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Page:Devon & Cornwall Notes & Queries.djvu/52

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Devon Notes and Queries. 31 continued from references in the wills of himself and some of his descendants. Sir Simon's will is a document of pro- digious length, but contains much valuable information. It opens with a more than usually elaborate disposition of his soul and body in the fashion of the time. From the will it appears he erected the monument in memory of his second wife Katharine who had predeceased him. He appointed one of his sons by her, Nicholas, and Henry Trosse to be his executors, and amongst other things stated that : — "My will & pleasure is that the executors of this my last will & testamt hereafter named shall invite such f rends as are neere allied vnto me in bloud and otherwise vnto m}* funerall furnishing each of them with decent mourning according to their discrecons And because I have some frends in London that I beleeve cannot well be att my funall yet may be pleased to wear some mourning weeds for mee I therefore give vnto my brother in law and sister Kate my brother in lawe George Turbervile and my brother in lawe Nicholas Tubervile & sister Margaret his wife fiftie pounds of lawfuU English money to be paled them forthwith vppon my decease And because that my brother in law George Turbervile was some- tyxncs my servant I further give and bequeath vnto the said George Turbervile the some of jj^ more to be paied him within one yeare next after my decease Item I give vnto my noble godsonne Willm Courtnay Sonne and heire of Francis Courtnay of Powderham Castle in the county of Devon Esq the some of x to buy him a hunting nagg withall desireing allmighty god to make my poore endeavours prosperous to that Hg^*« family and further because of the great disorder wch vsually attendeth on such solempnities by the flocking and repayring of a rude and disorderly multitude of poore people of which I myself have had too great experience for prvencon therefore of the same and the ease of my ezecators herein I do ordaine and give to the poore of the seuall pishes hereafter menconed the respective somes followeing vizt to the poore of Crediton iij To the poore of Sandford xl* To the poore of Stockley Pomy xx« To the poore of Tharvton xl* To the poore of Silverton xl» To the poore of Cadbury xx» To the poore of Bickleigh xx* To the poore of Tiverton iiij^ To the poore of Cheriton Fitzpaine iij** To the poore of Butterleigh zz* To the poore of Cruse Morchard xx' To the poore of Poughill xx* & vnto the poore of Cadleigh xi* the said somes soe given to be paied to the wardens & overseers of tthe poore of the seuall parrishes respectively or some of them within one weeke after my funall & by them to be dis- tributed to the poore of their several parrishes respectively the sunday followeing provided allwayes & vpon this condicon that yf the poore of all or any of the severall parrishes aforesaid shall notwithstanding resort vnto the house to the hurt and distraccon of my executors on the solemnizacon of my funerall That then my will is that the money given to such parrishes whose poore shall so repaire shalbe utterly void as if none such had bin att all bequeathed. and also directed that : — " For the special trust and confidence wch I have & repose in the said Nicholas Leach & Henry Trosse & their heires & for the greate zeale 8c good will wch I have & doe beare vnto the poore people wch now be & H-om t>'me to tyme shalbe inhabiting and dwelling within the parish of Cadleigh aforesaid and for and towards the continuall repayring of a monmnent wch I have erected and sett upp in the north east side of the Church of Cadleigh aforesaid when & as oft as need shalbe I do will