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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 03.djvu/474

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Index to Volume III.

Batbilila, Balteduldis, Batdechlld, or Baldhild(iJ.eT8?)
Bathnnt, Allen, flnt Eul Bathont (leat-
Baltaorat, Benjamin (1T81-1S09)
and Earl
Bathurst, Bearj, Uiird Earl Bathnnt (1TS3-
Bathnnt, Henr? (1T14-1S3T] .
B&tbunt, Jalm (160T~16Ea) .
Batharst, Ralph |l«20-170»i ,
Bathural, Ricliard (d. 1762) .
BathoiBt, Tbeodore {d. ISSl] .
BalhorBt, Walter (1761f-18a7)
Batman, John (ISOO-IBIO)
Batman, Stephen id. Ili81) .
Batmanaon, Jubu [d. 1G81) .
Bait, Anthon; [d. 16G1) .
Batt, William |171*-lSia)
Battsl, Andrew [fi. IfiSa-lflU)
Battell, Balpb (ie4»-171S)
Batten, Adrian (;!.laaD).
Batten, Sir Willjam {d. 1667) .
Battie, William (1T04'1776) .
Battine, Willjam (ITeC-IBSel ,
BattiihilL Jonalhan (1798-1601)
BatUej Ridhard |1770-18GS) .
Batt;, Robert [d. 1848) .
Batt;, Robert [1TS3?-1849) .
Batj, Richard (d. 17G8) .
Baombargh, Tbonua de (fl. ISaS)
Baoma, Pjerro Henri Joseph (17fl7-187B)
Bavand, WiHiam [fi. IE69J
Bavant, John (ft. lGS2-lG8e)
Bftwdwen, William {ises-msa). See Baldwin.
BawdwBD, William ri7ea-181d)
Andrew (1688-1760) .
Charles 11809-1879) .
Bir David (17S3-18731.
Evan Baohanan (1841-U*S5« 
John (1781-1B&8)
Nathaniel (fl. 1606)
Richard 11615-16911
Robert DadkT |lSd7-ie73>
Baxter. Roger (1781-1837)
Thomaa (fl. 1792|
Thomas (1782-1821)
William (1650-1726)
Baxisr, William id. 1871)
Bayard, Nicholas (fi. IMOO 7)
Bayea, Joshua (1671-1746)
Bayeui, John de Id. 1219)
Bayeu, Ihomaa ol {d. IIDOJ. See Thomas.
Bayfield, Richard, alio.
Bayfield, Robert {ft. 1668}
Baylee, JoHph(180e-18Si;) .
Bayley, Comeliaa (1751-1813) .
Bayley, Sir Edward Chvo (1821-1B84) .
Bajley, P. W. N. (1808-1858) .
Bayley, Henry Vincent (1777-1844)
Baylej, Sir John 11766-1841) .
Bayley, John (Wbitcomb) {d. 1869)
Bayley, Peter (1778 ?-1823) .
Bayley, Robert 8. {d. 1868) .
Bayley, Thoma* (1682-1666), See Baylie.
Bayley, Thomas Butterworth (1T44-180S)
Bi ST (1699-1692) .
Bi un Bntterworth (1782-1860)
Bi as (1583-1668) .
Bi am (1734-1787) .
Bl.j_., rd (1791-1861) .
Baylie, Thomaa HotchinaoD (1836-1876) .
Bayly. Anaehn {d. 1794) .
Bayly, Benjamin (1671-1730) .
Bayly, John (d. 1633)
Bayly, Lewis (4. 16H1)
Bayly, Thomas Id. 1S57 ?)
Bayly, Thomas Haines (1797-1889)
Bayly, William (17S7-I810) .
Baynard, Ann (1672-1697)
Barnard, Edward lb. 1641,/!. 171S)
Baynard, Fulk (d 1806) .
Baynard, Robert (d. 13S1)
Baynbrigg, Chiiatopber (1464 ?-1511). 1
Bayne, Alexander of Rirea {d. 1T87)
Bayne, William (li. 1783).
Baynea, Adun (1681-1670) .
Baynes, James (1766-1BS7I .
Baynes, John (175B-1787)
Baynes, Panl (d. 1617) .
Baynes, Ralph [d. 1659) .
Baynes, Roger (1546-1623)
Bayning, first Baron
Baynton, Sir Andrew {fl 1510)
Baynlon, Thomaa |d. IBM) .
Bayntna, Sir Henry Wilbam (1766-1640)
Beach or Beche, John Id. 1689)
Beach, Thomas Id. 1767) ....
Beach, Thomaa (1788-1806) ,
Beacoo, See BecoD.
BeaconsBeW, Earl of (1804-1881). See D
Beadle' John {d. 1687) ....
Beadon, Sit Cecil (1816-1881) .
Beadoo, Frederick (1777-1679)
Beadon, Richard (1737-1834)