Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 17.djvu/188

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cease,' are in the British Museum. Elford died on 29 Oct. 1714. He had a brother a singer in the Dublin Cathedral choir.

[Hawkins's History of Music, 1853, p. 718; Cheque-book of Chapel Royal, ed. Rimbault, pp. 24, 27; Croft's Musica Sacra (1724), preface; Weldon's Divine Harmony (1725), first collection; Daily Courant, 19 March 1703; Downes's Roscius Anglicanus, various editions, lines following the entry of 9 April 1705; Carey's Poems, 1720, p. 22; Eccles's Songs and Symphonies, 1703; Elford's printed Songs, Nos. 98 and 99 in Horton collection, and No. 143 in collection by Walsh, Brit. Mus. Library.]

ELFORD, Sir WILLIAM (1749–1837), banker, politician, and amateur artist, of Bickham, Buckland Monachorum, Devonshire, born in August 1749, was the elder son of the Rev. Lancelot Elford of Bickham, and Grace, daughter of Alexander Wills of Kingsbridge, Devonshire. His family was one of the oldest in the west of England. He was a partner in the banking firm at Plymouth of Elford, Tingcombe, & Clerk, and was connected in many capacities with the same town. He was mayor of Plymouth in 1797, and recorder from 1798 to February 1833; M.P. for Plymouth from 1796 to 1806, when he was defeated, and brought an unsuccessful petition against his antagonist, Sir C. M. Pole, bart. He also represented Westbury for some time. In July 1807 he was elected M.P. for Rye, but resigned his seat in July 1808. He was lieutenant-colonel of the South Devon militia, and in that capacity accompanied his regiment to Ireland during the Irish rebellion, 1798-9. On 29 Nov. 1800 he was created a baronet. He lived the latter part of his life at the Priory, Totnes, and was recorder of that borough for some years. He died at that place on 30 Nov. 1837, aged 89, and was buried in the parish church, where there is a tablet to his memory. Elford was a friend of William Pitt the younger; frequently visited Bath, where he was noted as a whist-player; was acquainted with many of the leading literary characters and artists of his day; possessed considerable scientific attainments, and in 1790 was elected fellow of the Royal Society and the Linnean Society. A few years before his death he published the results of his investigations as to a substitute for common yeast, and his discoveries excited some attention. Elford was also an artist of great excellence; he was a constant contributor to the Royal Academy exhibitions from 1774 to 1837, and his pictures were marked by great taste and good draughtsmanship. The last exhibited by him was painted in his eighty-ninth year. There are two watercolour sketches by him in the print room at the British Museum. His most important picture was 'The White Lady of Avenel,' exhibited in 1822, and now in the possession of his grandson, Colonel Henry Cranstoun Adams of Lion House, Exmouth, and Crapstone, Buckland Monachorum. There is a landscape by Elford at Windsor Castle, which he presented to the prince regent in 1819, and he also presented pictures painted by himself to the university of Oxford and to many of his friends. Elford was twice married; his first wife was Mary, daughter and heiress of the Rev. John Davies of Plympton, who died in 1817, leaving one son, Jonathan Elford, who married and died in 1823 without issue, and two daughters, Grace Chard, died unmarried 24 Feb. 1856, and Elizabeth, who became the wife of General Sir George Pownoll Adams, K.C.H.; his second wife was Elizabeth, daughter of Humphrey Hall of Manadon, and widow of Lieutenant-colonel Walrond. At Elford's death the baronetcy became extinct. James Northcote, R.A. [q. v.], was an intimate friend of the Elford family, and painted numerous portraits of them, most of which, with others, are in the possession of the grandson, already mentioned, Colonel H. C. Adams, at Exmouth.

[Gent. Mag. 1838, now ser. ix. 206; Burke's Extinct Baronetage; Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science. Literature, and Art, xviii. 114; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Royal Academy Catalogues; information from Colonel H. C. Adams and others.]

ELGIN, Earls of. [See Bruce, James, 1811-1863, eighth earl, governor-general of India; Bruce, Robert, d. 1685, second earl; Bruce, Thomas, 1655?-1741, third earl; Bruce, Thomas, 1766-1841, seventh earl.]

ELGIVA. [See Ælfgifu, fl. 956.]

ELIAS, JOHN (1774–1841), Welsh methodist preacher, was born on 6 May 1774 at a 'small tenement' called Brynllwynbach, in the parish of Abererch, four miles east of Pwllheli in Carnarvonshire. His parents 'were in humble circumstances, but they lived comfortably and respectably.' As a boy he was chiefly influenced by his paternal grandfather, a small farmer and weaver, who taught him to read, and gave him his earliest religious impressions. The grandfather would take the boy after church to hear some of the famous South Wales methodists. Elias thus became very religious, and was constantly convulsed with inward struggles and temptations. His chief difficulty was about Sunday amusements. He at last conquered this supreme temptation, and occupied himself on that day in teaching