Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/138

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the Table,' and the 'Position of the Celebrant during Consecration,' opposing the 'eastward position,' the introduction of which into his cathedral he strongly deprecated. He was the author of several topographical and archæological works, such as the 'Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Argyllshire' in the 'Transactions' of the Cambridge Camden Society; 'Chester as it was,' 1872; 'The River Dee: its Aspect and History,' 1875; and an historical and architectural guide to his own cathedral church. Howson also published some devotional books and many separate sermons.

[Personal knowledge; private information; obituary notices.]

HOWTH, Lords. [See St. Lawrence, Christopher, Nicholas and Robert.]

HOY, THOMAS (1659–1718), physician and poet, born on 12 Dec. 1659 (School Reg.), was son of Clement Hoy of London. He was admitted into Merchant Taylors' School in 1672, and was elected a probationary fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, in 1675. He graduated B.A. 1680, M.A. 1684, M.B. 1686, and M.D. 1689. He was appointed regius professor of physic at Oxford in 1698. Hearne, whose opinion of 'a ranck low church whigg' is not likely to be impartial, says that he owed his appointment to the influence of Dr. Gibbons with Lord Somers, and that he scandalously neglected the duties of his office. According to Wood he practised as a physician 'in and near the antient Borough of Warwick,' but in 1698 Evelyn, writing from Wotton, speaks of Dr. Hoy as 'a very learned, curious, and ingenious person, and our neighbour in Surrey.' He died, it is said, in Jamaica in or about 1718. Besides contributing to the translations of Plutarch's 'Morals,' 1684, of Cornelius Nepos, 1684, and of Suetonius's 'Life of Tiberius,' 1689, he published: 1. Two essays, the former 'Ovid de arte Amandi, or the Art of Love,' book i.; the latter 'Hero and Leander of Musæus from the Greek,' London, 1682. 2. 'Agathocles, the Sicilian Usurper;' a poem, London, 1683, fol.

[Rawlinson MS. 533; Munk's Coll. of Phys. i.459; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 712; Hearne's Collections, i. 230, 322, &c.; Evelyn's Diary; Robinson's Reg. of Merchant Taylors' School, i. 277.]

HOYLAND, FRANCIS (fl. 1763), poet, the son of James Hoyland of Castle Howard in the county of York, was born in 1727. He was educated in a school at Halifax, and on 18 June 1744 matriculated at Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1748. Soon afterwards he seems to have made a voyage to the West Indies to recruit his health (cf. his Ode to Sleep}. He took holy orders, was the friend of William Mason [q.v.], and was introduced, probably by Mason, to Horace Walpole, who exerted himself on his behalf, and printed his poems at the Strawberry Hill press in 1769. From Hoyland's works it may be gathered that he was married and poor. The date of his death is uncertain. In 1769 he was very ill, and his illness prevented him from accepting an offer of a living in South Carolina. He wrote: 1. 'Poems and Translations,' London, 1763, 4to, containing three metrical versions of psalms by J. Caley. 2. 'Poems,' another edition, slightly altered, Strawberry Hill, 1769, 8vo. Two impressions with different title-pages appeared the same year. 3. 'Odes,' Edinburgh, 1783. His poems were reprinted in vol.xli. of the 'British Poets' (ed. Thomas Park), 1808, 8vo, and in the 'British Poets,' 1822, vol. lxxiii. 8vo.

[Hoyland's Works; Walpole's Letters, ed. Cunningham, v. 154, 165; information from F. Pattrick, esq.]

HOYLAND, JOHN (1783–1827), organist and composer, the son of a Sheffield cutler, was born in 1783. From his childhood he evinced an aptitude for music, which he studied, for purposes of recreation, under William Mather, organist to St. James's, Sheffield. Owing to pecuniary losses, Hoyland turned to his art for a livelihood, and devoted himself to teaching music, with great success. In 1808 he succeeded Mather as organist of St. James's, and eleven years later removed to Louth, Lincolnshire, where he was before long appointed organist of the parish church. He died on 18 Jan. 1827. His son William was organist of St. James's from 1829 to 1857.

Hoyland composed several anthems and sacred pieces, also pianoforte studies and songs. He is chiefly remembered by his setting of the 150th Psalm and a version of 'The Land o' the Leal.'

[Grove's Dict. of Music, i. 755; Brown's Biog. Dict. of Music, p. 334; information from Mrs. Oakes, Hoyland's daughter.]

HOYLAND, JOHN (1750–1831), writer on the Gipsies, is variously designated as 'of Sheffield, Yorkshire,' and as 'formerly of York.' It was, however, in the counties of Northampton, Bedford, and Hertford that he 'frequently had opportunity of observing the very destitute and abject condition of the Gipsy race,' whom he began to study in the summer of 1814. He belonged to the quaker