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Devon Notes and Queries. 311 board, stands in the south-east corner of the nave. On the north wall hangs a board painted with the Royal Arms, tempo . George I. The bench ends, with the exception of four, are quite pl^n (see sketch). There is only ,^ one tablet, which is hung on the south wall, near the door. It is inscribed : — To the memory o£ JOHN DUNNING who died the 3rd of March 1778 aged 68. Also of ELIZABETH his wife who died the 3rd of Ocl. 1781 aged 68. And to the pirns memory of ANN DUNNING daughr of the Abve who Depd this Life the 39 of Jany. 1805 aged 44. The existing parish register dates from 1728. Of the Manor, Pole says, " Honichurch ; Will'm de Legh, Walter de Munyland, Adam, and Marget Honychurch, held on (one) kn^bt's fee in Honychurch, anno 27 of Kinge Henry 3 ; Raph de Honichurcli beid the same, anno 24 of Kinge Edw. i ; and Elias and Adam de Honychurch, anno 19 of Kinge Edw. 3. Patron of the church of Honychurch is

valewed 6/ 7s. %d. ob."*

Risdon says : — " The little parish of Honeyckurch was in the tenure of Walter Mymiland and Ralph de Honeychurch, in king Edward the first's age, of which place there is a family bearing the name yet remaining in this shire that in- heriteth here, and is patron of the church," t Westcote, in bis quaint way, says : — " Our river, in the way, leaves the little parish of Honey-Church, in elder times 'Pole's Collecliom, p. 356. iRisdon's Survey, Ed. i8it, p. 36a