Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 4 (1897).djvu/17

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CONTENTS XI Firmness and Authority of Belisarius 538-539. Invasion of Italy by the Franks Destruction of Milan ,. , Belisarius besieges Ravenna 539 Subdues the Gothic Kingdom of Italy Captivity of Vitiges 540 Return and Glory of Belisarius Secret History of his Wife Antonina Her Lover Theodosius Resentment of Belisarius and her Son Photius Persecution of her Son Disgrace and Submission of Belisarius PAGE 328 330 332 332 332 334 335 337 338 338 CHAPTER XLII State of the Barbaric World —Establishment of the Lombards on the Danube — Tribes and Inroads of the Sclavonians — Origin, Empire, and Em- bassies of the Tnrks — The Flight of the Avars — Chosroes I. or Nushirvan King of Persia — His prosperous Reign and Wars with the Romans — The Colchian or Lazic War — The Ethiopians 527-565. Weakness of the Empire of Justinian State of the Barbarians The Gepidffi ... The Lombards The Sclavonians Their Inroads ... 545 Origin and Monarchy of the Turks in Asia The Avars fly before the Turks, and approach the Empire 558 Their Embassy to Constantinople ... 569-582. Embassies of the Turks and Romans 500-530. State of Persia ... 531-579. Reign of Nushirvan, or Chosroes His Love of Learning 533-539. Peace and War with the Romans 540 He invades Syria And ruins Antioch 541 Defence of the East by Belisarius ... Description of Colchos, Lazica, or Mingrelia Manners of the Natives Revolutions of Colchos Under the Persians, before Christ 500 Under the Romans, before Christ 60 130 Visit of Arrian 522 Conversion of the Lazi 542-549. Revolt and Repentance of the Colchians 549-551. Siege of Petra ... 549-556. The Colchian or Lazic War ... 540-561. Negotiations and Treaties between Justinian and Chosroes 522 Conquests of the Abyssinians 533 Their Alliance with Justinian 340 342 342 343 344 346 349 352 353 354 357 359 361 364 366 367 368 371 373 375 375 375 376 376 376 379 380 382 384 386