200 ANTIOCHUS. the whole of Syria ; but his claims were resisted by Seleucus,the eldest son of AntiochusriII.,by whom he was killed in battle, b. c. 95. He left behind him a son, Antiochus Eusebes, who succeeded to the throne. (Justin, Appian, Joseph. 11. cc. ; Eck- hel, iii. p. 241, &c.) The reverse of the foregoing coin is the same as that of Antiochus VII. ANTI'OCHUS X. {'AvTioxos), king of Syria, suniamed EUSEBES (Ewo-egTjs), and on coins. Philopator (*iAo7roTwp) also, succeeded to the throne on the death of his father Antiochus IX. B. c. 95. He defeated Seleucus, who conquered his father, and compelled him to fly into Cilicia, where he perished; but he then had to contend with the next two brothers of Seleucus, Philip and Antiochus Epipbanes, the latter of whom assumed the title of king, and is known as the eleventh king of Syria of this name. In a battle fouglit near the Orontes, Antiochus X. defeated Philip and Antiochus XL, and the latter was drowned in the river. The crown was now assumed by Philip, who continued to prosecute the war assisted by his brother, Demetrius Eucaerus. The Syrians, worn out with these civil broils, offered the kingdom to Tigranes, king of Annenia, who accordingly took possession of Syria in b. c. 8.3, and ruled over it till he was defeated by Lucullus in B. c. 09. The time of the death of Antiochus X. is uncertain. He appears, however, to have fallen in battle against the Parthians, before Tigranes obtained possession of Syria, (Joseph. Antiq. xiii. 13. § 4.) According to some accounts he survived the reign of Tigranes, and returned to his kingdom after the conquest of the latter by Lucullus (Euseb. p. 192 ; Justin, xl. 2) ; but these accounts ascribe to Anti- ochus X. what belongs to his son Antiochus XIII. (See Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. pp. 338, 340.) Jupiter is represented on the reverse of the annexed coin in that of Antiochus IV. COIN OF ANTIOCHUS X. ANTI'OCHUS XL ('Avn'oxos), king of Syria, sumaraed EPIPHANES ('E7r4a>'r?s), was the son of Antiochus VIIL, and is spoken of under An- tiochus X. coin of antiochus XI. ANTI'OCHUS XIL(*AvTioxos),king of Syria, surnamed DIONYSUS {Aiowaos), and on coins Philopator Callinicus (*io7raTw/j KaKKiviKos) also. ANTIOPE. the youngest son of Antiochus VIIL, assumed the title of king after his brother Demetrius had been taken prisoner by the Parthians. He fell in battle against Aretas, king of the Arabians. (Joseph. Ant. xiii. 15. § I; Eckhel, iii. p. 246, &c.) coin of antiochus XII. ANTI'OCHUS XIIL, king of Syria, sur- named ASIATICUS ('Ao-taTiKJs), and on coins Dionysus Philopator Callinicus (J^i6vvctos ^io- iroT&jp KakXiviKos)^ was the son of Antiochus X. and Selene, an Egyptian princess. He repaired to Rome during the time that Tigranes had posses- sion of Syria, and passed through Syria on his re- turn during the government of Verres. (b. c. 73-71.) On the defeat of Tigranes in B. c. 09., Lucullus allowed Antiochus Asiaticus to take possession of tile kingdom ; but he was deprived of it in B. c. G5 by Pompey, who reduced Sicily to a Roman pro- vince. In this year the Seleucidae ceased to reign. (Appian, Syr. 49, 70 ; Cic. in Verr. iv. 27, 28, 30 ; Justin, xl. 2.) Some writers suppose, that Antio- chus Asiaticus afterwards reigned as king of Com- niagene, but there are not sufficient reasons to sup- port this opinion. [Antiochus L, king of Com- magene.] coin of antiochus xiii. For the history and chronology of the Syrian kings in general, see Frbhlich, Annales Si/riae, ^'c. ; Vaillant, Sclcucidarum Imperium., S^c. ; Niebuhr, Klcitte Schriften, Ilistorischer Geimin aus der arnmiisclien Uebersetzung der Clironik des Eusebius ; Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. Appendix, c. 3. ANTION ('Ai/TiW), a son of Periphas and Astyageia, and husband of Perimela, by whom he became the father of Ixion. (Died. iv. 09 ; Schol. ud Find. Pyth. ii. 39.) [L. S.] ANTI'OPE ('Ai/Tw'Trr/). 1. A daughter of Nycteus and Polyxo (Apollod. iii. 5. § 5, 10. § 1), or of the river god Asopus in Boeotia. {Odyss. xi. 260 ; Apollon. Rhod. i. 735.) She became by Zeus the mother of Amphion and Zethus. [Am- phion.] Dionysus threw her into a state of mad- ness on account of the vengeance which her sons had taken on Dirce. In this condition she wan- dered about through Greece, until Phociis, the grandson of Sisyphus, cured and married her. She was buried with Phocus in one common tomb. (Paus. ix. 17. § 4.) 2. An Amazon, a sister of Hippolyte, who mar- ried Theseus, (Paus. i. 2. § 1, 41. § 7.) Accord- ing to Servius(a(/^e«. xi. 661), she was a daughter of Hippolyte. Diodorus (iv. 16) states, that The- seus received her as a present from Heracles.
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