Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 21.djvu/102

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was commenced by Barlow, who made the drawing from the original picture; Barlow also commenced the work on the plate, but left the completion of the etching to Gaywood, and allowed him to put his name to it. The engraving was dedicated to Evelyn, who mentions Gaywood by name in his ‘Sculptura.’ Gaywood was an industrious and prolific artist. His best work is shown in his etchings of birds and animals after Barlow. The bulk of his work consisted in portraits and frontispieces to books, for which he was largely employed by the publishers. Among the portraits, many of which are mere copies from engravings by Hollar or those in the ‘Centum Icones’ of Vandyck, were those of William Drummond of Hawthornden, and the early kings of Scotland in his ‘History of Scotland,’ 1655, Oliver Cromwell, James Shirley, Sir Peter and Lady Ellinor Temple, George Monk, duke of Albemarle (after Barlow), Madame Anne Kirk, General William Fairfax, Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, John Browne, maker of mathematical instruments (Gaywood's original drawing of this is in the print room at the British Museum), and many others. Among the frontispieces and title-pages was that to J. Wecker's ‘Secrets of Art and Nature,’ 1660, signed ‘Ric. Gaywood, sculp.’ Among other plates were a set of social scenes, representing the ‘Five Senses,’ a view of ‘Stonehenge,’ ‘The most magnificent Riding of Charles the II to the Parliament, 1661,’ ‘The Egg of Dutch Rebellion’ (a satirical print), 1673, ‘Capture of a Whale at Sea,’ ‘Democritus,’ ‘Heraclitus,’ &c. Gaywood is stated to have lived to 1711, but this seems uncertain.

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, ed. Dallaway and Wornum; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Dodd's MS. Hist. of English Engravers, Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 33401; Cat. of the Sutherland Collection; prints in the print room at the British Museum.]

GEARE, ALLAN (1622–1662), nonconformist divine, was born at Stoke Fleming, near Dartmouth, Devonshire, in 1622. Sir Richard Carew of Anthony, Cornwall, whose clerk he was, taught him Latin. Soon after the outbreak of the civil war he was sent to Holland with a grandson of Carew, and money and plate. On 30 Sept. 1643 he entered Leyden University (Leyden Students, Index Soc. p. 39), and after residing there for eight years graduated M.A., being subsequently admitted ad eundem at Oxford. On his return home he was chosen minister of St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, London, a preferment which he held for six years. He then removed to Woburn in Bedfordshire as chaplain to the Earl of Bedford, and stayed there about two years. In 1656 he was elected minister of St. Saviour, Dartmouth, but was ejected for nonconformity in 1662. Some of the magistrates informed against him for preaching on a Sunday after the churches had closed. He was summoned before the commissioners at Exeter in very severe weather, and caught a fever, from which he died towards the end of December 1662. He was buried in St. Saviour's churchyard, amid considerable opposition. By his marriage with a daughter of John Canne [q. v.], minister of the English independent congregation at Amsterdam, he had five children. When at Leyden he is said to have written a treatise against the baptists, but he had no concern in the works mentioned by Calamy, whose account of him is in other respects very inaccurate.

[Palmer's Nonconf. Memorial, 1802–3, ii. 16–18.]

GEARY, Sir FRANCIS (1710?–1796), admiral, of a family long settled in Cardiganshire, entered the navy in 1727 on board the Revenge, one of the fleet sent into the Baltic under the command of Sir John Norris, and afterwards, under Sir Charles Wager, to the support of Gibraltar. He became a lieutenant in 1734, and on the outbreak of the war with Spain served in that rank on board the Victory, carrying Sir John Norris's flag, during 1740–1. On 30 June 1742 he was promoted to command the Squirrel of 20 guns, and, cruising in her off Madeira, captured a richly laden ship homeward bound from the Spanish main. In December 1743 he was appointed to the Dolphin, but in the following February was moved into the Chester of 50 guns, in which he cruised very successfully in the Channel, making or assisting in several rich captures, French and Spanish. In the early summer of 1745 he was ordered out to join Commodore Warren at the siege of Louisbourg, and on the surrender of that place was sent home express with the news, thus losing his share in the very rich prizes which were made there shortly after his departure [see Warren, Sir Peter]. For a short time in the winter of 1746–7 he commanded the Prince Frederick in the Channel, and in September 1747 commissioned the Culloden of 74 guns, which formed part of the Channel fleet under Sir Edward Hawke, till the peace. In February 1755 he commissioned the Somerset, one of the fleet sent out to North America under Boscawen, and afterwards, through 1756 and the early months of 1757, cruising in the Channel under the orders of Vice-ad-