Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/448

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1805 was lieutenant-general commanding in the Isle of Wight. Cavan was a knight of the Crescent, and was one of the six officers, besides Lord Nelson, who received the diamond aigrette. He became a full general in 1814, and was in succession colonel-commandant of a second battalion 68th foot, and colonel of the 2nd West Indian and 45th regiments. He was governor of Calshot Castle, Hampshire. Cavan died in London 21 Nov. 1836. He married, first, in 1782, Honora Margaretta, youngest daughter and coheiress of Sir Henry Gould the younger [q. v.] (she died in 1813); and secondly, in 1814, Lydia, second daughter of William Arnold of Slatswood, Isle of Wight. He left issue by both marriages.

[Foster's Peerage under ‘Cavan;’ Mackinnon's Coldstream Guards, London, 1832, vol. ii.; Gent. Mag. 1838, new ser. ix. 92.]