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�Index to Volume XXXIV.


��^ «L7mrt,LeHwt.orUH«rt,

. W»]Mr(itl4W)

LtIb. Sm >t*o Lrill and Lydi.

I te, DiTid (j). 1762) ....

' -le, RobcTt, aecond Bui>n Lvle (it U97

.»le,Tboin»allT92-l8a9) ".


,."i«B. B'-hert (1796-1813) . l.'»or*, r OTinic, DJ>. ( il. 1697 ? 1 . L iicli, t enrr Blowe (1807-1873) . ' -Dch. JaoiH (1608 ?-lT13) . ■-iich,JohonB99?-lG78?) .

,1-Mli, Patrick Edward (d. ISM) . LvDch, Richard, D.D. (1611-1876) . LyDdi,TheDdan Elizabeth (1812-lS6ut Lyseb, Sir Thonuu ((f. 1684 ? ) Lnuth, Tbomu Kerr (J81S-1891) . L)-iieh,Tho[na»TokB(181g-187l) . LyschB. Richard f rf. lo96). S« LincLc. Lriide.SirHDiuphrev(la;9-I(i:)G). . . 389 LvndhnrM. Lord. See Copley, Jobn Suigle-

"lon (1773-1^63). Lyndsiy, Sir Dnvid (1400-1555). See Lind-

f-yndwood, WLUiam ( IBTB ?-14«i) . .340

'■LvDt, Richard {Jl. 1G70-1600) . .MS

' LVnednch, Lord. See Graham, Thomu ( I74S-

1843). LyufordoT Linford, Thomas (16iO-l724) . 34J l.yngard,RiehardClo98?-1670). SeeLingard. Lynn, George, the dder (1676-1742) . . 34S Lynn, Georite, the younger (1707-1758). See

uudei Lynn, George, the elder. Lynn, Satnoel Ferru (183&-187e)

��Ly8nDB,SunDeI (1763-1819) .

Lyiooi, Samupl (1806-1877) .

LvRtra. Sir Uichard (dL 1564) .

VyU, Henrv ( 1B2B ?-16n7) . Lvte, Henn- Frauda ( 1793-1847)

LVt(>.Tboinaa(l&68?-ie»t) .

Litlelloo or LitUetou, Sir Chi


���LyiiiM,MichoIasof (^.1360). SeeXicI

Lynne, Welter (fi. 1&60)

LyoD, Mia. Agnea (1762-1840)

Lyon, GeotgB Fiancig (I795-I8S2) .

Lyon, Hart (mare eonectly Ilirach Lutwl >>r

Lewin) (1721-1800) .... Lyon, Sir Jamcj Fiaferick ( 1775-184S) . Lyon, Janet, Lady Glammia (_d. 15B7j. Sn

Donglas, Janet.' Lyon, John, seventh l.ord Ulammis (1510?-


Lvon, John, eighth Lord Glammii (if. 1578)

��Lyon, John (iai4f-1593)

Lyon or Lyoun, John ( jl 160i

Lyon, John, ninth Earl of i^mthmure (1?

��1. 1608-1632)

��1776). See under Bowet, Mary Eleanor,

Cnnnteai of Strathmore. Lyon, John (1702-1790) . Ljron, John ( 1734-1817) . Lyon. Sir Patrick (i'. 1695?). »r Cane Lvon, Patrick, Grit Earl oT Strathmore and

third EariofKin(;horoe(l&IS-lE95). LroQ, Sir Thomaa, Master uf GUminiii (d.


I.yon, Willinm (J. 1617) .

Lyona, Edmund, LonI Lvoni (1790-1868)

Lyons, Israel, the dder {d. 1770) .

Lvons, larael, the voonger (1739-1776) .

Lyona, JohnChail«i(179Z-I874) .

LyoDi, Richard Bicketton Pemell, eeeond

Baron and fintt Earl Lvons ( 1617-1887) Lrona, Robert Spencer l^er (1826-1886) Lyiaghl, Edward (1768-1811) Lytarde-Nioholaafi 1570). See Lyivdc LTScin*,DaDiel,H.D. (1727-1800) . LyMHU, Daniel (1762-1834) .

��(1589-1645). See I.itUelon. Lyttelton, Georse, dnt Ba:

(1709-1778).' am

Lyttelton, George William, fourth Barun L^-t-

telloQ or FranUey, of the aecond creation

(1817-1876) 874

Lyttelton, Sir Henry (1624-1683). See under

Lyttdtan, SirThomaa (1596-1650). Lyttelton, Junes (d. 1723). See Littleton. Lvtlelton, Sir Thoms* (1402-1481) See

Littleton. Lyttelton, Sir Thomas (1696-1660) . . 87B

Lyttelton, Sir Thomas (1647 7-1710). See

Uttlelon. Lyttelton, Thomaa, second Baron LvLtelton

(1744-1779) ' . .375

Lyttellon,WimaralIenry,tinit Baron Lyttelton

of Frankley, of the second creation (1724-

1808) 378

Lyttelton, William nenrj-, third Baron Lyt- telton oT Frankley, of the aecond creatiMI

(1782-1837) 378

Lyttelton, William Uenn- (1820-1884) . . 379 Lvlton. Edward George lUrlc Lytlon Bulwer-,

first Lord Lftton (1803-1873) . . .380 Lyttun, Edward Robert -Bulwer, 6M Enrl o(

Lvlton (1831-1891) 387

Lytton, Koiina Bnlxer Lyttun. Lady (1802^

1882). Seeuntter Lytton. Edward George

Earle Lytton Bulwer- (1803-187S). Lyveden, I.ord. See Smith, Robert Tamon

(18O0-187S). Lyiarde, Nicholas (i 1570) .

��Maherly, Catherine Char

See under Uaberly, WiUiani Leader. Maherly, William Leader (1798-1385) . . 8 Maba. SeeMsb.

Macadam, John (1827-1865) . . , .3 McAdam, John London (17S6-18B6) . . S Hacalister, Arthur (1818-1883) . .3:

MeAB,Rabert Stephens (1792.1838) . . 31 J HacaJpine, Maccabeus, Machabeus, Haccabe, { or Machabe. John id. 1567) . . .8:

i Uacanwaid. Hugh Boy (16807-163G) . .81 I Macardell, Jama(1729?-1766) . . .3! I HacariD?. called Scotus (<f. 11J3) . . 4i

Uacarthar or McAnhur, Sir Edward (17efr-

1872) « 

Hacaithur, Hannibal llankins (ir8&-lS61). ° ' - " -^ - John (1767-1834).

��Hactrthnr, John (1 Uicarthnr. John (1794-1831).

Macarthnr, John (1767-1834). Macarthnr, John (1767-1884) . McVrthur, John (1765-1840) .

��. See D See under

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