ANTIPATER. When subsequently Attica was invaded by the Amazons, Antiope fought with Theseus against tlieni, and died the death of a heroine by his side. (Conip. Diod. iv. 28; Phit. Thes. 26, 27.) Ac- cording to Hyginus {Fah. 241) Antiope was a daughter of Ares, and was killed by Theseus him- self in consequence of an oracle. 3. A daughter of Pylon or Pylaon, was married to Eurytus, by whom she became the mother of the Argonauts Iphitus .and Clytius. She is also called Antioche. (ApoUon. Rhod. i. 86 ; Hygin. Fab. 14, with Muncker's note.) 4. A daughter of Aeolus, by whom Poseidon begot Boeotus and Hellen. (Hygin. Fab. 157; Diod. iv. 67, who calls the mother of these two heroes Arne.) [Aeolus.] Two other mythical personages of this name oc- cur in ApoUod. ii. 7. § 8, and in Serv. ad Aen. vi. 46, though Servius seems to confound Antiope with Anteia, the wife of Proetus. [L. S.] ANTl'PATER, a celebrated chaser of silver. (Plin. xxxiii. 55.) [P. S.j ANTl'PATER ('Ai/TiTroTpo?), a writer on the interpretation of dreams (Owezz-ocriVica), mentioned by Artemidorus. {Oneir. iv. 64.) [L. S.] ANTl'PATER {'kvTiirarpos), of Acanthus, a Greek grammarian of uncertain date (Ptolem. Heph. ap. Phot. Cod. 190; Eustath. ad Horn. Od. xi. p. 45.3), who is probably the same as the one mentioned by the Scholiast on Aristophanes. {Av. 1403.) , , , [L- S.] ANTl'PATER ('ArTiTraTpoj), an Astrologer or mathematician, who wrote a work upon geneth- lialogia, in which he endeavoured to explain man's fate, not from the circumstances under which he was bom, but from those under which he had been conceived. (Vitruv. ix. 7.) [L. S.] ANTI'PATER('Aj'Tt7raTpos), bishop of Bostra in Arabia, flourished about 460 A. D. His chief work was 'AvTlpprjffis, a reply to Pamphilus's Apo- logy for Origen, some fragments of which are con- tained in the Acts of the 2nd council of Nice. He also wrote a homily on John the Baptist, and some other discourses. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. x. p. 518; Cave, Hist. Litt. sub ann. 460.) [P. S.] ANTIPATER ('Ai/Tt'TraTpos), the father of Cassander, was an officer in high favour with Philip of Macedon (Just. ix. 4), who after his vic- tory at Chaeroneia, B. c. 338, selected him to con- duct to Athens the bones of the Athenians who had fallen in the battle. (Just. I. c; Polyb. v. 10.) He joined Parmenion in the ineffectual advice to Alexander the Great not to set out on his Asiatic expedition till he had provided by marriage for the succession to the throne (Diod xvii. 16) ; and, on the king's departure, b. c. 334, he was left regent in Macedonia. (Diod. xvii. 17; Arr. Anab. i. p. 12, a.) In b. c. 331 Antipater suppressed the Thracian rebellion under Memnon (Diod. xvii. 62), and also brought the war with the Spartans under Agis III. to a successful termination. (See p. 72, b.) It is with reference to this event that we first find any intimation of Alexander's jealousy of Antipater — a feeling which was not improbably produced or fostered by the representations of Olympias, and perhaps by the known sentiments of Antipater himself. (Curt. vi. 1. § 17, &c., x. 10. § 14; Pint. Ages. p. 604, b., Alex. pp. 688, c, 705, f. ; Perizon, mi Ael. V. H. xii. 16 ; Thirl w. 6>. Hist. vol. viu p. 89 ; but see Plut. Plutc. p. 749, e. ; Ael V. H. i. 25.) Whether, however, ANTIPATER. 201 from jealousy or from the necessity of guarding against the evil consequences of the dissensions between Olympias and Antipater, the latter was ordered to lead into Asia the fresh troops required by the king, B.c. 324, while Craterus, under whom the discharged veterans were sent home, was ap- pointed to the regency in Macedonia. (Arr. vii. p. 155 ; Pseudo-Curt. x. 4. § 9, &c.; Just. xii. 12.) The story which ascribes the death of Alexander, B c. 323, to poison, and implicates Antipater and even Aristotle in the plot, is perhaps sufficiently refuted by its own intrinsic absurdity, and is set .aside .as false by and Plutarch. (Diod. xvii. 118; P.aus. viii. 18 ; T{ic. Ann. ii. 73; Curt. x. 10. §14, &c. ; Arr. vii. p. 167 ; Plut. Alex, ad fin. ; Liv. viii. .3 ; Diod. xix. 1 1 ; Athen. x. p. 434, c.) On Alexander's death, the regency of M.acedonia was assigned to Antipater, and he forthwith found himself engaged in a w,ar with a strong confederacy of Grecian states with Athens at their head. At first he was defeated by Leosthenes, and besieged in Lamia, whence he even sent an embassy to Athens with .in unsuccessful application for peace. (Diod. xviii. 3, 12, 18 ; Pans. i. 25 ; Just. xiii. 5 ; Plut. Phoc. p. 752, b., Demosth. p. 858, d.) The approach of Leonnatus obliged the Athenians to raise the siege, and the death of that general, who was defeated by Antiphilus (the successor of Leos- thenes), and who wjis in le.ague against the regent with Olj'mpias, was far more an adv.antage than a loss to Antipater. (Diod. xviii. 14, 15 ; Just. xiii. 5 ; Plut. Etim. p. 584, d. e.) Being joined by Craterus, he defeated the confederates at Cranon, and succeeded in dissolving the le.igue by the pru- dence and moderation with which he at first used his victory. Athens herself was obliged to pur- chase peace by the abolition of democracy and the admission of a garrison into Munychia, the latter of which conditions might surely have enabled Antipater to dispense with the destniction of Demosthenes and the chiefs of his party. (Diod. xviii. 16-18; Plut. Plioc. pp. 753, 754, Demosth. p. 858 ; P.1US. vii. 10 ; Thirhv. Gr. Hist. vol. viu p. 187, note 1 ; Bockh, Publ. Econ. of Athens, i. 7, iv. 3.) Returning now to Macedonia, he gave his d.iughter Phila in mamage to Craterus, with whom, .at the end of the year B. c. 323. he invaded the Aetolians, the only party in the Lamian war who held not yet submitted. (Diod. xviii. 24.) But the intelligence brought him by Antigonus of the treachery of Perdiccas, and of his intention of put- ting away Nicae.a, Antipater's d.aughter, to marry Cleopatr<a, compelled him to pass over to Asia ; where, leaving Craterus to act against Eumenes, he himself hastened .after Perdiccas, who was marching towards Egypt .against Ptolemy. (Diod. xviii. 23, 25, 29-33 ; Plut. Bum. pp. 585, 586 ; Just. xiii. 6.) On the murder of Perdicciis, the supreme regency devolved on Antipater, who, at Trip.anideisus in Syria, successfully maintiiined his power against Eurydice, the queen. -Marching into Lydia, he avoided a battle with Eumenes, and he on his side was dissuaded from attacking Anti- pater by Cleopatra, who wished to give the regent no cause of complaint Tow.ards the close of the 321, he returned into Eiu"ope, taking with him the king and queen, and leaving Antigonus to prosecute the with Eumenes. (Diod. xviii. 39, 40 ; Plut. Earn. p. 588, a.) It was during the mortal illness of Antipater, ac. 320, that Demades was sent to him from Athens to endeavour to ob^
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