their Retreat and Losses— Surrender of Ravenna — Glory of Belisarius — His Domestic Shame and Misfortunes 533 Justinian resolves to invade Africa... 523-530. State of the Vandals. Hilderic 530-534. Gelimer ... Debates on the African war ... Character and Choice of Belisarius 529-532. His Services in the Persian war 533 Preparations for the African war ... Departure of the Fleet Belisarius lands on the Coast of Africa Defeats the Vandals in a first battle Reduction of Carthage Final Defeat of Gelimer and the Vandals 534 Conquest of Africa by Belisarius ... Distress and Captivity of Gelimer ... Return and Triumph of Belisarius ... 535 His sole Consulship ... End of Gelimer and the Vandals Manners and Defeat of the Moors ... Neutrality of the Visigoths... 550-620. Conquests of the Romans in Spain 534 Belisarius threatens the Ostrogoths in Italy 522-534. Government and Death of Amalasontha, Queen of 535 Her Exile and Death Belisarius invades and subdues Sicily 534-536. Reign and Weakness of Theodatus, the Got Italy 537 Belisarius invades Italy and reduces Naples 536-540. Vitiges, King of Italy 536 Belisarius enters Rome 537 Siege of Rome by the Goths Valour of Belisarius ... His Defence of Rome Repulses a general assault of the Goths ... His Sallies Distress of the City ... Exile of Pope Sylverius Deliverance of the City Belisarius recovers many Cities of Italy ... 53S The Goths raise the Siege of Rome Lose Rimini ... Retire to Ravenna Jealousy of the Roman Generals ... Death of Constantine The Eunuch Narses ... Italy King