Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 43.djvu/328

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left a daughter, who is said to have confirmed him in his resolve to compromise none of his associates. His nephew, Captain Matthew Smith [q. v.], was a notorious Jacobite intriguer. Parkyns was the last Englishman who was tried for high treason under the old system of procedure.

[Chester's London Marriage Licenses, 1021; Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights, p. 351; Commons' Journals, 1 and 2 April 1696; Macaulay's History, chap. xxi.; Lathbury's Hist. of the Nonjurors, p. 168; Burnet's Own Time, iv. 290–307, 336; State Trials, vol. xiii.; State Tracts, iii. 692–3; Evelyn's Diary, 19 April 1696; Calamy's Life, i. 382, 383; Ralph's History, ii. 640; Lettres Historiques, 1696, ix. 550–563; Vernon's Correspondence, ed. G. P. R. James, 1841, p. 2; Macpherson's Original Letters; A Letter to the Three Absolvers … being Reflections on the Papers delivered by Sir John Friend and Sir William Parkyns to the Sheriffs of London, 1696; A Defence of the Absolution given to Sir William Perkins; Wheatley and Cunningham's London, iii. 359; see also articles Porter, George; Charnock, Robert; and Barclay, Sir George.]

PARLEY, PETER (pseudonym). [See Martin, William, 1801–1867; and Mogridge, George.]

PARMENTIER, JAMES (JACQUES) (1658–1730), painter, born in France in 1658, was nephew of the celebrated painter, Sebasté Bourdon, who encouraged and gave him instruction in drawing, and would have done more for him but for his death in 1671. After some further instruction from a relation, Parmentier came to England in September 1676, to work under J. C. De La Fosse, the decorative painter, who was then engaged in painting the ceilings at the Duke of Montagu's house in Bloomsbury, for which Parmentier laid in the dead colours. He was then sent over by William III to the royal palace at Loo in Holland, and gained favour for his decorative skill; but he threw up his work through a dispute with Marot, who was surveyor of the royal palaces in Holland. Parmentier then returned to France, and made a visit to Italy. Being of the protestant faith, he left France again for England after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and returned to London. Not finding sufficient patronage there, he accepted an invitation to go down to Yorkshire, where he found plenty of employment for some years, painting many portraits, and, among other historical works, an altar-piece of ‘The Lord's Supper’ for Holy Trinity Church, Hull, presented by himself in return for the hospitality shown him there; another altar-piece for St. Peter's Church at Leeds, and a staircase for the Duke of Norfolk at Worksop Manor, Nottinghamshire. On the death in 1721 of Louis Laguerre [q. v.] Parmentier returned to London, hoping to succeed to Laguerre's practice as a decorative painter. He did not, however, obtain what he wanted, and, falling into indifferent circumstances, determined to return to Holland and finish his days among relatives at Amsterdam. This intention was frustrated by his death, which took place in London on 2 Dec. 1730. He was buried in St. Paul's, Covent Garden. When in Holland, Parmentier painted the ceiling and two chimney-pieces in the chief room of the royal palace at Binnenhof, now the parliament-house at the Hague. He was a member of the guild of St. Luke at the Hague, becoming a master on 1 Dec. 1698. At Painters' Hall in London there is a painting by him of ‘Diana and Endymion.’ A portrait of St. Evremond by him was engraved more than once; one of Lord-chief-justice Sir James Reynolds was engraved by J. Faber in mezzotint, and another of Marot, mentioned above, by J. Gole, also in mezzotint. Claude Du Bosc [q. v.], the engraver, was to engrave a large print of the ‘Temple of Solomon,’ after a painting by Parmentier, but it is doubtful whether this was ever executed.

[Vertue's Diaries (Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 23076); Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Dussieux's Artistes Français à l'Etranger; Obreen's Archief voor Nederlandsche Kunstgeschiedenis, v. 139.]

PARNELL, CHARLES STEWART (1846–1891), political leader, was second son of John Henry Parnell (d. 1859) of Avondale, co. Wicklow, by his wife Delia Tudor, daughter of Commodore Charles Stewart of the United States navy. His grandfather, William Parnell, who first settled at Avondale, co. Wicklow; his great-grandfather, Sir John Parnell; and his grand-uncle, Henry Brook Parnell, first baron Congleton, are noticed separately. Thomas Parnell (1679–1718) [q. v.], the poet, was among his kinsmen. The family had come to Ireland from Cheshire during the reign of Charles II (Head, Congleton Past and Present, 1887). Parnell's father and grandfather shared the aspirations of the Irish nationalists of their time; while his American mother inherited a strong hatred of England, and acknowledged much sympathy with the fenian organisation which was formed about 1858 for the avowed objects of separating Ireland from England and of establishing an Irish republic [see O'Mahony, John].

Parnell was born at Avondale on 27 June 1846. He was educated chiefly in England at a private school at Yeovil, Somerset, and