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church of Amsterdam, and remained its pastor until his death in July 1666. He was author of two sermons (1646 and 1660), and of:

  1. 'Janitor Animae, or the Soule's Porter to cast out sinne and to keepe out sinne: a Treatise of the Feare of God,' London, 1638, 8vo.
  2. 'Triumphus Sapientiae: seu conciones aliquae in selecta Theologiae capita,' &c., Amsterdam, 1655, 12mo.

[For the elder Price see: Wood's Athenae Oxon. ii. 352; Fasti, ed. Bliss, i. 365, 388, 389; Foster's Alumni Oxon. (1500-1714); Le Neve's Fasti, ed. Hardy, iii. 522; Wood's Antiquities of the University of Oxford, ed. Gutch, ii. 873; Williams's Eminent Welsh-men, p. 423. For the younger Price see his Works; Mitchell's Minutes of the Westminster Assembly, and his Hist. of the same, xviii. 145, 162; Steven's Scottish Church, Rotterdam, p. 279; Wagenaar's Amsterdam, vii. 595.]

PRICE, WILLIAM, the elder (d. 1722), glass-painter, was a pupil of Henry Gyles [q. v.], glass-painter at York, and his immediate successor and most able scholar in the art. He first gained some fame by a window representing the ‘Nativity of Christ,’ painted in 1696 from the designs of Sir James Thornhill [q. v.] for Christ Church, Oxford. In 1700 he painted the great east window for the chapel of Merton College in the same university, and in 1702 ‘The Life of Christ,’ in six compartments, for the same chapel. Price's work, which was mainly in enamelled glass, had some merit, although it lacked strength and durability, and was marred by an excessive use of yellow glass. Price died in 1722.

Joshua Price (fl. 1715–1717), glass-painter, brother and fellow-pupil of the above, also worked at Oxford, where he repaired the windows in Queen's College Chapel originally painted in 1518, and mutilated by the puritans during the civil wars. In 1715 he painted ‘The Holy Family’ for the same chapel, and in 1717 repaired the windows by Van Linge there and at Christ Church. He also painted the chiaroscuro figures of prophets and apostles in the chapel of Magdalen College.

William Price, the younger (d. 1765), glass-painter, son of Joshua Price, also attained some celebrity as a glass-painter. At New College, Oxford, he filled the windows with several pieces of stained glass, painted by artists of the Rubens school in Flanders, and acquired by Price there. These he repaired and supplemented to a large extent with glass of his own painting. In 1722 and 1735 Price was employed to fill some of the windows of Westminster Abbey at the national expense. He painted ‘The Genealogy of Christ’ for the chapel at Winchester College, ‘The Herbert Family’ for a closet at Wilton House, ‘The Resurrection’ for the bishop's palace at Gloucester, and executed several works in mosaic for Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill. Price died a bachelor, in Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London, on 16 July 1765. The works of the Price family are of considerable interest with regard to the history of glass-painting in England.

[Winston's Memoirs of the Art of Glass-painting; Westlake's Hist. of Design in Painted Glass, vol. iv.; Dallaway's Hist. of the Arts in England; Walpole's Anecd. of Painting; Davies's Walks through the City of York.]

PRICE, WILLIAM (1780–1830), orientalist, born at Worcester in 1780, is said to have been a captain in the East India Company; but this is apparently a confusion with a contemporary William Price, who entered the service of the East India Company, became lieutenant in the 5th native regiment in Bengal on 1 Feb. 1807, captain 11 July 1823, and major 22 April 1831. Before 1815 he was appointed assistant-professor of Sanscrit, Bengalee, and Mahratta in the military college at Fort William, and in 1824 was professor of Hindustanee. He retired on 20 May 1834 (East India Lists, 1800–34; Dodwell and Miles, Indian Army Lists). Another William Price (d. 1835), commander R.N., fought at the battle of 1 June 1794, and subsequently saw much active service (United Service Journal, November 1835; Gent. Mag. 1835 ii. 556, 670–671, 1837 i. 445).

The orientalist was in 1810 appointed assistant secretary and interpreter to the embassy of Sir Gore Ouseley [q. v.] to Persia in 1811–12. Price kept a diary, and made hundreds of drawings, both of landscapes and buildings, and deciphered many cuneiform inscriptions. On his return to England he devoted himself to literary pursuits, and taught oriental tongues at the seminary of his friend, Alexander Humphreys, at Netherstone House, near Worcester. He set up a private printing-press in his house, and became a member of the Royal Society of London and the Asiatic Society of Calcutta. He died in June 1830.

Price published:

  1. ‘Dialogues Persans, composés pour l'auteur par Mirza Saulih de Chiraz,’ no date or place, republished, with an English translation, Worcester, 1822, 4to; and again as part iii. of
  2. ‘A Grammar of the Three Principal Oriental Languages, Hindoostanee, Persian, and Arabic, on a Plan entirely new,’ &c., London, 1823, 4to.