we, I, I just don't think you see what a train yeah coming our way. We will not be able to define ourselves as anything other than a party focused on these issues and I, I've, I've never said that I wanted anyone to change their views but I've gotta tell you that's all we're gonna get defined as.
GC: Well that's your view and I had a view and I have a strong view about medical intervention on children and I made that very clear in my debate. However, we're at this point where we've got a very big issue for our party as John has said and that's what we need to work through now.
MD: I don't know what you're asking of me and what you're telling me that you're going to do.
JP: Well I've still gotta formulate my language because it's gonna be one mean press conference. They are going to try to tear me to shreds um and they're gonna use it as my test on whether the party's a broad based party and this and that. It doesn't matter what we might finesse in here they are going to try and tear not just me the party.
GC: Oh all of us.
JP: In a week where we had pear-, we'll, we'll see what happens. The government is all putting all guns blazing into making that press conference. Andrews has come out calling on me today.
MD: I can get you not today but you know like I can get you a row of lesbians to stand around you and back you up in a press conference. I can get you a bunch of parents like I'm just saying.
JP: Yeah. So Moira what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna do a bit more planning um and I might need you just to come and have a chat so I can go over what I'm gonna say or propose to say um but we've just gotta be in communication this afternoon. Um these things aren't as simple as just putting someone out here or someone had to stand with it. It, it's as you well know you've been around politics now a while uh it doesn't quite work like that. Um they've got a narrative they're trying to validate and they're going to try---
JP: Well um this was the first chat and I think we're gonna need another one uh before I go out. Um and I just wanted to get your sense of things. And [?]---
MD: My sense of things is you are not as vulnerable as you feel that you are. You think they're gonna find something. There's nothing.
JP: It's not just that. This is, this is narrative shaping stuff [?].
JP: ---[?]. And I was gonna call on a minister today to resign in less than an hour about an hour I was gonna call on a minister to resign which I wouldn't and don't ever plan to do lightly. And I'm, well that's actually [?] ‘cause the press pack just don't wanna talk about it they're not interested, they're interested in us. Um and you know what I, what I just wanna do is try and shift us as a team onto the issues that are gonna win us the seats where we need to win and then we can you know implement an agenda that we can be proud of but if I'm going out there every day talking about these things I can tell you all ministers shadow ministers or any of us we're gonna find that really hard. And you know Labor has 56 seats so we've got a big job to state the obvious.
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