Barlow, Peter (1776-1827) . .222
Barlow, Rudesind (1585-1656) . . .224
Barlow, Thomas (1607-1691) . .224
Barlow, Thomas Worthington (1828 ?-1856) . 229
Barlow, William {d. 1568) . . ,229
Barlow, William {d. 1613) . .231
Barlow or Barlowe, William (d. 1625) . . 233
Barmby, John Goodwyn (1820-1881) . .234
Barnard, Sir Andrew Francis (1778-1855) . 235
Barnard, Lady Anne (1750-1825) . . .236
Barnard, Charlotte Alington (1880-1869),
pseudonym Claribel 237
Barnard, Edward (1717-1781) . . .237
Barnard, Edward William (1791-1828) . . 237
Barnard, Sir Henry William (1799-1857) . 238
Barnard, John (fl. 1641) 238
Barnard or Bernard, John (d. 1683) . 239
Barnard, John (fl. 1685-1693) . .239
Barnard, Sir John (1685-1764) .240
Barnard, Thomas (1728-1806) .241
Barnard, William (1697-1768) .241
Barnard, William (1774-1849) .242
Bamardiston, Sir Nathaniel (1588-1658) . 242
Bamardiston, Sir Samuel (1620-1707) . . 244
Bamardiston, Sir Thomas {d. 1669) . 246
Bamardiston, Thomas {d. 1752) . .247
Barnes, Ambrose (1627-17101 . .247
Barnes, Bamabe (1569 ?-1609) .247
Barnes, Sir Edward (1776-1888) .249
Barnes, John {d. 1661) 249
Barnes, Joshua (1654-1712) .... 250
Barnes, Juliana (b. 1888?). See Bemers.
Barnes, Richard (1582-1587) . . .252
Barnes, Robert 1495-1540) .... 258
Barnes, Thomas (1747-1810) . . .257
Barnes, Thomas (1785-1841) . .257
BamestapoHus, Obertusir?. 1599). See Turner,
Barnet, John id, 1878)
Bamett, Curtis {d. 1746) .
Bamett, Morris (1800-1856) .
Bamewall, Anthony (1721-1789) .
Bamewall, John, third Baron Trimleston
Bamewall, Nicholas, first Viscount Kingsland
Bamewall, Nicholas, third Viscount Kings
land 11668-1725)
Bamewall or Bamwall, Sir Patrick {d. 1622)
Bamewall, Richard Vaughan (1780-1842)
Bamey, Joseph (1751-1827) .
Bamfield, Richard (1574-1627)
Baraham, Benedict (1559-1598)
Bamham, Sir Francis {d. 1(546 ?) .
Bamingham, John ^d. 1448) .
Bamston, John {d. 1645) .
Bare, Peter (1584-1599) .
Baron, Bernard (d. 1762 >
Baron or Barron, Bartholomew or Bonaven
tura {d. 16%) ....
Baron or Barron, Geoffrov [d. 1051)
Baron, John (178<>-1851i '
Baron or Barron, Richard id. 17()())
Baron, Robert (1593 ?-163l) I .
Baron, Robert (/. 1645) .
Baron, Stephen uf. 1520?)
BaronH or Barnes, William (d. 1.505 1
Baronsdale, William {d. 1008' .
Barowe or Barrow, Thomas {d. 1497?)
Barralot, John James {d. 1812)
Barrallier, Francis Louis or Francis (1
18oo) ......
Barratt, Alfred (1844-1881) .
Barraud, Henry ,1811-1874) .
Barraud, William ; 1810-1850 '
Barre, Isaac (1726-1802 .
Barre, Richard (Jl. 1170-1202)
Barro, William Vincent (17rt0?-182JM
Barret, George, the elder 1 1728 ?-1784)
Barret, George, the younger {d. 1842)
Barret, John (d. 15Gi3)
Bai-ret, John {d. 1580?). See Baret.
Barret, John 'H'.Hl-1712n
Barret, Josi^ph (l(U)5-ir.<M) I .
Barret, Patrick d. 1415) .
Barret, Richard ((/. 159!))
Barret, Robert (fi. 1600 > .
Barret, William {d. 1584)
Barret, William {Ji. 15i)5)
Barrett, Eaton Stannard (1780-1820)
Barrett, Elizabeth (1809-1861). See Brown-
Barrett, George (1752-1821) . . . . 881
Barrett, John (<2. 1810) 8»
Barrett, John (1758-1821)
Barrett, Lucas (1887-1862)
Barrett, Stephen (1718-1801) .
Barrett, William (1788-1789) .
Barri, Giraldus de (1146?-1220?).
Giraldus Cambrensis.
Barrington, Daines (1727-1800)
Barrington, Gheorge (b. 1755 1 .
Barrington, John Shute, first Viscount
rington (1678-1784)
Barrmgton, Sir Jonah (1760-1884) .
Barrington, Samuel (1729-1800)
Barrington, Shute (1784-1826 1
Barrington, William Wildman, second
count Barrington ( 1717-1798 )
Barritt, Thomas (1748-1820) .
Barron, Hugh {d. 1791) .
Barron, William Augustus (/?. 1777}
Barrough, Philip (/. 1590). See Barrow.
Barrow, Sir George (1806-1876)
Barrow or Barrowe, Henry {d. 1598)
Barrow, Isaac (1614-1680)
Barrow, Isaac (1680-1677)
Barrow, John (yZ. 1756) .
Barrow, Sir John (1764-1848) .
Barrow or Barrough, Philip ( fi. 1590)
Barrow, Thomas (^. 1497 ?). See Barowe.
Barrow, Thomas (1747-1818) .
Barrow, William (1610-1679). See Waring
Barrow, William (1754-1836) .
Barrowby, William (1682-1751)
Barry, Mrn. Ann Spranger (1734-1801
Barry, Sir Charles 1 1795-1800)
Barry, Sir David (1780-1885) .
Barry, David Fitz-David, first Earl of Barry
more ; 1005-1042 ) . .
Barry, David Fitzjames de. Viscount Butte-
vant (155(V-1617) ....
Bam-, Sir Edward (1(590-1770 ,
Barry, Edwfird (1759-1822;
Barrv, Edward MiddleUm '1880-1880)
Barry, Elizabeth (1058-1713) .
Barry, George (1748-1805)
Barry, Gerat or Gerald i/. 1024-1042)
Barry, Henry (1750-1822 ■
Barry, James, Lord Sanby (1608-1678)
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Index to Volume III.