Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/341

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[Preface to Hutcheson's System of Moral Philosophy; Appendix to Grove's Dict. of Music, iv. 684; Dublin University Graduates, p.289.]

HUTCHESON, GEORGE (1580?–1639), of Lambhill, Lanarkshire, joint-founder with his younger brother Thomas [q.v.], of Hutcheson's Hospital, Glasgow, was the son of John Hutcheson, an old rentaller under the bishops of Glasgow in the lands of Gairdbraid. His mother's name was Janet Anderson. He became a public writer and notary in Glasgow, and by his success in business added considerably to the wealth he had inherited from his father. For a long time he lived in the house where he carried on business, situated on the north side of the Trongate, near the Old Tolbooth. In 1611 he built for his residence the house on the Kelvin near its junction with the Clyde, known as the Bishop's Castle. He acquired a high reputation for honesty, and as an illustration of his moderation in his charges, it is stated that he would never take more than sixteen pennies Scots for writing an ordinary bond, be the sum ever so large. He died, apparently unmarried, 31 Dec. 1639, and was buried on the south side of the cathedral church of Glasgow. By deed bearing date 16 Dec. 1639 he mortified and disposed a tenement of land on the west side of the old West Port of Glasgow with yard and tenements there, for the building of 'one perfyte hospital for entertainment of the poor, aged, decrepit men to be placed therein,' for whose maintenance after the hospital should be built he also mortified certain bonds amounting to the principal sum of twenty thousand merks. The inmates were to be aged and decrepit men above fifty years of age who had been of honest life and conversation. Other mortifications to the hospital were made by his brother Thomas. George also granted legacies to his brother Thomas and to three nephews, but descendants of two of these nephews died poor men in the hospital.

[Findlay's Hist. of Hutcheson's Hospital, ed. Hill; Macgeorge's Old Glasgow; Glasgow Past and Present. 1884.]

HUTCHESON, THOMAS (1589–1641), joint-founder with his elder brother George [q.v.] of Hutcheson's Hospital, Glasgow, followed, like his brother, the profession of public writer, and was keeper of the register of sasines of the regality of Glasgow and district. Besides ratifying on 27 June 1640 the deeds of his brother, he by deed dated 9 March 1641, mortified certain bonds amounting to twenty thousand merks for the erection, in connection with George Hutcheson's hospital, of 'a commodious and distinct house of itself for educating and harbouring twelve male children, indigent orphans, or others of the like condition and quality, sons of burgesses.' This was supplemented by the mortification on 3 July 1641 of bonds amounting to a thousand merks, and on the 14th of an additional sum of 10,500 merks to assist in building the hospital. He laid the foundation-stone on 19 March of the same year. He died on 1 Sept. following, in his fifty-second year. He was buried beside his brother George on the south side of the cathedral church of Glasgow, where there is a Latin inscription to his memory. Other mortifications were subsequently added to the institution, and through the rise in the value of heritable property the funds have greatly increased. The scope and purpose of the institution have been extended, and not merely as a charity, but from an educational point of view, it is now one of the most important foundations in the country.

[Findlay's Hist. of Hutcheson's Hospital, ed. Hill; Macgeorge's Old Glasgow; Glasgow Past and Present, 1884.]

HUTCHINS, EDWARD (1558?–1629), divine, born about 1558 of poor parents, was, according to Wood, a native of Denbighshire. About 1576 he matriculated at Brasenose College, Oxford: he graduated B.A. 1577-8, and proceeded M.A. 1581 and B.D. 1590. In 1580-1 he was admitted perpetual fellow of Brasenose, and afterwards vacated his fellowship by marriage. He held a living near Salisbury, and on 28 Dec. 1589 he became canon of Salisbury. He died in 1629. Hutchins published: 1. 'A Sermon preached in St. Peter's Church at Westchester, 25 Sept. 1586,' Oxf., Joseph Barnes, 1586, 16mo; dedicated to Roger Puleston. 2. 'A Sermon preached in Westchester, 8 Oct. 1586, before the Judges and certain Recusants, Oxford, 1586?, 16mo, dedicated to Thomas Egerton, the solicitor-general. 3. 'A Sermon preached at Oxford, 6 Jan. 1589,'Oxf. (Barnes); also dedicated, to Egerton. Wood also mentions: 4. 'Jawbone against the Spiritual Philistine,' 1601, 12mo. Copies of the first three are in the British Museum.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 452; Brit. Mus. Cat. of Early Printed Boots, ii. 849; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), 1400-3; Le Neve's Fasti, ii. 654.]

HUTCHINS, Sir GEORGE (d. 1705), king's serjeant, was the son and heir of Edmund Hutchins of Georgeham in Devonshire. Edmund Hickeringill [q. v.] once amused the court of chancery, and won his cause, by saying of Hutchins, who was counsel against