Burr, James (1741-1806)
Barry, James (1795-1865)
Barry, John [1745-1808] .
Barry, John Miloer 11768-1898)
Barry or Bairej, Lodowick (ITth oent.)
Barry, Mftrlia il80S-185G)
Barry, Philip de (/(, 1193) . ,
Barry, Sir Kedmond (1818-1880)
Barry, Kobert de [fl. 1175) ,
Barry, Bpmiger (17 19-177 T) ,
Barry, TliDin»a de (fi. IBM) ,
BMiymom, flnl Borl of (1605-1843).
Bony David Piti-David.
Barter, Richard (1809-1870) .
Bartb^tmon, Franfoia Hippolite (1741-
Banhlet or BaitleU, John [fi. Ua8)
Baciholomew (d. 1184) .
Banholomaw, Saint {d. 1198) .
BanhoIom«r Anglicoa (jt. iaa»-13S0).
Olaayille, Bartholomew
Bartholomen, Alfred I1801-I84S)
Bartholomew, Ann ChatlatCe {d. 1863)
Bartholomew, David Bwen (d. 1831)
Bartholomew, Valentine (1790-1870)
Bartleman, Jtunei (1789-1831)
BarUet, John {Jl. 1883) ,
Bartlet, Wilham (i. IGSa)
BartlBtt, Benjamin (1714-1787)
Bartlett, Thonutt [17S»-1S64) .
Bartlett, Wilhom Henry (IBOS-IBU)
Bartley, OeorEe (1783 ?-18U) .
Bartley, Sarah (1788-1860) .
Bartlot, Richard (1411-1BB7) , , •
Bartolozzi, Francesco (1737-1815) .
Bactolozzi, UaeCane Stefano (17GT-18U)
Barton, Andrew (il. 1511)
Barton, Bernard (1T84-1S49] .
Barton, Charles (178S-184B) .
Barton, Edward (1583 f-lBOT) .
Barton, Eliiabeth (1606 ?-ir,B4), ooDUnonl'
called the Nnn or Maid ol Kent .
Barton, Fraaoes (1787-1816). See Abington.
BarCoD, John de ( j^. 1U04), otherwiae called
de Ryton and de Fiytou
Barton, John jlSth coDt.)
Barton, Matthew (171B?-1795)
Barton, Rii^hard (1801-1860) .
Barton. Sir Robert (1770-1853)
Barton, Tbomai (d. IGBl-9) .
Barton, Thomas (1730 ?-17SU) .
Barton, William (1508 ?-167SJ .
Barvitna {ft. 645) ....
Barwell, Loaisa Uary (IROO-ISSG) .
BarwelU Richard (1741-1804) .
Barwiok, Jcdio {fl. 1810) .
Barwick, John (1813-1684)
Barwick. Peter (1810-1705) ..
Basevi, Qeoree (17B4~1B46) .
Baaham, William Richard (1S04-187T)
Baaing, Baroo (1038-1804). See Bolater-
Boolh, George.
BMing oc Baaingitolir. John [d, ItfS) .
Baaire, Iiaao (1807-1876)
Badre, Iiaac, 1704-1788 ; Baaire, Jamea, 1780-
Basire, JamM, 1780-1893; B*i re,
Jamiw, 17H-1860
Baa)ier>ille, Hannibal (1GS7-16S8) .
Baakerville, John (1708-1775) .
Bftsltarvilla, Sir Simon (1574-1641) .
Baakerville, Sir Thomas {d. 1607) . .
Baakerville, Thomas (1630-1730) , ,
Baakerville, Thomas (1813-1840?) . ,
Bass, Qeorga ((i. 1813?) .
BasB, Michael Thomaa (179»-18S4) .
Baasaatiu, Jamea (d. 1588)
Baase or Baa, William [d. 1898 ?) .
Basaendyne or Baasinden, Thomas (d. 1G7T)
BasMt of Cornwall, t'amily of
Basaet, Alan (d. 1383-8) .
Baaaet, Sir Fraadi (d, 1»46) ...
Basset, tTranda, Baron de Donstwiville of
Tehidy and Baron Basaet of Btrattoo
Basset, Fnlk (d. 1369) ....
Baaset, Fnlk da {d. 1371). See Saiidlbcd.
Basaet, Gilbert (d. 1941) ....
Basset, John (1701-1848) .
Basset, Joshn*IIS41?-17W) .
Basset, Peter {ft. 1431)
Basset, Ralph (d.l_. , .
Basset, Ralph Id. 1383?) .
Basset, Richard (d. 1164?)
Basset, Thomae [d. 1183 ?)
Basaet, William {d. I1S5 7)
Basset, WiUiaia (d. 1349 ?)
Basset. WiUiam {fl. 1860). See nndei BasKt,
WiUiajDld. 1349?).
Basset, William (1044-1895) .
Bassin^hoome, Humphrey de (ft. 1906).
Basanelt, Christopher (1677 ?-1741]
Bastard, John Polleifen 11758-lSlS) .
Bastard, Thomas (1686-1018) .
Baiton or Boston, Philip (d. 1890 7)
Baaton, Robert (ft. 1800) ....
Baatwick, John (1698-1054) ,
Bate, George (1808-1669)
Bale, Henry (174G-1S34). Sea Dodley, Sir
Henry Bate.
Bate, James (170S-1775) .
Bate, John (d. 1490)
Bate, Jalina (1711-1771) .
Batecnmbe or Badecnisbe, WiUiam (d.
Bateman, Hezekiah Unthioam (1813-1876) .
Bateman, Bidney Frances (1838-1881) .
Balemaa, Stephen [d, 1684). See Batman.
Bateman, Thomas (1778-1831)
Bateman, Thomas (1891-1861)
Bateman, William (1998?-18G5), ako called
William of Korwioh
(1787-1856). Bee ni
Bateman, Thomas (1891-1881).
Bates, Joah (1741-1799) ....
Bates, Joehoa (1788-1864)
Balea, Sarah (d. ^11) ....
Batea, Thomas (jt. 1704-1719)
Bates, William {1835-1699) .
Bateaford, John de (d. 1819) .
BatesoD, Thomas [16eO?-ie30?) .
Bateson William Henry (1813-1881) .
Bath, Harqaisea of. See Thynne, Thomas,
first Marquis, 1784-1796; Thynns, John
Alannder, foorth Marqnis, 1881-1898.
Bath, Earls of. See Granville, John, 1638-
Polteney. William, 1B84-176*.
Bathe or Bathonia, Henry de (d. 1360) . . 41
Bathe, Joho (1610-1840) 41
Bathe, WiUiam (1664-1614) ... .41
Bather, Edward (1779-1847) .... 41
Bather, Lucy Elisalcth (1880-18041, known
as 'Aunt Lucy' ... 404
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Index to Volume III.