Portman, Sir William (d. 1567) . . . 198 Powell, Baden (1796-1860) . . . . 287
Portman, Sir William (ggll 2-1690) . . 200 Powell or Powel, David (1552 P-1598) . . 238
Porun<»rc,flrat Earl of. Colyear, Sir David gmc};. §dw•rd‘9;‘73?§1’5·10) . . . 230
(rl. 1'il0). owe oster ’ ) .... 240
Pcrumlmth, Ducheu ot Seo Kernna1lo,Loniae Powellyor Pow§, Gahrlel (1576-1611) 4 . 240
Renée do (1649-1784). Powell, George (1658 P-1714) . . f . 241
Purtemouth. that Earl of. See Wallop, John Powell or Powel,Gri8lth (1561-1620) . . 248
(1690-1742). Powell, Humphrey (jr. 1548-1556) . . ua
Porto, Mauritius do (dl 1518). See O`Fihely, Powell, Slr John (1688-1696) .... 244
Maurice. Powell, Sir John (1645-1718) .... 244
Pory, gona (H. I5? Qu. . . . :30 Il:oweH. jlothn ( 1770-1:85) .... 245
1* _ 5 I5'0 -1 ) .... 1 owe o n .1796-1 29) .... 245
P:·;:;·’or°1’2r$»\·, llobert (1608 ?-1669) . . 202 Powell: John Joseph (1755 1*-1801) . . . 245
li°"z “£§’ $ll?l·fl?i3 ·‘·‘‘ 132 £°"§ll· l‘t'.El“ ll'zl1}‘3;l·%*“’ · · · 322
os a 1 4 .... ow . a me . . . . .
l‘ost:;'nev, John (1820-1881) . . . . 208 Powell: Richard, 81.11. (1767-1884) . . 2451
Poetlethwaire,'l'homaa (1781-1798) . . 204 Powell, llobert (_p1.1686-1652) . . . 247
Poetlethwayt, Jams (ul, 1761) . . . 205 Powell, Thomas (1572 7-1635 ?) . . . 248
1’oer1ethwayt, John (1650-17111) . . . 205 Powell, Thomas (1766:1842 P) . . . 249
Po¤1lethwayt,81al.ac1iy (1707 P-1767) . . 205 Powell, Vrivaaor (1811-1670) . . . . 249
Postlethwoyl, Matthew (1679-14-15). See Powell, \\ rllram (113o-1769) . __. . . 253
undir Pl»alleth0vgn;·t,Jnhn. ;uwell,}:V»ll1nn);‘%§mnel (1717-14 ¤5) . . 2:»4
Pate, oeeph (17 ‘ -1787 . . . . 206 nwu enrv, . . (1623-1668 . . . 25k
Potenger or Portlnger, John (1647-1758) . 206 Power; Joseph (1798-1868) . ) . . . 256
Port, Joseph Holden (1759-1847) . . : 207 Power, Lionel ( 1450 ?) . . . . 257
1'otr, Pervivall (1714-1788) .... 207 Power, Sir Ilan ev (1778-1826) . . . 257
Porter, Burnaby (1:377-1642) .... 21l Powernliarguerita, afterwordq Conntue of
l‘nt,t.cr, Charles (1634-1668), See under Biewngton (1789-1849). Seo Bleanington.
Potter, Chmtophaer 9591-1646). Power, blue Marguerite A. (1815 ?-1867) . 258
Potter, Chriampher ( 1 91-1646) . . . 212 Power. lliclxnrd, tint Earl of Tyrone (1630-
o er rnncin - 4 . · . . ower. yrono 1. - .... ‘
£"i§"· %“"”*""?f£»S‘a£€é§’ ‘‘‘‘ Sli P ‘“°°’T ‘ zi-.; mx, ‘··‘ $23
Porter; George (18212-1898) . . . . 215 Powerwanrt, Viscount. See Wingfield.
Potter, llarmllrnl (1592-1664). See unda: Powiextltular Dukes oh Sea llerbert, William
) Potter, Prnncra. _ (1614-1606) ; llerhert, William (0.1445).
loner, John (l674_?-1447) . . . . 216 Powxe, Mnrquiau ol. See Herbert, lhlliarn.
P<»ucr,Jo1m (ji. 1454-1804) ._ . . . 217 tint Marquis (1617-185.16); _1·lerl»ert, Wil·
Pot.ter,Jo1xn 1"hill!p•_(1818—1844) . . . 218 ham, second Marqine (ri. 174o).
1‘¤:§•·a,) Philip Cipnanl Hamh1(e]y (1702- gm mms Earl uf. bee Herbert, Edward
7 ........ 5- ).
xllzottcr, }1{i$}l;ard(;729-::6) . , . . 218 4 guwie, William Igor; (L1808-1836) . . 261
om: rt 1 111-1 1 .... 219 ow e, See el owel
1*one;; '1‘1‘im¤a§S171zl-1759) . . . . 221 Powls, George ($1. 1770) . . . . 261
Pottor,'1`hua—nn¤ osoph (1828-1878) . . 222 Powle, Henry (1630-1692) . , . . 262
Potter, Tlmmaa Roesell 1799-1878) . . 228 1"owlelt. Sec Panlat.
¥°§§€;;Il".¥ll':,l’Ialll°lnl; · · · 351 ”‘Q‘l¥l§;l2»".?F;“‘L».£’6".51.l"‘l iam "°"‘"‘
Pottlnger; Sir Henry (1789-1866) . . . 224 Pownall, Robert (1520-1571) . . . . 204
Potunzer, israel (j. 1770) . . . . 226 Pownall. Thomas (1722-1805) . . . 264
Putringor, John QUT-1783). Seo Potenger. Poweie-Ogilvy, John ( _/1. 1592-1601). See
i¥°2.‘? »¥‘L"?ii44§"§§Eé§7°°"°°°’ ‘ ‘ EE p °'°"'ii l· (owls-4) 268
o 0 r · .... ow a, ora io . . . . .
Potts; Thnrnll (.fl· 1012-1618) . . . 228 Pow;s, Sir Littleton (1648 7-1782) . . 269
Porta, Thomas (1778-1842) .,.. 228 Powya, Sir Thomas (1649-1719) . . . 269
Ponlalt, Seo alno1’nulet. Payer, John (d. 1649) .... . 269
Poulett., John, lint Baron Poulett (i586- Poyoder, John (1779-1840 .... 270
1640) ........ 229 Poynet, John (1514 P-l"’ ). Sea Ponat.
Ponlett., John, aaoond Lord Pornlott (1615- Poyuioga, Sir Edward (1459-1521) . . . 271
1665). See under Ponlett, John, tlrat n Povningn or Ponynge, Michael d•, neond
Poulert. Baron Pofninga (1317-1389% . . . 274
Po‘»}let:,t Baron and dnt Earl so Poplxmugifesrg ded Gish aron lizoynlvga
ou c ..... 2 ( . uu er oyningaor on nge,
Poulnun,Geor;;e (1783-1858) .... 221 Michael da, second Baron Poyninga. Y
- onn§y3llenjazi;i*;r"1·;1§o
- ;3 (d. 1799) . . gl goyniugak '1*h;»ma,(1;;9r2i:l§’§¤g·S1inga (ni. 1545)
onn , amen .... 2 oynter m mae . . . Ynnnda, John (17611-1839) .... 2788 Poynter: 1lVilliam, DID. (1762-1827) . . 276 Povey, Charles (1652 P-1748) , . . , 288 Povnu, Sir Anthony(1480 ?-1538). Sea under 1;o•ey, Tggsmlae ( 1658)) . . . . 2215 P1‘¤yntz. S2 Francis. owel. owe I and owle. ·nta, Sir rand: (d. 1528) . . . . 2'7 Powell Mn. (}.1787-1820 , prevloualy known 1*3nu, John (ji. 1060). bee under Poyntz., l an Adm. Farmer, and an neatly aa Mn. Qvdenham. Renaud. . . .... . 286 Poyntz, Robert (}. 1566) . . . . 278 A