190 ANTIMACHUS. very possibl}' be the same person (Marc. Erapir. Dc Medicam. c, 8. pp. 266, 267, 274) ; and Lucian mentions an impudent quack named Antigonus, ■who among other things said, that one of his pa- tients had been restored to life after having been bmifd for twenty days. (Luc. Philopseudes^ §§2], 25, 26. vol. iii. ed. tauchn.) [W. A. G.] ANTI'LEON ('Ai/TiAe'wj/), a Greek author who wrote a work on chronology (Tlepl Xpovav)^ the second book of which is referred to by Diogenes Laertius. (iii. 3.) Whether he is the same per- son as the Antileon mentioned by Pollux (ii. 4, 151) is uncertain. [L. S.] ANTl'LOCHUS ('Ai'TtAoxoj), a son of Nestor, king of Pylos, by Anaxibia (Apollod. i. 9. § 9), or according to the Odj'sscy (iiu 451), by Eury- dice. Hyginus {Fab. 252) states, that as an infant he was exposed on mount Ida, and suckled by a dog. He is mentioned among the suitors of Helen. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 8.) According to the Homeric account, he accompanied his father to Troy, but Nestor being advised by an oracle to guard his son against an ICthiopian, gave him Chalion as his constant attendant (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1697.) Antilochus appears in the Ho- meric poems as one of the youngest, handsomest, and bravest among the Greeks, .and is beloved by Achilles. (Or/, iii. 112 ; //. xxiii. 556, 607, xviii. 16.) He fell at Trov by the hands of Memnon, the Ethiopian. (CW."iv/l86, &c , xi. 522; Find. Pi/th. vi. 32, &c.) Hyginus, in one passage {Fah. 112) states that he was slain by Memnon, and in another {Fab. 1 13) he makes Hector his conqueror. The remains of Antilochus were buried by the Ride of those of his friends Achilles and Patroclus {Od. xxiv. 78), and in Hades or the island of Leuce he likewise accompanied his friends. {Od. xxiv. 16; Pans. iii. 19. § 1 1.) Philostratus (//er. iii. 2) gives a different account of him. When Nestor went to Troy, his son was yet too young to ac- company him ; but in the course of the war he came to Troy and applied to Achilles to soothe the anger of his father at his unexpected arrival. Achilles was delighted with the beauty and the Avarlike spirit of the youth, and Nestor too was proud of his son, and took him to Agamemnon. According to Philostratus, Antilochus was not slain by the Ethiopian Memnon, but by a Trojan of tliat name. Achilles not only avenged his death on Memnon, but celebrated splendid funeral games, and burnt the head and armour of Memnon on the funeral pyre, (Comp. Biickh, ad Find. p. 299.) Antilochus was painted by Polygnotus in the Lesche of Delphi. (Pans. x. 30. § 1 ; Philostr. Icon. ii. 7.) [L. S.] ANTl'LOCHUS ('Avt/Aoxos), a Greek histo- rian, who wrote an account of the Greek philoso- phers from the time of Pythagoras to the death of Epicurus, whose system he himself adopted. (Clem. Alex. Strom, i. p. 1 33.) He seems to be the same as the Antilogus mentioned by Dionj'sius of Hali- carnassus. {De Comp. Verb. 4 ; comp. Anonym. Descript. Oli^mp. xlix.) Theodoret {Therap. viii. p. 908) quotes an Antilochus as his authority for placing I he tomb of Cecrops on the acropolis of Athens, but as Clemens of Alexandria {Frotrept. p. 13) and Amobius {adr. Gent. vi. 6) refer for the same fact to a writer of the name of Antiochus, there mav pnssiblv be an error in Theodoret. fL. S.] ANTIM A'CHIDES. architect. [Antistates.] ANTl'MACHUS ('A^'Tmax^s), a Trojan, who, ANTIMACHUS. when ^lenelaus and Odysseus came to Troy to ask for the surrender of Helen, advised his countrymen to put the ambassadors to death. (Hom. 11. xi. 122, &c., 138, &c.) It was Antimachus who principally insisted upon Helen not being restored to the Greeks. {11. xi. 125.) He had three sons, and when two of them, Peisander and Hippolochus, fell into the hands of Menelaus, they were both put to death. There are three other mythical personages of this name. (Hygin. Fah. 170 ; Schol. ad Find, hihm. iv. 104 ; Ov. Met. xii. 460.) [L. S.] ANTl'MACHUS {^ P^mifjiaxos). l.Of Claros, a son of Hipparchus, was a Greek epic and elegiac poet. (Cic. Brut. 51 ; Ov. Tri^t. . 6. 1.) He is usu.illy called a Colophonian, probably only because Claros belonged to the dominion of Colo- phon. He flourished during the latter period of the Peloponnesiau war. (Diod. xiii. 108.) The statement of Suidas that he was a disciple of Pan- 3'asis would make him belong to an earlier date, but the fact that he is mentioned in connexion with Lysander and Plato the philosopher suffi- ciently indicates the age to which he belonged. (Plut. Lysand. 18 ; Proclus, ml Plat. Tim.i. p. 28.) Plutarch relates that at the Lysandria — for thus the Samians called their great festival of the Heraea, to honour Lysander — Antimachus entered upon a poetical contest with one Niceratus of Heracleia, The latter obtained the prize from Lj'sander him- self, and Antimachus, disheartened by his failure, destroj-ed his own poem. Plato, then a 3'oung man, happened to be present, and consoled the unsuccessful poet by saying, that ignorance, like blindness, was a misfortune to those who laboured under it. The meeting between Antimachus and Plato is related differently by Cicero (/. c), who also places it manifestly at a different time and probably also at a different place ; for, according to him, Antimachus once read to a numerous audience his voluminous poem (Thebais), and his hearers were so wearied with it, that all gradually left the place with the exception of Plato, whereupon the poet said, " I shall nevertheless continue to read, for one Plato is worth more than all the thousands of other hearers." Now an anecdote similar to the one related by Cicero is recorded of Antagoras the Rhodian [Antagoras], and this repetition of the same occurrence, together with other improba- bilities, have led Welcker {Der Episclie Cydus., p. 105, &c.) to reject the two anecdotes altogether as inventions, made either to show the uninteresting character of those epics, or to insinuate that, al- though they did not suit the taste of the multitude, they were duly appreciated by men of learning and intelligence. The only other circumstance of the life of Anti- machus that we know is, his love for Lyde, who was either his mistress or his wife. He followed her to Lj'dia ; but she appears to have died soon after, and the poet returned to Colophon and sought consolation in the composition of an elegy called Lyde, which was very celebrated in an- tiquity. (Athen. xiii. p. 598 ; Brunck, Anakct. i. p. 219.) This elegy, which was very long, con- sisted of accounts of the misfortunes of all the mvthical heroes who, like the poet, had become unfortunate through the early death of their be- loved. {Flxit. Cansol. ad Apollon. -p. 106, h.) It thus contained vast stores of mythical and anti- quarian information, and it was chiefly for this and
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