his seat at Warmwell, where he died in April 1674.
On 9 Sept. 1645 he married Jane, youngest daughter and coheiress of John Trenchard, esq., of Warmwell, Dorset, receiving with her a fortune of 10,000l. (Hutchins, Hist. of Dorset, 3rd. edit., 1861, i. 430).
Walker describes John Sadler as ‘a very insignificant man’ (Sufferings of the Clergy, ii. 151), and a clergyman who knew him well in the university told Calamy, ‘We accounted him not only a general scholar and an accomplished gentleman, but also a person of great piety … though it must be owned he was not always right in his head, especially towards the latter end of his being master of the college’ (Life and Times of Baxter, continuation, i. 116).
His works are:
- ‘Masquarade du Ciel: presented to the Great Queene of the Little World. A Celestiall Map, representing the late commotions between Saturn and Mercury about the Northern Thule. By J. S.,’ London, 1640, 4to; dedicated to the queen; ascribed to Sadler on the authority of Archbishop Sancroft, who wrote the name of the author on a copy of this masque or play in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge (Baker, Biogr. Dramatica, ed. Reed and Jones, 1812, i. 623, iii. 28).
- ‘Rights of the Kingdom; or Customs of our ancestors touching the duty, power, election, or succession of our Kings and Parliaments, our true liberty, due allegiance, three estates, their legislative power, originall, judiciall, and executive, with the Militia,’ London, 1649, 4to; reprinted London, 1682, 4to.
- ‘Olbia. The new Iland lately discovered. With its Religion and Rites of Worship; Laws, Customs, and Government; Characters and Language; with Education of their Children in their Sciences, Arts, and Manufactures; with other things remarkable. By a Christian Pilgrim,’ pt. i. London, 1660, 4to. No second part was published.
- ‘A Prophecy concerning Plague and Fire in the City of London, certified by Cuthbert Bound, minister of Warmwell, Dorset,’ Lansdowne MS. 98, art. 24; printed in Hutchins's ‘History of Dorset,’ 3rd ed., i. 435.
Thomas Sadler (fl. 1670–1700), his second son, was intended for the law, and entered at Lincoln's Inn. He was, however, devoted to art, and received some instructions from Sir Peter Lely in portrait-painting. He painted in oils and also in miniature, and his portraits were commended by his contemporaries. In 1685 he drew the portrait of John Bunyan [q. v.], which was engraved more than once. His son Thomas Sadler the younger became deputy-clerk of the Pells (Hutchins, Hist. of Dorset, i. 431, ed. 1861; Walpole, Anecdotes of Painting; Redgrave, Dict. of Artists).
[Memoir by his grandson, Thomas Sadler, of the exchequer, in Birch MS. 4223, f. 166; Addit. MS. 5880, f. 35; Ayscough's Cat. of MSS. p. 737; General Dictionary, Historical and Critical, 1739, ix. 19; Halkett and Laing's Dict. of Anonymous Lit. ii. 1555, iii. 1808; Hutchins's Dorset, 1815, i. 259, iv. 355; Kennett's Register and Chronicle, pp. 906, 913; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), p. 2168; Notes and Queries, 4th ser. iii. 175.]
SADLER, MICHAEL FERREBEE (1819–1895), theologian, eldest son of Michael Thomas Sadler [q. v.], was born at Leeds in 1819. Educated at Sherborne school, he entered St. John's College, Cambridge, after a short interval of business life. He was elected Tyrwhitt's Hebrew scholar in 1846, and graduated B.A. 1847. He was vicar of Bridgwater from 1857 to 1864 (during which time he was appointed to the prebend of Combe, 13th in Wells Cathedral), and of St. Paul's, Bedford, from 1864 to 1869; he was rector of Honiton from 1869 till his death. In 1869 he received an offer of the bishopric of Montreal, carrying with it the dignity of metropolitan of Canada, but refused it on medical advice. He was a voluminous writer on theological subjects, and a strong high churchman. His works, which had a large circulation, did much to popularise the tractarian doctrines. The chief of them were:
- ‘The Sacrament of Responsibility,’ 1851, published in the height of the Gorham controversy.
- ‘The Second Adam and the New Birth,’ 1857.
- ‘Church Doctrine, Bible Truth,’ 1862.
- ‘The Church Teacher's Manual.’
- ‘The Communicant's Manual.’
- ‘A Commentary on the New Testament.’ He died at Honiton on 15 Aug. 1895.
He married, in 1855, Maria, daughter of John Tidd Pratt [q. v.], formerly registrar of friendly societies in England.
[Obituary notices in the Guardian, by Canon Temple and Rev. H. H. Jebb; Church Times; Churchwoman (27 Sept.); Liverpool Post, and Western Mercury; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xii. 223.]
SADLER, MICHAEL THOMAS (1780–1835), social reformer and political economist, born at Snelston, Derbyshire, on 3 Jan. 1780, was the youngest son of James Sadler of the Old Hall, Doveridge. According to tradition his family came from Warwickshire, and was descended from Sir Ralph Sadler [q. v.] His mother was the daughter of Michael Ferrebee (student of Christ Church, Oxford, 1722, and afterwards rector of Rol-