Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/56

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Donnell, first marquis of Antrim [q. v.] By his second wife he had two sons, who died in infancy from the supposed effects of sorcery. The widow died in 1653. Rutland was less extravagant than most of his family, though his clothes were valued at 600l. when he died. A late portrait, attributed to Van der Eyden, is at Belvoir. He was succeeded by his brother, Sir George Manners, as seventh earl.

[Dugdale's Baronage; Doyle's Official Baronage; Calendar of MSS. preserved at Belvoir (Hist. MSS. Comm.), especially vol. i.; Eller's Belvoir Castle, pp. 58 sq.; Bygone Lincolnshire, ii. 127 sq.; Nichols's Progresses of King James I; Cal. of State Papers, Dom., especially 1625–6; Metcalfe's Book of Knights.]

MANNERS, GEORGE (1778–1853), editor of the ‘Satirist,’ was born in 1778. He was called to the bar, became a noted wit in London, and was in 1807 founder and one of the proprietors of the ‘Satirist, or Monthly Meteor,’ a venture in scurrilous literature, issued monthly, with a view, it was claimed, to the exposure of impostors. The first number appeared on 1 Oct. 1807. At first coloured cartoons were attempted, but it is stated in the preface to vol. ii. that these were dropped owing to the artists having disappointed the editor. In 1812 Manners parted with it and the publishing offices at 267 Strand to William Jerdan [q. v.], who tried his luck ‘with a new series, divested of the personalities and rancour of the old.’ Despite the bad bargain which he made over this purchase, Jerdan describes Manners as ‘a gentleman in every sense of the word, full of fancy and talent, acute and well informed’ (Autobiography, i. 108). The periodical ceased in 1824. In 1819 Manners became British consul at Boston, and held office till 1839. He died at Coburg in Canada on 18 Feb. 1853.

Manners wrote: 1. ‘Edgar, or the Caledonian Brothers,’ a tragedy, London, 1806, 4to. 2. ‘Mentoriana, or a Letter of Admonition to the Duke of York,’ 1807, 8vo. 3. ‘Vindiciæ Satiricæ, or a Vindication of the Principles of the “Satirist,”’ 1809, 8vo. 4. ‘The Rival Impostors, or Two Political Epistles to Two Political Cheats,’ 1809, 8vo. 5. ‘The Conflagration: a Poem,’ Boston, 1825, 4to; this was written to assist the sufferers in Canadian fires.

[Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. i. 314, 561, ii. 156; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Drake's Amer. Biog.]

MANNERS, HENRY, second Earl of Rutland (d. 1563), was eldest son of Thomas Manners, first earl of Rutland and Lord Ros [q. v.], by Eleanor, daughter of Sir William Paston. He is stated by Doyle to have been born before 1526, but most probably he was born before 1515. A son of Lord Ros is mentioned as being a page of honour at the marriage of Louis XII of France and the Princess Mary. His mother complained that in bringing him up she had incurred debts which she could not pay. He succeeded as second Earl of Rutland on his father's death, 20 Sept. 1543, was knighted by Henry VIII in 1544, and was one of the mourners at the king's funeral. At Edward's coronation he was bearer of the spurs. In 1547 he was nominated constable of Nottingham Castle and warden and chief justice of Sherwood Forest as a reward for conducting an expedition into Scotland. On 1 May 1549 he was appointed warden of the east and middle marches, and had personal command of a hundred horse at Berwick. He seems to have belonged to Warwick's party, and he made depositions in 1549 as to conversations he had had with Seymour, the lord admiral. He took part in the Scottish operations, notably the demolition of the fortifications of Haddington. He was one of those who received the French hostages in 1550, when the treaty which followed the loss of Boulogne was concluded. On 14 April 1551 he became joint lord-lieutenant of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, and at that time lived when in London at Whittington's College. From May to August 1551 he was absent as lord in attendance on the embassy to France. He belonged, like Northumberland, to the extreme reformed party in church matters, and was one of those who took part on 3 Dec. 1551 in the second debate on the real presence between Cheke and Watson in Sir Richard Morison's house. On 16 May 1552 he became lord-lieutenant of Nottinghamshire, probably in Northumberland's interest, and on Mary's accession he was at once imprisoned in the Fleet as an adherent of Lady Jane Grey.

Rutland, however, soon came to terms with Mary's government. He was made an admiral in 1556, and took part as a general of horse in the French war of 1557. After the loss of Calais he was on duty at Dover (cf. Froude, History, vi. 439), and on 19 Jan. 1557–8 five hundred picked men raised in the city of London were ordered to serve under him. Rutland was a favourite of Queen Elisabeth,and had also, according to Lloyd, a certain reputation for learning. On 13 April 1559 he was nominated K.G., and on 10 May in the same year became lord-lieutenant of Rutland. On 24 Feb, 1560–1 he was made lord president of the north, and on 6 May 1561 an ecclesiastical commissioner for the