210 Devon Notes and Qturies. window in the north wall is composed of three lancet-shaped lights. Inthesoutta wall of the nave there are two win- dows, one with three cusped Hghts (see sketch), the other with two only, also cusped. In the south wall of the chancel there is a single lancet- shaped light, in a deeply splayed em- brasure. All the windowsj have square-headed labels outside. Below the chancel window alluded to above, there is a square cavity in the thickness of the wall, extending below the present floor of the chancel to the ground level, and measuring about 4 feet by 3 feet. The use of this is not apparent, unless it contains a flue, now blocked up,in which case it might have been used for de- positing ceremonial tapers or candles after extinction. The Norman font is curious and has a domed wooden cover (see sketch). TheJ'pulpit, which is quite plain, with a domed sounding
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