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391; on the moulting of the Anatidæ, 393; on the finding of new mates by magpies, 407; on the pairing of a blackbird and thrush, 414; on pied ravens, 424; on the guillemots, 424; on the colours of the tits, 458; on the immature plumage of birds, 466 et seq.
- Machetes, sexes and young of, 485;
- pugnax, supposed to be polygamous, 219; numerical proportion of the sexes in, 248; pugnacity of the male, 360; double moult in, 390.
- McIntosh, Dr. colours of the Nemertians, 265.
- McKennan, marriage customs of Koraks, 598.
- Mackintosh, on the moral sense, 97.
- MacLachlan, R., on Apatania muliebris and Boreus hyemalis, 254; on the anal appendages of male insects, 275; on the pairing of dragon-flies, 279; on dragon-flies, 290, 291; on dimorphism in Agrion, 291; on the want of pugnacity in male dragon-flies, 291; colour of ghost-moth in the Shetland Islands, 316.
- McLennan, Mr., on infanticide, 46, 591; on the origin of the belief in spiritual agencies, 94; on the prevalence of licentiousness among savages, 119, 588; on the primitive barbarism of civilised nations, 143; on traces of the custom of the forcible capture of wives, 144, 592; on polyandry, 593.
- Macnamara, Mr., susceptibility of Andaman islanders and Nepâlese to change, 188.
- McNeill, Mr., on the use of the antlers of deer, 510; on the Scotch deerhound, 516; on the long hairs on the throat of the stag, 522; on the bellowing of stags, 526.
- Macropus, courtship of, 341.
- Macrorhinus proboscideus, structure of the nose of, 528.
- Magpie, power of speech of, 90; nuptial assemblies of, 406; new mates found by, 407; stealing bright objects, 413; young of the, 481; coloration of the, 493.
- Magpies, vocal organs of the, 370.
- Maillard, M., on the proportion of the sexes in a species of Papilio from Bourbon, 250.
- Maine, Sir Henry, on the absorption of one tribe by another, 128; a desire for improvement not general, 132.
- Major, Dr. C. Forsyth, on fossil Italian apes, 155; skull of Bos etruscus, 505; tusks of miocene pigs, 521.
- Makalolo, perforation of the upper lip by the, 576.
- Malar bone, abnormal division of, in man, 39.
- Malay, Archipelago, marriage-customs of the savages of the, 598.
- Malays, line of separation between the Papuans and the, 169; general beardlessness of the, 560; staining of the teeth among, 574; aversion of some, to hairs on the face, 581.
- and Papuans, contrasted characters of, 168.
- Male animals, struggles of, for the possession of the females, 212, 213; eagerness of, in courtship, 221, 222; generally more modified than female, 221, 223; differ in the, same way from females and young, 232.
- characters, developed in females, 227; transfer of, to female birds, 471.
- , sedentary, of a hymenopterous parasite, 221.
- Malefactors, 137.
- Males, presence of rudimentary female organs in, 162.
- and females, comparative numbers of, 213, 215; comparative mortality of, while young, 216.
- Malherbe, on the woodpeckers, 458.
- Mallotus peronii, 331.
- villosus, 331.
- Malthus, T., on the rate of increase of population, 44, 45, 46.
- Maluridæ, nidification of the, 454.
- Malurus, young of, 485.
- Mammæ, 208; rudimentary, in male mammals, 11, 23, 161, 162, 163; supernumerary, in women, 36; of male human subject, 37.
- Mammalia, Prof. Owen's classification of, 148; genealogy of the, 158.