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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 34.djvu/454

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Loi:i>9. Samuel (1806-1870) , I,ucM,Tbeophilii8{^. 1714) , Lncu, Sir Thomu (d. 1649).

Ldchs. Sir Chsrlts. LmiM, WilUmn ? (/. 1789) . LQria», a lecendUTy hero .

��Laer, Sir Bichscd C1692-18fi7).

LncT, SirThoinu il633-IBD0). Lnev, Sir Thomu (I&3S-1600) Ld(7, Sir llinmBa (1A86-In40).

Lnev, Sir Thomia (lfi88-1800). Liicy.Willi»ni(lMI-l677) . Lndere, AleuDiIer(rf. 1819) . Lndrord, Simon, H.D. (d. 1674) LBdUm, Henry (1834-1880) . Ludlim, Imm (>/. 1817) . Lndlarn, Thonrns (177&-I8I0).

Lndjaiii, WUlism. LndUm, Thomas (1T27-18I1) . Ladlam. WillUm (1717-1788) Ludlow. Edmund (1817 ?-lB92) Lnillaw, UoorjiB (lS96-165fi). S

Ludlow, (lenriZB Jimei, Uiird uid

Ludlow (17B8-I843) . Ludlow, Kocer (.^.1640)

��LoMford. Sir Herbert (JL 1840-1«6S). uDiter i.unjJoni. Sir Thomso.

I.unaford.3irTliontM,(ieiO?-16S3?) .

Lnny. ThouiM (I7Sfl-18S7) .

' 3 or LDpa8.Thamiu, Iba elder (d. 162. . . . ly, Thom»». the yoouRer {Jl, l59S-l6tV), e under Lnpo or Lupaa, Tho' .M, """"

Lup«t,'ThDmi» (UB8?-1530) Laploa, Don&ld (rf. 1676) Luptou, Roger (d. IS4(l) .... Lunloo, ThumiB (^ la8S) Luptou, TliomiuGofr{1791-18T3> . Lupton. Willimu (1676-1720) . Lupui, Hugh, Earl of Chnter (d. 1101), HuifKnfAvr.r-'—



��See nod^

��Lush. Sir Robert (1807-1881) , LiuhiDi^n, Cbarlet (178.'>-186e).

Lu5bington, Stepbeu- Lut^hiuRton, Henr}-(18ia-18fi5) . . .? Lusbiu^rtan, Sir Jtmes Law (17TEt~lg59). Sm

under Lufihingtou, Stephen Rnmbuld. Lnahington, Stephen (1782-1878) . . . 3' Lushington, Sir Stephen (180S-1877) . . 21 LuBhiniftoD, Stephen Rum bold (1 776-1 S68) . r. LusblaKton.ThomufiaSO-ieel) . . .3:

Lnlturell, Jolm (d. 13l!<i} £

|Lutt>rhny^ lauc (1616-1673). See under

��LDKid orMolBa.B^nI(5M?-«08?)

Luke, Sir Samuel CJ- 1670) .

Luke, SupheD,H.D. (1763-1829) .

Luhin, Hcnrv (1628-1719)

Lnkin, Linuel (1742-1884^

Lnladi, Luthtacb, LuliKi Lahoulau, Dnlieh,

or Gnl»k((i. 10.18) . _. Lumindcu. See aim LunudeuT , Lnmiaden or Luonden, Andrew (1790-1901) . Lumlev, Benjamin (1811-187.'i) LnmleV,Geuri[( - ■ " Lomle'v, Cmru

John. Mh (or sixth) Baron Lumley. Lumlej. Henrv fl66l)-17aS) . , . . IiDinlav, John, ahb (or elzih) Baron Lumlev


Lnmley, John, Loid Lnmlev (1604 ?-1609)

Lumti^, Homiaduke (d. l460)

Lnmley. Rirharil, Hrtit Tincount Lnmlef ot

W»terrnrd{rf. 1681?), See under Lnmley.

Klehard, flrat Enrl ofSearborough. Lnmlev, Kivhurd, Bret Earl of acBTboroagh

(rf. ITSl)

Lnmley, Sir William (1769-1860) . LDmaden. Bee also Lnmiaden. Lumsden, Sir Jamea ( lfi98 ?'1660 ?; Lnmadeo, MsUhew (l777~1SBa) . Lumndi'n, Robert {d. 1661). Seennder Lmns-

den. Sir Jiimni. Lumsiten, William (Jl. 1661). Sea nuder

l.umnden. Sir Jnmes. Lnnanli,Vin<«nzo(1769-la06) . . .9! Lnnri, John {/. 1766) Lund^Ten,Fi.TUnSrllir(181S-I87G).


��.. Simon

��. ?79 . 379

Jie. John (d. 1662?) 879

Lnndin. Sir Alan, Earl of AtboU (d. 1268).

See Dnrward, Alan. Lundv. R"b«t ( fi. 1689) . , . , '

Lunni Jniieph(l784-188S) ... .1 Luniford, Henrv (|t.l|.lG43). Sea under Lnmroid, Sir Thomiu.

��Lnltichuva,' Simon (1610-1663?) . Luttrell or Lutlerd, Edward (IL 167&-17I0) . 3M Luttrell, Henry (I6RBP-1717) . . , S37

Lnttrell, Henry (l766?-ie51). . . , MS Lullrcll. Henry Lawea, seeond Eail Cuhamp-

ton (1748-1831) 399

Lattreir, Jame« (17.il ?-1788} .... WD Lnttrell, John, aflerwards Lutt rell-Oloun^

third EB.i of Carbimpton (if. 1839). Sei

under Luttrell, James. Luttrell, NarciBBUn (1657-1732) . .. .. - . ,j •■"^i)_

vm) (d.

V ( 1655 ?.1717). Lntwjche, Sir Edward (d. 1700) . Lutwyehe, Thomas (1G76-I734) . Luxboroui-h, Lady (d, 1766). Bee Eni|

Luxford. Gmrgo (1807-lS&i) . '.nxmoore, Cbnltm SooK (1794 7-18M).

under Luxmooro. John. Luxmoort, John ( 1766-1830) . , . Lyali. Sw alio Lyell and Ljte. Ljall. Alfred (1796-1865) Lyall, GeorRB (i 1658) .... Lvall, Robert (rf. 18S1) .... Ljall, William Rove (1788-1857) . Lvde, William (1823-1706). See Joyner. Lydgate, John (I870P-14SI ?) Lvdiat,Thorna8(1572-l646) . Lt«, Edward (1694-1767) Lje, Lee, or Leigh, Thomas (1631-1694) Lyell. See alio Lyall and Lrle. Lyell, Charte<(l767-

��. 301


��Ljell, «r Charles (]7B7-187fi)

Lyford, WilllBra (l698-16fiB) . . . . ,

Lrgon, Frederick, Blxth Earl Beaachamp

��'(1880-1891) „

Lygon, William, Errt Earl Beaufhamp (1747- 1816). See under Lvgon, Frederick "-••■ Earl Beauchamp,

�� �