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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 35.djvu/396

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same character which he published himself in St. Martin's Lane. His plates are etched with much taste and skill, and well finished with the graver in the manner of Le Bas. In 1754 Major issued a series of his prints with the title, ‘Recueil d'Estampes gravées d'après les meilleurs tableaux des grands maîtres dont on a fait choix dans les cabinets les plus célèbres d'Angleterre et de France,’ and in 1768 a second edition, with the number increased to sixty-seven. Copies of some of Major's plates, bearing the name Jorma (anagram of Major), were published in Paris by Basan. Major's best figure-subject is Murillo's celebrated ‘Good Shepherd,’ which he engraved from a copy (then thought to be the original) at the time in his possession, but afterwards in the Bridgewater collection; the print was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1776. Major engraved a few portraits, including a series of four of Earl Granville, his two wives and his sister-in-law, Lady Charlotte Fermor, dated 1755 and 1757. In 1768 he published ‘The Ruins of Pæstum, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Græcia,’ illustrated with excellent plates done from various authorities; this was translated into French in 1769, and into German in 1781. Major was the first English engraver who received the honours of the Royal Academy, being elected an associate in 1770; he held the appointment of engraver to the king, and was for forty years engraver to the stamp office. When the great seal was stolen from the house of Lord-chancellor Thurlow on 24 March 1784, Major, within twenty hours, provided a perfect temporary substitute, and afterwards executed one in silver, which was used until the union with Ireland. He died at his residence in Tavistock Row, Covent Garden, on 30 Dec. 1799, and was buried in Camberwell churchyard.

[Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Huber and Martini's Manuel des Curieux, 1808, tom. ix.; Major's manuscript memoir of A. Lawrence, in print room of British Museum; Dodd's Collections in British Museum, Add. MS. 33403; Curtis's Velazquez and Murillo, 1883, p. 185; Royal Academy Catalogues; Gent. Mag. 1799, ii. 1194; Smith's Nollekens and his Times, ii. 333.]

MAKELSFELD, WILLIAM (d. 1803?), cardinal. [See Mykelsfeld).]

MAKEMIE, FRANCIS (1668–1708), Irish divine, was born near the town of Ramelton, co. Donegal, in 1668. At the age of fifteen he came under deep religious impressions through the influence of his school-master, and shortly afterwards went to Glasgow University to study for the ministry. In February 1675-6 he was a student in the third class. He placed himself under the care of the presbytery of Laggan, Ireland, and the presbytery's manuscript minutes, preserved in Magee College, Londonderry, supply several notices of the progress of his studies. In 1681 they licensed him to preach, and in 1682 ordained him as a missionary to America. He gives an account of his ordination in his 'Answer to George Keith's Libel,' Boston, 1694, pp. 72. He probably went first to Maryland, and itinerated there and in Virginia and Barbados, trading as well as preaching. In 1690 his name figures in the records of Accomac County, Virginia, where he was engaged in the West India trade, and where in 1692 450 acres of land were granted to him. Here he married Naomi, daughter of William Anderson, a wealthy merchant. In 1691 he published a 'Catechism,' in which he attacked some of the tenets of the Society of Friends. This brought him into controversy with George Keith [q. v.], who published a reply to it. Makemie responded in the 'Answer' already mentioned, which is characterised by Increase Mather as the work of 'a reverent and judicious minister.' In August 1692 he went to Philadelphia, and soon after to Barbados, where he held a church for several years, continuing to trade at the same time. While living in Barbados he wrote 'Truths in a True Light, or a Pastoral Letter to the Reformed Protestants in Barbadoes, vindicating the Nonconformists from the Misrepresentations commonly made of them in that Island and in other places, and Demonstrating that they are indeed the Truest and Soundest Part of the Church of England.' This work is dated 28 Dec. 1696, and was published at Edinburgh in 1699. Two letters which he wrote from Barbados to Increase Mather are extant (vide Briggs's American Presbyteranism, Appendix x. pp. xlviii, xlix). In 1698 he returned to Accomac, where, 15 Aug. 1699, he produced certificates from Barbados of his qualification to preach, and was licensed to officiate 'in his own dwelling-house in Pocomoke, near the Maryland line, and at Onancock, five miles from Drummondton, or the house next to Jonathan Livesey's' (Webster, History of the Presbyterian Church in America, p. 301). Soon after a congregation was organised at Snow Hill, Maryland, and to that and four other congregations in the vicinity Makemie ministered for several years. In 1704 he went to London to endeavour to obtain assistance against episcopacy, which was pressing hardly on the presbyterians in America. He was successful, bringing back with him to America two