Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 09.djvu/134

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correspondence with Rome, a circumstance to which Sherbourne, bishop of Chichester, called attention two years after his death, when Henry VIII was pushing inguiries touching the validity of the dispensation for his marriage with Catherine of Arragon (Calendar, Hen VIII, iv. 2406). But we do not find that he held this office after the secession of Henry VIII, who, however, recognising his merits in a different capacity, made him his lute-player, and gave him an annuity of 40l. (ib. 1. 427, ii. 308).

It must have been about a year before Henry VII’s death that he wrote a couple of poems to celebrate the espousal (sponsalah) of Charles, prince of Castile (afterwards the Emperor Charles V), with the king's daughter Mary. The marriage, though it never took effect, was arranged by treaty in 1507, and ambassadors came from the Emperor Maximilian in 1508 to conclude the marriage contract. An official account of their reception, and of the betrothal, was printed by Pynaon in two separate forms, Latin and English, each without date of year; and the two poems of Carmclisnus appeared as preface and conclusion to the Latin version. The treatise itself, of which a unique copy in vellum exists in the Grenville library, is described in the catalogue as if it consisted simply of s poem of Carmelianus; but probably the title-page is wanting. The text of the narrative contained in it is precisely the same as that of the English version, of which a unique copy also exists in the British Museum described by Sir Henry Ellis in the ‘Archæologia,' xviii. 33.

In 1511 we find Erasmus acknowledging (apparently with real satisfaction) a compliment paid him hy Carmelianus, who had called him ‘doctorum doctissimus (Calendar, Hen. VIII, ii. 244). Unfortunately, however, he could not return the compliment; and when Carmelianus, in 1518, published another poem on the death of the of Scots at Flodden, Eaasmus and his correspondent Ammonius, Henry VIII‘s Latin secretary, could not help making merry over a false quantity which the unlucky author had vary nearly put into print (ib. ii. 306; compare preface, p. xvii, footnote). In that year Carmelianus, as the king's tutor, went over in the ‘middle ward’ of the army with which Henry VIII invaded France. Meanwhile, he had been made archdeacon of Gloucester in 1511, and s few gears later, probably on the deprivation of Cardinal Adrian de Castello [q. v.] 1517, he was appointed prebendary of Eadland in St. Paul's. This stall he resigned in 1528, the year before his death, at which time we find that he held livings in the provostship of Beverley in the East Riding. He also had the prebend of Ampleforth in York given him as early as 1498, and appears to have held it till his death. Being thus largely beneficed, in 1522 he was assessed, for the loan for a new war in France, at no less a sum than 333l. 6s. We also find that in 1524 (and perhaps for several years before) he was a prebendary of St. Stephen’s, Westminster, and that in that year he sold to Roger Pynchestre, citizen and grocer of London, certain lands called Hartcombe, in the parishes of Kingston-upon-Thames and Dutton in Surrey, which he had bought of Stephen Coope two years before. On 18 Oct. 1526 he obtained a license to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine and Toulouse woad. In January 1527 he received a new-year‘s gift from the king; but he seems to have died towards the cross of that year, as his successor in the York prebend was collated on 18 Jan. 1528. In addition to the poems referred to in the course of this notice we find an epigram written by Carmelianus on Dominic Mancini’s poem (written in 1516), 'De Quatuor Virtutibus,' which Alexander Barclay translated into English under the title of ‘The Mirrour of Good Maners,' Our author's epigram will be found at the end of Barclay's work, which was published along with his ‘Ship of Fools' in 1570.

[Memorials of Henry VII; letters and Papers of the reigns of Richard III and Henry VII; Campbell's Memorials of Henry VII (all three of Rolls Ser.); Calendar of Henry VIII, vols. i-iv.; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy).]

CARMICHAEL, FREDERICK (1708–1751), Scotch divine, son of Professor Gershom Carmichael of Glasgow University, was born in 1708. He took his M.A. degree on 4 May 1725, and taught the humanity classes during the illness of Professor Ross, 1726–8. On the death of his father in 1729 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the chair of moral philosophy. He was licensed by the Glasgow presbytery of the church of Scotland on 27 Sept. 1733, ordained at Monimail in March 1737, translated to Inveresk in December 1747, and died 17 Oct. 1751. He was the author of a ‘Sermon on Christian Zeal,' 1753, and ‘Sermons on several Important Subjects,’ 1753, said to be of ‘great merit.’

[Hew Scott's Fasti Eccl. Scot. i. 80. ii. 503; Watt's Bibl. Brit.]

CARMICHAEL, Sir JAMES, Lord Carmichael (1578?–1672), was the third son of Walter Carmichael of Hyndford, by Grizel, daughter of Sir John Carmichael of Meadow-