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missionaries, John Hampton and George McNish, a Scotsman who with Makemie himself and four other ministers—viz. Jedediah Andrews, John Wilson, Nathaniel Taylor, and Samuel Davis—formed at Philadelphia in the spring of 1706 the first presbytery organised in America. Makemie is accordingly regarded as the father of presbyterianism in that country. He was made moderator of the presbytery. During his stay in England he published a 'Plain and Friendly Persuasive to the Inhabitants of Virginia and Maryland for Promoting Towns and Cohabitation, by a Wellwisher to both Governments,' London, 1705. In January 1707 he was arrested at Newtown, Long Island, on a warrant issued by Governor Cornbury, for preaching on the 19th of that month without permission in a private house in New York. The sermon for the preaching of which he was indicted was printed under the title 'A Good Conversation: a Sermon preached at the City of New York, January 19, 1706-7, by Francis Makemie, minister of the Gospel' (Boston, 1707, reprinted in Collection of the New York Historical Society, iii. 411). He was detained in prison till 1 March, when he was released on bail. In the following June he was tried at New York and was acquitted of the charge of transgressing the Toleration Act, on his producing the license to preach which be had received in Barbados. He was, however, forced to pay the heavy costs both of the prosecution and defence (vide A Narrative of a New and Unusual American Imprisonment of the Presbyterian Ministers, and the Prosecution of Mr. Francis Makemie, one of them, for Preaching one Sermon at the City of New York, by a Learner of Law and Lover of Liberty, 1707; republished by William Hill in Appendix to History of the Rise, Progress, Genius, and Character of American Presbyterianism, Washington, 1839). The opposition of Governor Cornbury to Makemie continued after the trial, the governor writing of him as 'a preacher, a doctor of physic, a merchant, an attorney, a counsellor-at-law, and, which is worst of all, a disturber of governments.' In 1708 Makemie wrote a letter, by order of the presbytery of Philadelphia, inviting a minister in Scotland to settle in America. In the same year he died at his residence in Accomac, Virginia.

Besides Makemie's letters to Mather, referred to above, three others are known, two addressed to Increase Mather and one to Benjamin Gilman (vide Briggs, American Presbyterianism, Appendix, p. ilv).

[Briggs's American Presbyterianism; Appleton's Cyclopædia of American Biography, vol. iv.; Reid's History of the Irish Presbyterian Church; Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit, vol. iii.; Webster's History of the Presbyterian Church in America.]

MAKIN, BATHSUA (fl. 1673), learned lady, was daughter of John Pell, rector of Southwark, Sussex, and sister of John Pell (1610–1685) [q. v.] the eminent mathematician (Evelyn, Numismata, p. 265). She became the most learned Englishwoman of her time, and was appointed tutoress to Charles I's daughters, more especially to the Princess Elizabeth, whom she instructed in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French, Italian, Spanish, and mathematics. She maintained a literary correspondance with Anna Maria van Schurman; in the latter's 'Opuscula' (edit. 1749, pp. 126-7) are two Greek letters addressed to her by Mrs. Makin. Among the Additional (Birch) MSS. in the British Museum (No. 4279, f. 103) there is an undated letter from Mrs. Makin to her brother, requesting him to send her a 'few lines of the position of the late comet' and his own observation of the phenomenon. In 1649 she probably keeping the 'schools, or colleges, of the young gentlewomen' at Putney, which Evelyn (Diary, 1850-2, i. 250) visited, 'with divers ladies,' on 17 April of that year. She asked the council of state for payment of the arrears of 40l. a year granted her for life for her attendance on Charles I's children, but her petition was dismissed on 16 Aug, 16S5 (Cat. State Papers, Dom. 1655, p. 290). Her ideas of female education are developed in a curious essay on the subject, published in 1673, when she kept a school at Tottenham High Cross. There is a very rare portrait of her by Marshall, engraved when she was resident at Tottenham.

[Granger's Biog. Hist. 2nd edit. ii. 392; Ballard's Memoirs, Preface, p. vii; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits. i. 219; Jesse's House of Stuart, ii. 250; Mrs. Green's Princesses of England, vi. 346.]

MAKITTRICK, JAMES (1728-1803), physician. [See Adair, James Makittrick.]

MAKKARELL or MACKARELL, MATTHEW (d. 1537), abbot of Barlings, Lincolnshire, was educated at Cambridge, and afterwards at Paris, where he was created D.D. He was incorporated in the name degree at Cambridge in 1516. He entered the order of Gilbertines or Premonstratensians, was made abbot of the house of the order at Alnwick, and preached the funeral sermon on Thomas Howard, second duke of Norfolk [q. v.], in 1524. He afterwards became abbot