Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/447

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by methods which, if legal, were not always strictly honourable (ib. iii. 397), in accumulating considerable real property in the county of Roscommon and elsewhere. In 1610 his name appears in the list of ‘servitors thought meet to be undertakers’ in the plantation of Ulster (ib. iii. 428), and he was of considerable assistance to Chichester in arranging the details of that plantation. He had made choice of him, Chichester wrote to Salisbury in November, to lay the scheme before the English council, because, ‘albeit he is not the best orator,’ ‘he is well acquainted with the country and the condition of the people, having long travelled and bled in the business here when it was at the worst, and has seen many alterations since he came first into the land’ (ib. iii. 527). He returned to Ireland in April 1611, and the plantation being put into execution, he received on 26 June as his allotment two thousand acres in Clanmahon, co. Cavan. From Pynnar's ‘Survey,’ 1618–19 (Harris, Hibernica), it appears that he had not only complied with the conditions of the plantation so far as to build a stone house and bawn upon it, but had also purchased another portion of one thousand acres in the same precinct. All these and other lands acquired by him were confirmed to his family by patent on 16 Feb. 1621. He sat for the county of Cavan in the parliament of 1613, though his return was petitioned against by the Roman catholic freeholders on the ground that the election had been conducted illegally, and that Lambart himself did not reside in the county (ib. iv. 361, 363–4).

In November 1614 Lambart was appointed to command an expedition to assist in recovering the castle of Dunivaig in Islay from the Macdonalds, who had taken it, partly by stratagem, partly by force, from the constable Andrew Knox [q. v.], bishop of Raphoe. The expedition sailed in December, but it was not till the end of January 1615 that the weather permitted an attack to be made. On 2 Feb. the castle surrendered (cf. Cal. Carew MSS. vi. 287, and Russell and Prendergast, Cal. Irish Papers, v. 6–10). On 21 April the king directed Chichester to return his royal thanks to Lambart for his successful management of the business, and on 17 Feb. 1618 he was created Lord Lambart, Baron of Cavan in the Irish peerage. He died 23 May in the same year in London, and was buried 10 June in Westminster Abbey. He married Hester, daughter of Sir William Fleetwood of Carrington Manor, Bedfordshire, and by her (who died 12 March 1639, and was buried in St. Patrick's, Dublin) had two sons and three daughters, viz. Charles [q. v.], who succeeded him; Cary, who was knighted and lived at Clonebirne in co. Roscommon, and died in 1627 unmarried; Jane who married Sir Edward Leech of Sauley in Derbyshire; Rose, who married, first, Nicholas, son and heir to Sir Nicholas Smith of Larkbear in Devonshire, and secondly Sir John Blagrave of Southcot in Berkshire; and Lettice, who died young.

Sir Oliver Lambart, though he wrote his name Lambert, must be distinguished from Captain O[swald] Lambert, who was wounded at the siege of Guisnes in 1558 (Churchyarde, Choise).

[Lodge's Peerage, ed. Archdall; Berry's Hampshire, p. 77; Cal. State Papers, Domestic and Ireland; Cal. Carew MSS.; Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. pp. 264, 284, 4th Rep. p. 606, 8th Rep. p. 381; Rawlinson's Life of Sir John Perrot; Motley's United Netherlands; W. Harris's Hibernica; Hill's Plantation of Ulster; Reg. Privy Council, Scotland, vol. x.; Gregory's Western Highlands; Trevelyan Papers (Camd. Soc.), vol. iii.; Camden's Annales; Chester's Reg. of Westminster Abbey.]

LAMBART, RICHARD FORD WILLIAM, seventh Earl of Cavan (1763–1836), general, born 10 Sept. 1763, was only son of Richard, sixth earl, by his second wife, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of George Davies, a commissioner of the navy. He succeeded his father in the title 2 Nov. 1778. He was appointed ensign Coldstream guards 2 April 1779, lieutenant 1781, captain-lieutenant 1790, captain and lieutenant-colonel 23 Aug. 1793, second major 9 May, and first major 19 Nov. 1800, having in the meantime attained major-general's rank in 1798. His name is not in the roll of the officers of his regiment who served in America (Mackinnon, vol. ii.). He was wounded at Valenciennes 3 Jan. 1793, commanded a brigade in Ireland (Londonderry) in 1798–9, and in the Ferrol expedition and before Cadiz in 1800. He commanded a line brigade in Egypt in 1801, and when General Ludlow [see Ludlow, George James, third Earl Ludlow] was removed to a brigade of the line on 9 Aug., Cavan succeeded to the command of the brigade of guards. As part of Eyre Coote's division the brigade was sent to attack Alexandria from the westward. The city surrendered 2 Sept. 1801. When Lord Hutchinson [see Hely-Hutchinson, John, second Earl of Donoughmore] left in October, Cavan succeeded to the command of the whole army remaining in Egypt, including the troops under David (afterwards Sir David) Baird [q. v.] Cavan held a brigade command in the eastern counties in England during the invasion alarms of 1803–4, and in