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188 ANTIGONUS. should keep possession of Thrace and Egypt re- spectively, and that Antigonus should have the government of all Asia. The name of Seleucus, strangely enough, does not appear in the treaty. This peace, however, did not last more than a year. Ptolemy was the first to break it, under pretence that Antigonus had not restored to liberty the Greek cities in Asia Minor, and accordingly sent a fleet to Cilicia to dislodge the garrisons of Antigonus from the maritime towns, (a c. 310.) Ptolem}' was at first successful, but was soon deprived of all he had gained by the conquests <.f Demetrius (Poliorcetes), the son of Antigonus. Meanwhile, however, the whole of Greece was in the power of Cassandcr, and Demetrius was therefore sent with a large fleet to effect a diversion in his father's favour. Demetrius met with little opposi- tion ; he took possession of Athens in B. c. 307, where he was received with the most extravagant flattery. He also obtiined possession of Megara, and would probably have become master of the whole of Greece, if ho had not been recalled by his father to oppose Ptolemy, who had gained the island of Cyprus. The fleet of Demetrius met that of Ptolemy off the city of Salamis in Cyprus, and a battle ensued, which is one of the most memora- ble of the naval engagements of antiquity. Pto- lemy was entirely defeated (b. c. 30()), and Anti- gonus assumed in consequence the title of king, and the diadem, the symbol of royal power in Persia, He also conferred the same title upon Demetrius, between whom and his father the most cordial friendship and unanimity always prevailed. The example of Antigonus was followed by Ptole- my, Lysimachus, and Seleucus, who are from this time designated as kings. The city of Antigoneia on the Orontes in Syria was founded by Antigonus in the preceding yejir (b. c. 307). Antigonus thought that the time had now come for cnishing Ptolemy. He accordingly invaded Kgypt with a large force, but his invasion was as unsuccessful as Cassander's had been : he was oldiged to retire with great loss. (b. c. 306.) He next sent Demetrius to besiege Rhodes, which had refused to assist him against Ptolemy, and had hitherto remained neutPcd. Although Demetrius made the most extraordinary efforts to reduce the place, he was completely baffled by the energy and perseverance of the besieged ; and was therefore glad, at the end of a year's siege, to make peace with the Rhodians on terms very favourable to the latter. («. c. 304.) While Demetrius was engaged against Rhodes, Cassjinder had recovered his for- mer power in Greece, and this was one reason that made Antigonus anxious that his son should make peace with the Rhodians. Demetrius crossed over into Greece, and after gaining possession of the principal cities without much difficulty, col- lected an assembly of deputies at Corinth (b. c. 303), which conferred upon him the Scime title that had formerly been bestowed upon Philip and Alexander. He now prepared to march north- wards against Cassander, who, alarmed at his dan- gerous position, sent proposals of peace to Antigo- nus. The proud answer was, "Cassander must yield to the pleasure of Antigonus." But Cassan- der had not sunk so low as this : he sent ambas- sadors to Seleucus and Ptolemy for assistance, and induced Lysimachus to invade AsiajMinor in order to mrike an innnediate diversion in his favour. Antigonus proceeded in person to oppose Lysima- ANTIGONUS. chus, and endeavoured to force him to an engage- ment before the arrival of Seleucus from upper Asia. But in this he could not succeed, and the campaign accordingly passed away without a bat- tle, (b. c. 302.) During the winter, Seleucus joined Lysimachus, and Demetrius came from Greece to the assistance of his father. The deci- sive battle took place in the following year (b. c. 301), near Ipsus in Phrygia. Antigonus fell in the battle, in the eighty-first year of his age, and his army was completely defeated. Demetrius escaped, but was unable to restore the fortunes of his house. [Demetruts.] The dominions of Antigonus were divided between the conquerors : Lysimachus obtained the greater part of Asia Minor, and Seleucus the countries between the coast of Syria and the Euphrates, together with a part of Phrygia and Cappadocia. (Died. lib. yv»ii.- XX. ; Plut. Eumenes and Demetrius ; Droy*en, Geschichte der Nachfolger Aleaundcrs; Thirl wall's Greece^ vol. vii.) The head on the following coin of Antigonus, Frohlich supposes to be Neptune's, but Eckhel thinks that it represents Dionysus, and that the coin was struck by Antigonus after his naval vic- tory off C3'prus, in order to shew that he should subdue all his enemies, as Dionysus had conquered his in India. (Eckhel, vol. ii. p. 110.) ANTI'GONUS ('Ai'TtVi/os), of Caryst us, is supposed by some to have lived in the reign of Ptolemaeus Philadelphus, and by others in that of Euergetes. Respecting his life nothing is known, but we possess by him a work called IcrTopiSju irapadS^cov (Tvuayfayq (^I [ixtoriae Mirabiles)^ which consists for the most part of extracts from the " Auscultationes " attributed to Aristotle, and from similar works of Callimachus, Timaeus, and others which are now lost. It is only the circumstance that he has thus preserved extracts from other and better works, that gives any value to this compila- tion of strange stories, which is evidently made without skill or judgment. It was first edited, together with Antoninus Liboralis, by Xj-lander, Basel, 15G8, 8vo. The best editions are those of Meursius, Lugd. Bat. 1G19, 4to., and of J. Beck- mann, Leipzig, 1791, 4to. Antigonus also wrote an epic poem entitled 'Ai/TiTrarpos, of which two lines are preserved in Athenaeus. (iii. p. 82.) The Anthologia Graeca (ix. iOG) contains an epigram of Antigonus. [L. S.] ANfl'GONUS ('AvTt'yoj'os), of Cumak, in Asia ]Iinor, a Greek writer on agriculture, who is referred to by Pliny {Elench. libb. viii. xiv. xv. xvii,), Varro {De lie Hud. i. 1), and Columella (i. 1), but whose age is unknown. [L. S.] ANTI'GONUS DOSON (^Avriyovos Awawv), so called because it was said he was always about to give but never did, was the son of Olympias of Larissa and Demetrius of Cyrene, v.-ho was a son of Demetrius Poliorcetts and a brother of Aiiti^o-