May 1660. 4. ‘Schema Sacrum,’ verses, with portraits of the king and archbishop, 1667; reprinted without the cuts in 1683.
Another Anthony Sadler (fl. 1640), was admitted to Exeter College, Oxford, in 1621; graduated M.A. 1624, and M.D. 1633. The same or another (more probably of Cambridge) was presented to West Thurrock rectory, Essex, on 19 Dec. 1628 (Newcourt, Rep. Eccles. ii. 592), and died there on 20 May 1643. His dying confession, entitled ‘The Sinner's Tears,’ London, 1653, 12mo, was published by Thomas Fettiplace, master of Peterhouse, Cambridge (reprinted 1680, 1688).
[Kennett's Register, pp. 191, 215, 268, 330; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. iii. 1267, and his Fasti, i. 460; Foster's Alumni Oxon. early ser. iii. 1298; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, i. 175–8, ii. 356; works above mentioned; Manning and Bray's Hist. of Surrey, iii. 695; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iii. 483; Hanbury's Hist. Mem. iii. 425–429. There are no entries for 1610 in the Chitterne parish register.]
SADLER, JOHN (d. 1595?), translator, is said by Wood, without authority, to have been ‘educated for a time in Oxon, in grammar and logic’ (Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 406). In reality he studied at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. in 1534–5, and commenced M.A. in 1540 (Cooper, Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 203). He was appointed one of the original fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, by the charter of foundation in 1546. On 11 June 1568 he was instituted to the rectory of Sudborough, Northamptonshire. In October 1571 he was residing at Oundle, and was in receipt of a liberal annuity from Francis Russell, second earl of Bedford, which he had enjoyed for many years previously. He died about 1595.
He is author of ‘The Foure bookes of Flavius Vegetius Renatus, briefelye contayninge a plaine forme, and perfect knowledge of Martiall policye, feates of Chivalrie, and whatsoever pertayneth to warre. Translated out of lattine into Englishe,’ London, 1572, 4to, dedicated to Francis, earl of Bedford, K.G. The translation was undertaken at the request of Sir Edmund Brudenell, knt. It has commendatory lines by Christopher Carlisle, Thomas Drant, William Jacobs, William Charke, William Bulleyne, and John Higgins, all Cambridge men.
[Addit. MS. 5880, f. 34b; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert, p. 862; Bridges's Northamptonshire, ii. 255; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714 iv. 1299; Rymer's Fœdera, xv. 108; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. p. 649.]
SADLER, JOHN (1615–1674), master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, descended from an ancient Shropshire family, was born on 18 Aug. 1615, being son of the incumbent of Patcham, Sussex, by Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Shelley of that parish. He received his academical education at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, of which he was for some years a fellow. He became very eminent for his great knowledge in Hebrew and other oriental languages. In 1633 he graduated B.A., and in 1638 he commenced M.A. (Addit. MS. 5851, f. 12). After studying law at Lincoln's Inn, he was admitted one of the masters-in-ordinary in the court of chancery on 1 June 1644, and he was also one of the two masters of requests. In 1649 he was chosen town-clerk of London. He was highly esteemed by Oliver Cromwell, who, by a letter from Cork, 1 Dec. 1649, offered him the office of chief justice of Munster in Ireland with a salary of 1,000l. per annum, but he declined the offer.
On 31 Aug. 1650 he was constituted master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, upon the removal of Dr. Edward Rainbow, who was reinstated after the Restoration (Cooper, Annals of Cambridge, iii. 435, 484). In January 1651–2 he was appointed one of the committee for the better regulation of the law; in 1653 he was chosen M.P. for Cambridge; and in 1655, by warrant of the Protector Cromwell, pursuant to an ordinance for regulating and limiting the jurisdiction of the court of chancery, he was continued one of the masters in chancery when their number was reduced to six. It was by his interest that the Jews obtained the privilege of building a synagogue in London. In 1658 he was chosen M.P. for Great Yarmouth, and in December 1659 he was appointed first commissioner under the great seal, with Taylor, Whitelocke, and others, for the probate of wills. Soon after the Restoration he lost all his employments.
As he was lying sick at his manor of Warmwell, Dorset, which he acquired by marriage in 1662, he made the prophecy that there would be a plague in London, and that ‘the greatest part of the city would be burnt, and St. Paul's Cathedral’ (Mather, Magnalia Christi Americana, bk. vii. p. 102). In the fire of London his house in Salisbury Court, which cost him 5,000l. in building, and several other houses belonging to him, were burnt down; and shortly afterwards his mansion in Shropshire had the same fate. He was now also deprived of Vaux Hall, on the river Thames, and other estates, which being crown lands, he had purchased, and of a considerable estate in the Bedford Level, without any recompense. Having a family of fourteen children to provide for, he was obliged to retire to