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Index to Volume XLVI.

runs not Pond, Arthur (1705 7-1758) . . . . 76 Porpham, Sir John (d. 14687) . . . . 146 i Pond, Edward (_/I. 1628) . . . . , 76 Pupham, Sir John} 1531 P-1607) , . . 147 V Pond, John (1767-1886) . . , . . 76 Powsls, Willi•m( . 1708). Bee nnder Popple, [ Pcnet or Poynet, John (9614 P-1556) . . .78 illism (1701-1764). · 1’ons;m§•y, Lady Emily harlotto Llary(18l7- 9 gome, William (1701—1g;4)é b . ii . 149 18 7 . . . . . . . , 7 unter iscount. er err., enry Ponsonby, Sir 1*’redericCa\·endiah(1788-1837g 80 John George, third Earl of Carnsrvou Pogsonby, Frederick sarge Bgahaxou, aix! 8 P(1800-1849). ,0 nrl of lleasborong (1815-1 96) . . 1 orda , Joh 1607-1681) . . . . 17 Ponsonby, George (1756-1817) . . . 82 Porda$, Sauilugl (1683-1691 P) . . . 151 Ponsonby, Henry (d. 1745) . . . . G1 Porden, Elunor Anne (1797 P-1825). Son Ponsonby, Sir Henry 1·'rederic1r (1875-1896). Franklin, See under Ponsonby. Sir Frederic Cavendish. Pnrrlen. William (1765-1822) . . . . 152 Ponsonby, John (1713-1789) . . . . 84 Porrest, Robert (1788-1868) . . . . 158 Ponsonby John, Viscount Ponaonby (1770 P- W l';or•o¤,l1}irhard (1759-1808) . P . . . 1866 . . . . . . . . orb or Ad ds d. 1215 . . . Ponaonlwy, John William, fourth Earl of Bess- Por!. Sir .71:11vn (1;.8117-7641) . ) . . . 166 borough ${781-1847) . . . . . 87 Pon, Sir John (d. 1667). Sue under Port, Sir Po;1sonby‘; );h;n1`(177!-18:8). ico under P Joh): (xw P-154;), 165 ’ y o n, 'xscounz ooaon y. o ls , nh , 1790) . . . . Ponzonxg, lion. Sarah (1755 P-1831). Sec Po:1nl,Sir Ge::d(1lerherz (1858-1894) . . 166 nnder Butler, Lady Elanor. Porten, Sir Shauler (d. 1789) . . . . 167 }]:onsouby, Vwgmm (1546 7;é804E2d. { .1* . 87 ¥orteous.J To sbso Portens. we onsooby. am seco o ss- orleans, o n ( . 1'B6 ..... borough (1704-17113) . . . . . 88 Porkoun, William (1786-1812) . . . 169 Ponsonby, Sir William (1772-1815) . . 89 Porter, Anna Maria (1780-1882) . . . 170 ]‘0¤souby‘,1\Villl;£?r|bl!0¤, that Baron Pon- 90 xliorler, Cbsrli (d. 1696) . . 170 1 1 44-1 . . . . . o 1 r, ` mett 1814-1 ' . ·1’o’ri1': rlyiglponl, or Kynpont, Robert (1624- 91 P xirfdeilglturtti; Johlh g) ) In 1606 . ..... . . ortcr, n ym on 1 7- . . . Pont, '1)imothy (1660 P-1680 P) . . . 84 Porter, Frsncia (d.(1702) . . . . . 175 Pontnck. -- (1688 P-1720 P) . . . . 94 Porter. (`reorge {1622 P-1688) . . . . 176 Punr,0n,Mu¤1{¤ . . . . 96 Porter, George (ji. 1696). . . . . 1:6 Poole, Arthur \hl}1am (18a2-J885)6 . . 96 Porter, Sir (seorze 1·1ormdge(;822-1895) · 177 Poole; Exdvrardsstgrley (1880-1 7). See goger, george(1;oh;9rg;on (1 9*2-1852) . . un er oo e a. o cr enry . . . . . . Poole, gloorg? %!li,l1;%g;§09-1883) . . . 36, Eoruéglir Jav?eeég;I10;g786) . . . 13 P l, ooh 114- .... . mer nrnu 1‘ 17 . . . .1 Pgli, Jdhn (1786 ?·1872) . . . . 97 1 Power: Jane (1776-1850)) .... 181 Poole, Jonas (d. 1612) . . . . . 98 i Porter or Nelson. Jerome (d. 1632) . . . 181 Poole, Joelmn (ji. 1640) . . . . . 98 , Porter, John Scott (1801-1880) . · . . 185 Poole, Marin (1770 P-1833). Seo Dickons. ; Porisr, Jnsias Leslie (1829-1880) . . . 187 1'oolc or Polo, Matthew (1624-1679) . . 99 , Porter, Mary (d. 1765) . . . . . 18:1 Poole. 1'nul 1'nlcuxier (1807-1879) . . . 100 ‘ Porter, Robert (d. 1690) . . . . . 190 lmulo, Reginald Stuart. (1832-1895) . . 101 1 Porter, Sir Robert Kc! (1777-18-12) . . 190 Poo1c,1€nl»ert(1708·1752) . . . . 108 ' Porter, Sarah (1791-18152). Seo under Porter Poole, iuplils (1801318%),) ) . . . . P |}ourg‘sb1;ic1inn1sgné‘l680) wa ’>1,`h s1"&- 7 . . . . urler’ mss(18 . . . . Pgloreor lxiilrfvrf lierbcrt (rl. 1217) . . . 105 Purim: \Valter(1595 P-1659) . . . . 19.*1 Poor, l‘nore, 1'oure, or be Poor, l<icl1nrd(d. wb Porter, \l<)\itrorLh (lg?-gg?) . . 194 1:l2l") . . . . . . . . ‘ 'orecr. ’il lam 1 . und Poor, '{mger le, or Roger Pauper (jl. H35). P Porteiwngin ) H Sc lr •c·r. orlrr. il inm enr (l"!>0-1861 . See 1'ope?Al;;<nn4.l¤1; (168F:-17:%-an · . · P under §coa;t:r.Sir;%av€‘%eé1;or¤idge,) W5 P r",Arxn<er( '-,. . . ortcu iy 17 -1 . . . . I";::,0Ale:1‘i1¤ler(1763-1836) I . . . 127 1’0rt,lnii'd, Duke; oi`. ree glentlnck, William Pope-, (Tlara Morin. (el. 1838) . . . . 130 llenry Cavendish, third Duke (1738-1809); I’opo,§:rs, `1;llzu?e;hé1;é4;18?-1797) . . llmalrncli-Sfotsg Willinux John Cavendish, P ‘ une14- . . . . i' linllue l 0-l8"!l. Pgire; 111:: Morin Ann (177.;-1803) . . 134 Portland, l·Znr1a of. {S20 Weston, Richard. Pope, Sir '1`Iionxns (1507 P-1669) . . . 135 Erst Earl 415774681) ; Weston, Jerome, Pope, Sir '1`homns, second Earl of Donne mooull Earl (1505-1664) ; Bontinck, Wil· (1622-1660) . . . . : . . 138 linm.1irst 1-lnrl of the lioniinok 1ine(1649· Pnpe, Sir '1"hornnw, of \Vrox&ou, thml Earl ol l 1709). lmwno (1598·élI01l8). [ice under Pope, Sur Pzillondk iitnlsr Esrl oil Soc Herbert, Sir Th s . ·coi Zur o ownc, `dwn |6·l1l?·-169S*. Popv;) (:1.1714) . . . . . 138 P¤rtles:or,(l.ord. Sec kustsco, Roland Fil: 1'opc·lh·nnc»sy, Sir John (1834-1801) . . 130 (rl. 1496.). 1’oplnnn. Alexander (1729-1810) . . . H1 Portlcck, ossph Ellison (1794-1864) . . 197 Poplism, Eelwnrd (1610 7-1661) . . . 141 Porllock, Nnthnnie1(1748 P-1817) . . . 198 Pophurn, Sir Francis (1573-1644) . . . 143 1’or1 man, Edward Berkeley, Viscount Port- Pophsm, Sir Home Riggs (1752-1.820) . . 1421 msn (1799-1888) . . . . . . 199