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at Winchester College from 1444 to 1454 (Hist. of the Colleges of Winchester, &c., p. 51). In 1461–2, before which date he had graduated D.D., Ive was commissary or vice-chancellor for George Neville, the chancellor of the university. A number of documents relating to the tenure of this office are printed in the ‘Munimenta Academica’ (ii. 683–4, 693, 697, 757, Rolls Ser.) On 29 Jan. 1463 he was appointed rector of Appleby, Lincolnshire, and on 21 July 1464 master of Whittington's College at St. Michael Royal, London, which post he resigned before 1470 (Newcourt, Repertorium, i. 493). He was a canon residentiary of Salisbury, and on 21 Aug. 1470 was made chancellor of the diocese. Tanner says he was also canon of St. Paul's, and for some time held the church of Brikkelworth. He was dead by 8 Feb. 1485.

Ive wrote: 1. ‘Prælectiones contra hæresim fratris Johannis Mylverton.’ These lectures, four in number, were delivered at St. Paul's, apparently at the end of 1465. Mylverton was a Carmelite who had defended the Mendicant Friars. The first two lectures had for their subject ‘quod Christus in persona sua nunquam proprie mendicavit’ (styled by Bale ‘De Mendicitate Christi’). The third is ‘De Sacerdotio Christi,’ and the fourth ‘De Excellentia Christi.’ The manuscript was in Bernard's time in the royal library at Westminster (Cat. MSS. Angl., ‘MSS. in Ædibus Jacobæis,’ No. 8033). The manuscript does not, however, appear in Casley's ‘Catalogue of the Royal MSS.’ thirty years later, and it seems to have now disappeared. Tanner gives a description of the manuscript. 2. ‘Lectura Oxonii habita 9 Feb. contra mendicitatem Christi.’ This appears to have been in the same manuscript. Bale also gives, 3. ‘In Minores Prophetas.’ 4. ‘De Christi Dominio.’ 5. ‘Sermones ad Clerum.’ 6. ‘Determinationes.’ New College, Oxford, MS. 32 was presented by Ive. It contains the commentary of Peter Lombard on the Psalms. Ive was also the owner of Magd. Coll. Oxford MS. 98.

[Bale, viii. 31; Pits, p. 654; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 447; Wood's Hist. and Antiq. Univ. Oxon. i. 622, 626. The writer has also to thank Mr. Ward, of the British Museum, for an endeavour to trace Ive's manuscript.]

IVES, EDWARD (d. 1786), surgeon and traveller, served in the navy as surgeon of the Namur in the Mediterranean from 1744 to 1746, and returned to England in the Yarmouth. He was afterwards for some time employed by the commissioners for sick and wounded, and from 1753 to 1757 was surgeon of the Kent, bearing the flag of Vice-admiral Charles Watson [q. v.] as commander-in-chief in the East Indies. On the admiral's death in August 1757, his own health being somewhat impaired, he resigned his appointment, and travelled home overland from Bassorah, through Baghdad, Mosul, and Aleppo, thence by Cyprus, to Leghorn and Venice, and so home through Germany and Holland, arriving in England in March 1759. He had no further service in the navy, but continued on the half-pay list till 1777, when he was superannuated. During his later years he resided at Titchfield in Hampshire, dividing his time, apparently, between literature and farming. He died at Bath on 25 Sept. 1786 (Gent. Mag. 1786, vol. lvi. pt. ii. p. 908). In 1773 he published ‘A Voyage from England to India in the year 1754, and an Historical Narrative of the Operations of the Squadron and Army in India, under the command of Vice-admiral Watson and Colonel Clive, in the years 1755–1756–7; … also a Journey from Persia to England by an unusual Route.’ Ives's presence at many of the transactions which he describes and his personal intimacy with Watson give his historical narrative an unusual importance, and his accounts of the manners and customs of the inhabitants, and of the products of the countries he visited, are those of an enlightened and acute observer. Ives married about 1751 Ann, daughter of Richard Roy of Titchfield, by whom he had issue a daughter, Eliza, and three sons, the eldest of whom, Edward Otto, was in Bengal at the time of his father's death; the second, Robert Thomas, had just been appointed to a writership; the third, John Richard, seems to have been still a child (will in Somerset House, 29 March 1780, proved in London, 1787). Mention is also made of a sister, Gatty Ives.

[Beyond his own narrative, nothing is known of his life, except the bare mention of his appointments in the official books preserved in the Public Record Office.]

IVES, JEREMIAH (fl. 1653–1674), general baptist, came of a family afterwards connected with Norwich, but originally of Bourn, Lincolnshire. Probably he is the ‘brother Ives’ whom Henry Denne [q. v.] and Christopher Marriat sought in vain at Littlebury, Essex, on 8 Nov. 1653, in order ‘to require satisfaction of him concerning his preaching at that place.’ He was at this time, if Crosby's vague statement may be trusted, ‘pastor of a baptised congregation’ which met somewhere in the Old Jewry. Crosby says he held this office ‘between thirty and forty years.’ A self-taught scholar, he exercised his remarkable controversial powers in defence of adult baptism