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- Mammals, recent and tertiary, comparison of cranial capacity of, 55; nipples of, 162; pursuit of female, by the males, 221; secondary sexual characters of, 500; weapons of, 501; relative size of the sexes of, 515; parallelism of, with birds in secondary sexual characters, 541; voices of, used especially during the breeding season, 567.
- Man, variability of, 26; erroneously regarded as more domesticated than other animals, 28; migrations of, 47; wide distribution of, 48; causes of the nakedness of, 57; supposed physical inferiority of, 64; a member of the Catarrhine group, 155; early progenitors of, 160; transition from ape indefinite, 180; numerical proportions of the sexes in, 215; difference between the sexes, 223; proportion of sexes amongst the illegitimate, 244; different complexion of male and female negroes, 556; secondary sexual characters of, 556; primeval condition of, 594.
- Mandans, correlation of colour and texture of hair in the, 197.
- Mandible, left, enlarged in the male of Taphroderes distortus, 276.
- Mandibles, use of the, in Ammophila, 275; large, of Corydalis cornutus, 275; large, of male Lucanus elaphus, 275.
- Mandrill, number of caudal vertebræ in the, 58; colours of the male, 538, 541, 550.
- Mantegazza, Prof., on last molar teeth of man, 20; bright colours in male animals, 224; on the ornaments of savages 573 et seq.; on the beardlessness of the New Zealanders, 581; on the exaggeration of natural characters by man, 582.
- Mantell, W., on the engrossment of pretty girls by the New Zealand chiefs, 595.
- Mantis, pugnacity of species of, 289.
- Maories, mortality of, 184; infanticide and proportion of sexes, 256; distaste for hairiness amongst men, 581.
- Marcus Aurelius, on the origin of the moral sense, 98; on the influence of habitual thoughts, 123.
- Mareca penelope, 414.
- Marks, retained throughout groups of birds, 427.
- Marriage, restraints upon, among savages, 46; influence of, upon morals, 119; influence of, on mortality, 139; development of, 590.
- Marriages, early, 138, 139; communal, 587, 589.
- Marshall, Dr. W., protuberances on birds' heads, 235, 383; on the moulting of birds, 393; advantage to older birds of paradise, 485.
- , Col., interbreeding amongst Todas, 189; infanticide and proportion of sexes with Todas, 255; choice of husbands amongst Todas, 593.
- , Mr., on the brain of a Bush-woman, 167.
- Marsupials, 157; development of the nictitating membrane in, 17; uterus of, 39; possession of nipples by, 162; their origin from Monotremata, 165; abdominal sacks of, 208; relative size of the sexes of, 515; colours of, 533.
- Marsupium, rudimentary, in male marsupials, 161.
- Martin, W. C. L., on alarm manifested by an orang at the sight of a turtle, 72; on the hair in Hylobates, 152; on a female American deer, 514; on the voice of Hylobates agilis, 527; onSemnopithecus nemœus, 552.
- , on the beards of the inhabitants of St. Kilda, 560.
- Martins deserting their young, 108.
- , C., on death caused by inflammation of the vermiform appendage, 21.
- Mastoid processes in man and apes, 53.
- Maudsley, Dr., on the influence of the sense of smell in man, 18; on idiots smelling their food, 36; on Laura Bridgman, 88; on the development of the vocal organs, 89; moral sense failing in incipient madness, 124; change of mental faculties at puberty in man, 565.
- Mayers, W. F., on the domestication of the goldfish in China, 343.
- Mayhew, E., on the affection between individuals of different sexes in the dog, 523.