JP: ---the media pack. Um it's almost like I, I wish I could cancel question time ‘cause they're not gonna be the slightest bit interested in what we asked about this and so um I think that---
MD: We have a good argument and it's better than Moira has those views. I don't have homophobic or transphobic views.
JP: Okay. We---
MD: There is no evidence that I have those views. All they have got is me asking questions about what does the law mean and me saying can we not find a different way to balance the laws so that we can look after transgender people as well as protect single sex rights. That is all I've ever done and also I have questioned the, the automatic affirmation processes. They've been, they have been questioned all around the world. There's gonna be an inquiry coming whether anyone likes it or not. Now in terms of whatever you wanna say on those issues agree or not I would never let it stand. I would never let it stand. If they say what do you think about her transphobic views and you say oh well she has views that are different to mine that will enrage me at no end. I don't have transphobic views and you should defend me. I've never said anything transphobic or hateful I've never said anything homophobic. My biggest fans are gay people and trans people. They were in my audience.
MD: You, but even for you even not defending me it's like you're admitting there's someone in our party with transphobic views and we can't get rid of them because of free speech.
JP: But Moira you know how this debate is it's feverish. People take signals. So right now unless I go out there and assure people they are gonna think things and I, I---
MD: What would your vision of ins-, like reassuring people be?
JP: That no matter who you are because they don't think that about you. No matter what you say they don't think that about you.
MD: I think they're gonna do it because they smell blood in the water because no one's coming up with a strong response. If we just bit back and said actually, not a single homophobic or transphobic thing was said. You name the one thing that was said. They've got nothing. I said nothing bad.
GC: In their eyes though it is being that, in their eyes as John said it is, it is one dimensional. They're not, they're not taking on board. I mean I haven't read the 100 emails but I'm getting emails.
MD: I'm getting emails of support.
GC: Well that's alright I'm not. I'm getting the others where the 100 emails to Council [?]---
MD: Yeah because they want you all to fold and act like it's homophobic and transphobic just to care about single sex spaces which is absurd and internally incoherent. They are, the trans and the gays they're opposed. They're telling lesbians that they have to date biological men it's rape culture. You can easily win this argument you can easily turn it back against them. It's up to you whether you're going to.
JP: Yeah. I, I don't accept that. I think you've gotta live in in the real world Moira and
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