Coun. How long have you had her?
Crea. I did breed her myſelf, and kept her ’till ſhe was ten Years old.
Court. Did you give this Account to Richard Graſsby, before he ſhewed you her?
Crea. Yes, I did.
Court. Had the Foal any Marks?
Crea. Yes, it was a black Ball.
Court. Where did you ſee her?
Crea. At the Stable Door, they fetcht her out to me, and I knew her.
Court. From all theſe Marks are you very poſtive the Mare and Foal were yours?
Crea. Yes, I am ſure they were mine.
Court. Did you receive them at that Time?
Crea. No, I did not get them then.
Court. Are you ſure the Mare and Foal were yours?
Crea. Yes, indeed I am.
Court. When you came to Ferraby, did you tell theſe Marks, or the Deſcription of them, and to whom?
Crea. Yes, indeed, I told them to Richard Graſsby, the Landlord.
Court to the Priſoner. Have you any queſtions to aſk this Witneſs? You have heard what he has ſaid againſt you.
Priſoner. I cannot ſay any Thing, for I have not any Witneſſes come this Day, as I expected, therefore beg your Lordſhip to put off my Trial ‘till another Day.
Court. We cannot now put off this Affair; if you had ſpoke and deſired a reaſonable Time before the Jury was ſworn and charged, it might