N.B. The terms Northern, Southern, or other dialects refer to Perth as a centre. V., Vasse; K.G.S., King George's Sound; denote that the word is chiefly used in that locality.
A, long, as in Fāther; ă, short, or a, at the end of a word, as the first a in Mămma. See preface.
Ăb, or Ăp.—An abbreviation of Ăbbin. A particle which, when affixed to words, expresses to be, or to become; as Djulăp, Bugorăp, Garrangăb, to become bad, or a champion, or angry.
Ăbba—A word of friendly salutation with the natives about Augusta, accompanied by the act of rubbing the breast with the hand, and spitting at the same time. This was, perhaps, at first a superstitious ceremony on their part, to avert any evil consequences which might ensue from holding any communication with beings whom they probably, at that time, considered to be preternatural. There does not appear to be any established mode of salutation customary among themselves. To hold up the open hands is used now by the white and black people as a sign of amity; but this is chiefly to show that the hand is unarmed, or the disposition friendly. Green boughs were presented to the settlers at York, by the natives, on the occasion of their first interview.
Ăbbin—Getting; becoming. Gwabbăbbin, becoming good; Durdakabbin, getting well, recovering from sickness.
Adjo, p.p.—I, an imperfect pronunciation of Ngadjo.
Adjul—I will. See Ngadjul.
Ăk, or Ok—Of; an affix denoting possession–as Winatak Gatta, the head of Winat.
Allija, or Alli, pron.—It; that is it.
Amar, s.—A hole or pool of water in a rock. In many parts of the country, where there are no rivers nor springs, the water from the winter rains is retained in deep crevices or holes worn into the surface of the rock. These reservoirs are carefully noted, and are relied upon as the principal resources of the natives, in dry and rocky situations, during the summer months.
Ăn, or Annin—An affix used to express action, or the act of doing; as Gurad, short; Guaradan, shorten, or make short; Minytwallakannin, to put a new face on; to alter.