tion of founding a religious community, settled at Cluaincreadhail, at the foot of Sliabh Luachra (co. Limerick), and she became abbess of the society which she instituted there. Her abbey has disappeared, and the only indication of its site is her name in the parochial designation, Killeedy (Cill Ite), Ite's church. The baronies of Costello, in which this parish is situated, were then called Ua Conaill Gabhra, and the O'Cuileans, who then ruled it, and are still numerous in the district under the Anglicised name Collins, gave land and protection to the saint. She was no recluse, but took part in the public affairs of the clan, travelled to Clonmacnois (King's County), visited St. Comgan when he was dying, and received St. Luchtighern and St. Laisrean. The Ua Conaill believed that they obtained victory by her prayers, and many legends are preserved of the wonders performed by her in the improvement of the wicked, the cure of the sick, and the breeding of horses. She died on 15 Jan. 569, apparently of hydatid of the liver.
[Colgan's Acta Sanct. Hiberniæ, 1645, p. 66; Martyrology of Donegal, p. 17; Reeves's On a MS. Volume of Lives of Saints, 1877; Annala Rioghachta Eireann, i. 207.]
IVE, PAUL (fl. 1602), writer on fortification, appears to have been a member of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, in 1560, though he was never matriculated. In 1597 he received money from the crown for the fortification of Falmouth and for the transportation of prisoners into Spain. In January 1601–2 he was employed in fortifying the isle of Haulbowline, near Cork, and Castle Ny Park, to command the haven of Kinsale.
He is the author of: 1. ‘Instructions for the warres, Amply, learnedly, & politiquely, discoursing of the method of Militarie Discipline,’ from the French of ‘Generall, Monsieur William de Bellay, Lord of Langey,’ London, 1589, 4to, dedicated to Secretary William Davison [q. v.] 2. ‘The Practise of Fortification, in all sorts of scituations; with the considerations to be used in declining and making of Royal Frontiers, Skonces, and renforcing of ould walled Townes,’ London, 1589, 1599, 4to, dedicated to William Brooke, lord Cobham, and Sir Francis Walsingham, kt.
[Masters's Corpus Christi Coll. ed. Lamb; Pacata Hiberniæ, p. 252; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 241, 550; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), p. 1243; Dep.-Keeper's Records, 4th Rep., App. ii. 172; Addit. MS. 5873, f. 19.]
IVE, SIMON (1600–1662), musician, baptised at Ware in Hertfordshire 20 July 1600, was lay vicar of St. Paul's Cathedral until about 1653, after which he gave lessons in singing. Wood wrote: ‘He was excellent at the lyra-viol, and improved it by excellent inventions.’ Upon the Restoration Ive was installed as eighth minor prebendary of St. Paul's (1661). He died at Newgate Street, in the parish of Christchurch, London, on 1 July 1662, and bequeathed his freehold and other property in Southwark and Moorfields to his daughter Mary, wife of Joseph Body, citizen and joiner. He also left legacies to his son Andrew, and to relatives in Hertfordshire and Essex. A son, Simon, also a musical composer, was student of Clare Hall, Cambridge, about 1644, and probably died early.
Ive was chosen by Whitelock to co-operate with Henry Lawes [q. v.] and William Lawes [q. v.] in setting to music Shirley's masque the ‘Triumph of Peace,’ which was performed at Whitehall in February 1633–4 (Arber, Stationers' Registers, iv. 287). Ive was paid 100l. for his share of the work. He also assisted Whitelock in the composition of a popular corante. Among his vocal compositions are: ‘Si Deus nobiscum,’ canon a 3 (in Warren's ‘Collection’ and Hullah's ‘Vocal Scores,’ p. 154); ‘Lament and Mourn,’ a 3; an ‘Elegy on the Death of William Lawes’ (in Lawes's ‘Choice Psalms,’ 1638); several numbers in Playford's ‘Select Ayres and Dialogues,’ 1669; catches (in Hilton's ‘Catch that catch can,’ 1652; Playford's ‘Musical Companion,’ 1672; and Additional MS. 11608, fol. 74 b). His instrumental works include twelve pieces in ‘Musick's Recreation on the Lyra-viol,’ 1652, ‘Court Ayres,’ 1655, and ‘Musick's Recreation on the Viol, Lyra-way,’ 1661; seventeen fantasias for two basses (in the handwriting of J. Jenkins [q. v.], Addit. MS. 31424), and fantasias, almain, pavan (Addit. MSS. 17792 and 31423). He also set the collect of the Feast of the Purification to music (Clifford, Divine Services). Ive bequeathed a ‘set of fancies and In Nomines of (his) own composition of four, five, and six parts’ to the petty canons of St. Paul's, in addition to ‘one chest of violls, of Thomas Alred his making, wherein are three tenors, one base, and two trebles; also another base that one Muskett his man made.’
[Hawkins's Hist. of Music, iii. 770; Burney's Hist. of Music, iii. 369–79, quoting Whitelock; Dict. of Musicians, 1827, p. 401; Grove's Dict. of Music, ii. 26; Anthony à Wood's manuscript notes (Bodleian); P. C. C. Registers of Wills, Laud, fol. 97; Malcolm's Londinium Redivivum, iii. 27.]
IVE or IVY, WILLIAM (d. 1485), theologian, studied at Magdalen College, Oxford, and was afterwards a fellow and lecturer in theology there. He was head-master