Ăng, affix—Of; from; out of; belonging to; and when the antecedent ends in a vowel, some consonant is often interposed for sound's sake; as Gabbi, water; Gabbilang, aquatic; Juko, Jukobang; Bilo, Bilorbang.
Anga, s.—The beard. See Nganga.
Anna, p.p.—Me. See Nganna.
Anya, p.p.—I. See Nganya.
Ăp, or Up—An affix used to denote a locality fit for, or used as, a resting place; as Mangaga ăp, the resting place at Mangaga.
Ardă, ad.—Gratuitously, without object; idly; merely; only; nothing particular. This is a word of very frequent use. What are you doing? Nothing. Where are you going? Nowhere. What do you want? Nothing. In all such cases Ardă is the proper answer.
Ardak, ad. | } | Low down; downwards.—See Ngardak. |
Ardăkăt V. |
Arndin, or Arndinyang, a.—(V.) Sick; ill; sore.
Observe! The sounds of B and P are in so many instances used indiscriminately or interchangeably, that it is frequently difficult to distinguish which sound predominates. The predominant sound varies in different districts. The same is to be remarked of D and T, and also of K and G. See [[../../Preface|Preface]].
Babba, a.—Weak; languid; wanting strength; as Bidibabba, weak-veined; unwell; too weak or tired to do anything.
Babbalyă, s.—Pudenda puellulæ.
Babbangwin, s.—Lightning.
Babbin, s.—A friend.
Babilgun, s.—A species of bat.
Badbadin—Pitpatting; from Bardo to go.
Badjang, s.—Matter from a boil or sore. From their temperate habits, all wounds heal with surprising facility; but sometimes sores, like scrofulous eruptions, break out, which do not heal readily, and from want of cleanliness become very offensive, and render the afflicted individual a disgusting object, sometimes wasting him to death by a lingering and loathsome disease.
Badto, s.—(S) Water.
Băk—An affirmative particle always used as an affix, meaning indeed; as Bundobăk, true indeed; Gwabbabăk, good indeed, very good.
Băkadjin, s.—A contest; a fight; throwing of spears.
Băkadju, v.—Pres. part., Băkadjin; past tense, Băkudjăga; to fight; to quarrel.
Bakkan, v.—Pres. part., Bakkanin; past tense, Bakkanăga. To bite; to ache; to pain.
Bal, p.p.—The third person singular of all genders; he; she; it.