Crea. One John Baxter, a Neighbour of mine,told me, he had been at Pocklington Fair in Yorkſhire, and lying all Night at Brough, he happened to hear of a Man that was taken up and ſent to the Houſe of Correction at Beverley, for ſhooting a Game-Cock, who had ſuch a Mate and Foal as mine: Upon which Information I came to Ferraby near Beverley, and put up my Horſe at Richard Graſby's, who keeps a Publick Houſe; and began to enquire of him about my Mare and Foal? Who told me, there was ſuch a like Mare and Foal in their Neighbourhood; which I thought, by the Deſcription he gave me, to be mine; to then I told him, I was come to enquire about ſuch a Mare and Foal.
Coun. Did you know the Marks of the Mare and Foal, as he deſcribed them to you?
Crea. Yes, I did; and told him theſe Marks agreed with my Mare and Foal, before I did ſee them.
Coun. Was it when your Neighbour came home, you made this Inquiry?
Crea. Yes, it was, and by this Information of his, I went to Ferraby, and gave the Landlord and People an Account of their, Marks.
Court. Deſcribe their Marks.
Crea. She was a Black Mare, blind of the near Eye, having a little White on the near Fore-Foot, and alſo the near Hind—Foot, a little above the Hoof, and ſcrath'd, (greaſed) on both the Hind-Feet, and the near Fore-Foot, with I's, or Marks reſembling that Letter, burnt on the-near Shoulder, and a Star on the Forehead.