men, 94; on the origin of the belief in spiritual agencies, 95; on superstitions, 96; on the sense of duty, 97; on the practice of burying the old and sick among the Fijians, 102; on the immorality of savages, 119; on Mr. Wallace's claim to the origination of the idea of natural selection, 49; on the absence of remorse among savages, 131; on the former barbarism of civilised nations, 143; on improvements in the arts among savages, 144; on resemblances of the mental characters in different races of men, 178; on the arts practised by savages, 179; on the power of counting in primeval man, 180; on the prehensile organs of the male Labidocera Darwinii, 266; on Chloëon, 274; on Smynthurus luteus, 279; finding of new mates by jays, 407; on strife for women among the North American Indians, 561; on music, 570; on the ornamental practices of savages, 574; on the estimation of the beard among the Anglo-Saxons, 581; on artificial deformation of the skull, 583; on "communal marriages," 587, 588; on exogamy, 589, 592; on the Veddahs, 591; on polyandry, 593.
- Lucanidæ, variability of the mandibles in the male, 300.
- Lucanus, large size of males of, 278.
- cervus, numerical proportion of sexes of, 253; weapons of the male, 299.
- elaphus, use of mandibles of, 300; large jaws of male, 275.
- Lucas, Prosper, on pigeons, 418; on sexual preference in horses and bulls, 525.
- Lunar periods, 8, 164.
- Lund, Dr., on skulls found in Brazilian caves, 168
- Lungs, enlargement of, in the Quichua and Aymara Indians, 34; a modified swim-bladder, 161; different capacity of in races of man, 167.
- Luminosity in insects, 277.
- Luschka, Prof., on the termination of the coccyx, 23.
- Luxury, expectation of life uninfluenced by, 136.
- Lycœna, sexual differences of colouring in species of, 310.
- Lyell, Sir C., on the antiquity of man, 2; on the origin of man, 3; on the parallelism of the development of species and languages, 90; on the extinction of languages, 90; on the Inquisition, 141; on the fossil remains of vertebrata, 157; on the fertility of mulattoes, 171.
- Lynx, Canadian, throat-ruff of the, 521.
- Lyre-bird, assemblies of, 406.
- Macacus, ears of, 15; convoluted body in the extremity of the tail of, 23; variability of the tail in species of, 58; whiskers of species of, 531.
- brunneus, 59.
- cynomolgus, superciliary ridge of, 558; beard and whiskers of, becoming white with age, 559.
- ecaudatus, 60.
- lasiotus, facial spots of, 550.
- radiatus, 151.
- rhesus, sexual difference in the colour of, 539, 550.
- Macalister, Prof., on variations of the palmaris accessorius muscle, 27; on muscular abnormalities in man, 42, 43; on the greater variability of the muscles in men than in women, 223.
- Macaws, Mr. Buxton's observations on, 102; screams of, 375.
- McCann, J., on mental individuality, 84.
- McClelland, J., on the Indian Cyprinidæ, 343.
- Macculloch, Col., on an Indian village without any female children, 592.
- , Dr., on tertian ague in a dog, 8.
- Macgillivray, W., on the vocal organs of birds, 90; on the Egyptian goose, 365; on the habits of woodpeckers, 376; on the habits of the snipe, 377; on the whitethroat, 381; on the moulting of the snipes;