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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 34.djvu/453

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Index to Volume XXXIV.


��Ibiti Earl-, CampbcU, JoLd (170&-1782),

loufth Eul. Li>aj!h. John Grshim (1806-1876) . . . 1. LoutEbbomugh, I^rd Hutings of. Se« Hut-

inin^ Edwiirdlrf. I57S>. Loughbomutch, Lords. See Hiatingfl, Henry

(J. 1667); Wedderburn, Alexsoder, Eul

otBABBlm (lTH3-teaS). LoQicher, knhert (rl. 1685 ) . . 1.

Loiii»,SirTho[om{17:-.9-1807) . . . L Lnudd.TbDmu (1803-18*11) . . . .1 Ixtandro, Henry de (it 1228) . . , . 1 Louth. Earl uf (d. l!i2B). See Bcrinilighain,

Sir John. lAiaLherixiurgb ( (.auUnrboure), Philip James

(PliiUppeJaw|u»)il8(lT4li-1HU) . . t. tant. Lord {1887?- 174 7). S« Fnwer, Simon. li^CluiMaphsr(lfil8-lGU) . . 1

XoY«. Darid (1750-18*7) . . . 1

Xan,3txa-il73a-l7Ti). SeeDaoee. I.OTe,atr JaDW> Fredprkk ( 17M9-18C6} . . 1.

Lots, Jfdia (ltiB5-t7&0) 1.

LoTe> John, U.D. (175T-IS25) . . . 1.

Lnve, yietaolas (1608-1683) . . . . I LoTa,Richanl, U.D.(I696-1661) . . . I Lore, WillHin Edward (1806-1867) . L

Lovedav, John ( 1711-1789) . . . I

Lovedar, John (1741-1809). See under Love- day, John (171I-1T89). LoTedHr, biberl (A. IC&.i) . . . H

Lo*vl*y, Samuel (t6l»-1677) . . . 1

Lo™!iove,WaUam{ 1778-1818) . . I

SjavAyn. John (d. 1368) 1

JjamL Stt iIm LorelL

Lorel, Philip (>j.l-ja») I'

l«V(toee.Franui(1618?-1675 7) . . . li Lortimre, John, tbird Barun Lovelace of Hur-

i«r (iS38?-iGm) 1'

XovelAce. John (cf. 1709). S» under Lovc- biie, John, third Baion Lnviilacc of Hurler.

lutOmx, Richard (1618-1658) . . 1<

" — " Bee also LoTel.

Daniel {(£ 1818} 1

Francis Vi»»iinlLavell(14a4-I487?) I ivall, George WilUam (1804-1878) . 1

Tall.SirLovell Benjamin Badcockcromierlv

Badeock) (1786-1861) 1

imll, Uiria Anne (1803-1877). See uodet Lorell, Gcoree William.

|«*ell or Loi-ei. R^ibert ( 1630 ?-1690)

Lanll, Sir Salatbiel |1610-1TIS)

Lovell. SiiThoma- (d. 1524) .

Lover, Samuel (I7!'7-IB68) .

LoTett,!U<:hiinl (169^1780) .

LovHt, William (1800-1877) .

LoTiboDd, Ednnrd I I7J4-lT7a}

Low, DilvidC1768-lSn3) ,

Low, David (1786-1859) .

Loir, Geot]a \ 1717-1795)

Low, Janiei((f. i><a2)

Low. Sir John (1788-1860) .

Low, SUmiHon {17y7-l*.'«) .

Low, William (1814-1886)

Lowder, Charles Fu|;e ( 1820-1880) .

Lowe. Edward (d. 1682) .

���Lowe, Edwur>i William Howe

(18J0-1HS0). Lowe. Sir Hud«on ([769-1814) Lowe, JamM (^ ISA.i) . La«e,Jamca(<l. 1866)

��de :

���Lowe, John (d. H67)

Lowe, John (1730-1798) .

Lowe, MaoritiDi (1746-17BS) .

Lowe,Peter{15S0?-1612?) .

Lowe, Kiclwrd Tboma* (180J-1874) ' Loire, Robert, Viacount Sherbrooke (18U-

I 1892)

/ Lowe, Thomas (if. I7SS) .

I Uwer, Mark Anthonv (1813-1876)

Lower. Richard (1631-1691) .

I Lower, Richard (I78i-I86S) .

I Lower, Thomas (16S3-17W) .

j lAWer,8ir WmiBin(lS00?-t66t} .

Lovick, Robert {d. 1696)

Lowin, Juha (1576-1639)

Lnwinan, Ha9«ti(16itl>-i;53) .

Lowndes, Tbomaa ( 1692-1748)

Lowndes, William (16fli-1724)

Lowndes, William Thomaa (il 1S43)

Lowrie, a/iai Wsr, William (rf. 1700 7).

Lowrr, John (1769-1850)

Low^^-, Joaeph Wilaon (1W)3-1879)

Lowrv. Wilwn Il76i-I8i*) .

LowtJi or Louth, K.d>ert < 1710-1787) .

Lowth, Simon, U.U. ( 1630 ?-172ll) .

LawEfa. Wiiliam, 0.0.(1660-1732) I Lowtlier, Sir Gerard (I589-I6&9). Sea under I Uwcher. Sir Richard.

Lowlher, Henry (d. 17S1). See under tfaer. Sir John, firat Vj^eount Unidalf I Lowlher. James, Earl of Lonsdale (1736-1301) 3

Lowther, Sir John, first Viscount Lonsdale (1655,1700) 222

I (16i>5-170rt)

I Uirtber,SirRicbard(13Z9-ie07) .

Lowtber, William, third Earl of L

I (1787-187*)

I I^yd. See also Lhu.vd, l.loyd, and Llwyd. ' Lord, Samnel Jooea, flnt' Bariia Ot

I (1796-1883)

' Lnanl. Henry Richar.ts(1S25-lS91)

Laard, jDbn(1790-l87S) ...

j Lusrd.JohDDaibiae(l830-lSeo). See under I Lnard, Johiu

Lubbock, Sir John Williaia (180S-1866)

Lubv, Thomas (1800-1870) . . . ,

Lucan, Counuas of (il. 1814). See Bihglum, Margirel.

Lncan, Earl of (d. 16D3). Seo Sarafleld, Patrick.

Lnvar, C%-prlui(jtie90)

Lucas. Aatbony (16113-1698) .

Lucas, Sit Uharlsafrf. 1648) .

Lucas, Chailei, M.l). ( 1713-1771) .

LoCBH, Charles (1769-18.>4) .

Lucas, Charle>(1808-t8<i'J) . I l.ucaa, Frederick (1811-1856) .

Lucaa, Henry (d. l<:63) ....

Lucas, Henrv (Jl. lT9o) ....

Lncu, Horatio Joeeph (1339-1873)

Lucas, James (18111-1874)

Lucas, John (18D7-I8T4) .... I Lucas, John Temiileion (1836-1880). I undn Lacu. John. j [,uc»a, Louis Arthur (185I-1S76) .

Lucas, Margaret Uriwht (1818-1890). I under Lm-as, Samuel < 1811-1863), ' Lucas, Richard. D.D. (t6(8-171&) .

Lucas, Richard Cockle O800-1883)

Luc»»,Robert (17I8?-IMI:.') .

Lucas. Samuel (1811-I86J) .

Lucas, Samuel (1818-1868) .


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