Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/235

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iuhich an airship starts or ascends into the air; a starting* point.

starting-point 'staztir^peint n. a point or place on the earth from luhich an airship starts or ascends into the air; the epposit of f inishingf point ; also, a starting^place : as, a raised *starting^point.

starting-rail 'stcirtirj^eel n. the monorail used in starting or launching some f lying^machines ; a launch ing^rail.

starting-system 'staztirj,sist3in n. a system or method of starting or launching aircraft.

starting-track 'staztirj,tr.aek n. a tjack used in starting an aeroplane or other craft in flight; a launchmg^rail.

starting-truck 'staztin,tr.Ak n. a tj;uck or small luheeld ve- hicle used for starting or launching aircraft; a tjuck used as a launching^vehicle.

starting-weight 'staz-tirj,weet n. a weight such as in a cata- pult or pylon, which is allowd to fall and thus furnish an impulse used in starting or launching an aircraft.

static 'staetik adj. of or pertaining to bodies at rest, or \o forces in equilibrium; statical, compare kinetic, dynamic, kinematic.

static stability, see under stability.

statoscope 'stet9,skop n. a form of aneroid barometer which shows at a glance any change in the elevation, or rise and fall, of an airship.

stay stee n. a prop or support, as of rope, wire, or wood; a supporting?rope ; a guy. compare brace, sprag.

stay-rope 'stee,zoop n. a stay which is made of rope ; one of two long cords attacht to the outside of the frame of the upper valv of a balloon, used to stedy the position of the balloon during inflation and deflation, to prevent the craft from rolling to the ground.

steady 'stedi tr. make stedy; hold or keep from shaking, reeling, or falling; support; balance; keep firm or stable.

steadying-bag 'stedi-ir^baeg n. [also spelt stedyingsbag] an air-bag or air?sack inflated by the wind, forming the rear end of a kite^balloon, and aiding in stedying or keeping it stable in the air.

steadying-fin 'stedi-ir^fm n. [also spelt stedyingzfin] a fin^like aerofoil placed at the stern of a dirigible balloon for the purpose of stedying or maintaining the stability of the craft; a fin^like stabilizing^plane or balancing^surface.

steadying-plane 'stedi-ir^p^een n. [also spelt stedying* plane"} an aeroplane or aerofoil used for stedying an air? craft; a stabilizing^plane ; a balancing^plane.

steam-bird 'stiin^bBtzrd n. an artificial bird, or bird<like

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