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Page:Descent of Man 1875.djvu/672

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of, 279; difierence in the sexes of, 290.

  • Lice of domestic animals and man, 169.
  • Licentiousness, a check upon population, 46; prevalence of, among savages, 119.
  • Lichtenstein, on Chera progne, 419.
  • Life, inheritance at corresponding periods of, 228, 232.
  • Light, effects on complexion, 32; influence of, upon the colours of shells, 263.
  • Lilford, Lord, the ruff attracted by bright objects, 413.
  • Limosa lapponica, 478.
  • Linaria, 462.
  • —— montana, 248.
  • Lindsay, Dr. W. L., diseases communicated from animals to man, 7; madness in animals, 79; the dog considers his master his God, 96.
  • Linnæus, views of, as to the position of man, 149.
  • Linnet, numerical proportion of the sexes in the, 248; crimson forehead and breast of the, 394; courtship of the, 401.
  • Lion, polygamous, 218; mane of the, defensive, 521; roaring of the, 526.
  • Lions, stripes of young, 464.
  • Lips, piercing of the, by savages, 575.
  • Lithobius, prehensile appendages of the female, 274.
  • Lithosia, coloration in, 314.
  • Littorina littorea, 262.
  • Livingstone, Dr., manner of sitting of gorilla, 151; on the influence of dampness and dryness on the colour of the skin, 193; on the liability of negroes to tropical fevers after residence in a cold climate, 194; on the spur-winged goose, 364; on weaver-birds, 376; on an African night-jar, 384, 403; on the battle-scars of South African male mammals, 500; on the removal of the upper incisors by the Batokas, 575; on the perforation of the upper lip by the Makalolo, 576; on the Banyai, 579.
  • Livonia, numerical proportion of male and female births in, 215, 243.
  • Lizards, relative size of the sexes of, 354; gular pouches of, 354.
  • Lloyd, L., on the polygamy of the capercailzie and bustard, 219; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in the capercailzie and black-cock, 248; on the salmon, 333; on the colours of the sea-scorpion, 337; on the pugnacity of male grouse, 364; on the capercailzie and black-cock, 366, 370; on the call of the capercailzie, 375; on assemblages of grouse and snipes, 405; on the pairing of a shield-drake with a common duck, 414; on the battles of seals, 500; on the elk, 507.
  • Lobivanellus, wing-spurs in, 366.
  • Local influences, effect of, upon stature, 31.
  • Lockwood, Mr., on the development of Hippocampus, 163.
  • ——, Rev. S., musical mouse, 568.
  • Locust, bright-coloured, rejected by lizards and birds, 289.
  • ——, migratory, 283; selection by female, 283.
  • Locusts, proportion of sexes in; 254; stridulation of, 284.
  • Locustidæ, stridulation of the, 282, 284; descent of the, 285.
  • Longicorn beetles, difference of the sexes of, in colour, 294; stridulation of, 303.
  • Lonsdale, Mr., on an example of personal attachment in Helix pomatia, 263.
  • Lophobranchii, marsupial receptacles of the males, 346.
  • Lophophorus, habits of, 420.
  • Lophorina atra, sexual difference in coloration of, 491.
  • Lophornis ornatus, 387.
  • Lord, J. K., on Salmo lycaodon, 333.
  • Lory, King, 457; immature plumage of the, 467.
  • Love-antics and dances of birds, 380.
  • Lowne, B. T., on Musca vomitoria, 54, 280.
  • Loxia, characters of young of, 464.
  • Lubbock, Sir J., on the antiquity of man, 2; on the origin of man, 3; on the mental capacity of savages, 65; on the origin of implements, 82; on the simplification of languages, 92; on the absence of the idea of God among certain races of