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A NT ICON us. mis Gonatas. [Antigonidae.] On the death ot* Demetrius II., n.c. 2-2;), Antigonus was ap- pointed guardian of his son Philip, whence he was sometimes designated by the surname 'Eni- rpoTTos. (Athen. vi. p. 251, d. ; Liv. xl. 54.) lie married tlie widow of Demetrius, and ahnost immediately afterwards assumed the crown in his own nght. At the commencement of his reign he was engaged in wars against the bar- barians on the borders of Macedonia, but after- wards took an active part in the affairs of Greece. He supported Aratus and tlie Achaean league against Cleomenes, king of Sparta, and the Aeto- lians, and was completely successful. He defeated Cleomenes, and took Sparta, but was recalled to Macedonia by an invasion of the lllyrians. He defeated the lllyrians, and died in the same year (u. c. 220), after a reign of nine years. Polybius speaks favourably of his character, and commends him for his wisdom and moderation. He was suc- » ecded by Philip. V. (Justin, xxviii. 3, 4 ; Pint. A rat. and Cleom.; Polyb. iL 45, &c., 70; Niebuhr, Kleine Sckri/ien, p. 232, &c.) [Aratus ; Cleo- MENES.] ANTI'GONUS {'Avrlyovoi), son of -Eciiec- RATES, the brother of Antigonus Doson, revealed to Philip v., king of Macedonia, a few months before his death, B. c. 179, the false accusations of his son Perseus against his other son Demetrius, in consequence of which Philip had put the latter to death. Indignant at the conduct of Perseus, Philip appointed Antigonus his successor ; but on his death Perseus obtained possession of the throne, and caused Antigonus to be killed. (Liv. xl. 54- 58.) ANTI'GONUS GO'NATAS CAvrlyovos Fo- vards), son of Demetrius Poliorcetes and Phila (the daughter of Antipater), and grandson of An- tigonus, king of Asia. [Antigonidae.] When his father Demetrius was driven out of Mace- donia by Pyrrhus, in B. c. 287, and crossed over into Asia, Antigonus remained in Pelopon- nesus ; but he did not assume the title of king of Macedonia till after his father's death in Asia in B. c. 283. It was some years, how- ever, before he obtained possession of his pa- ternal dominions. Pyrrhus was deprived of the kingdom by Lysimachus (b. c. 286); Lysimachus was succeeded by Seleucus (280), who was mur- dered by Ptolemy Ceraunus. Ceraunus shortly after fell in battle against the Gaids, and during the next three years there was a succession of claimants to the throne. Antigonus at last ob- tained possession of the kingdom in 277, notwith- standing the opposition of Antiochus, the son of Seleucus, who laid claim to the crown in virtue of his father's conquests. But he withdrew his claim on the marriage of his half-sister, Phila, with Antigonus. He subsequently defeated the Gauls, and continued in possession of his king- dom till the return of Pyrrhus from Italy in 273, who deprived him of the whole of Macedonia, with the exception of a few places. He recovered his dominions in the following year (272) on the death of Pyrrhus at Argos, but was again de- prived of them by Alexander, the son of Pyrrhus. Alexander, however, did not retain possession of the country long, and was compelled to retire by the conquests of Demetrius, the brother or son of Antigonus, who now obtained jwrt of Kpeirus in addition to his paternal dominions. He ANTIGONUS. 183 subsequently attempted to prevent the formation of the Achaean league, and died in B. c. 239, at the age of eighty, after a reign of forty-four years. He was succeeded by Demetrius II, {V]ut. Vemctr. 51, Pi/rr/ms 26; Justin, xxiv. 1, xxv. 1 — 3, xxvi. 2 ; Polyb. ii. 43, &c. ; Lucian, Afacrolj. c. 1 1 ; Niebuhr, Kleine Schri/ten, p. 227, &;c.) Antigonus* surname Gonatas is usually derived from Gonnos or Gonni in Thessaly, which is supposed to have been the place of his birth or education. Niebuhr (I.e.), however, remarks, that Thessaly did not come into his father's possession till Antigonus had grown up, and he thinks that Gonatas is a Macedonian word, the same as the Romaic yoparas, which signifies an iron plate protecting the knee, and that Antigonus obtained this surname from wearing such a piece of defensive annour. COIN OP ANTIGONUS GONATAS. ANTI'GONUS ('A1/T170J/0S), king of Judaea, the son of Aristobulus II. and the last of the Mac- cabees who s<t on the royal throne. After his fa- ther had been put to death by Pompey's party, Antigonus was driven out of Judaea by Antipater and his sons, but was not able to obtain any assist- ance from Caesar's party. He was at length re- stored to the throne by the Parthians in B. c. 40. Herod, the son of Antipater, fled to Rome, and obtained from the Romans the title of king of Judaea, through the influence of Antony. Herod now marched against Antigonus, whom he defeated, and took Jerusalem, with the assistance of the Roman general Sosius, after a long and obstinate siege. Antigonus surrendered himself to Sosius, who hand- ed him over to Antony. Antony had him executed at Antioch as a common malefactor in B. c. 37. (Joseph. Aniiq. xiv. 13-16, B. J. i. 13, 14; Diou Cass. xlix. 22. Respecting the difference in chro- nology between Josephus and Dion Cassius, see Wemsdorf, de Fule Librorum Maccah. p. 24, and Ideler, Chronol. ii. p. 389, &c.) ANTI'GONUS i^kvriyovos)., a writer on paint- • ING, mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (vii. 12), is perhaps the same as the sculptor, whom we know to have written on statuary. [P. S.] ANTI'GONUS, a general of Perseus in the war with the Romans, was sent to Aenia to guard the coast. (Liv. xliv. 26, 32.) ANTI'GONUS, a Greek sculptor, and an eminent writer upon his art, was one of the artists who represented the battles of Attains and Eumenes against the Gauls. (Plin. xxxiv. 19. § 24.) He lived, therefore, about 239 B. c, when Attains I., king of Pergamus, conquered the Gauls. A little further on, Pliny (§ 26) says, "Antigonus et pe- rixyomenon, tyrannicidasque supra dictos," where one of the best MSS. has "Antignotus et luctatores, perixvomenon," &c. [P. S.] ANTI'GONUS {"hvTiyovos), a Greek army SURGEON, mentioned by Galen, who must therefore have lived in or before the second century after Christ. (Galen, De Compos. Medicam. sec. Locos, ii. 1, vol. xii. pp. 557, 580.) Marcellus Empiricua quotes a physician of the same name, who may