Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/236

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flyer, using steam as a motiv power; a mechanical bird

driven by steam-power. steam-engine / stiim / end3in n. [also spelt steam engine,

steamtengin} any engin in uuhich the motory power is

steam; a motor driven by steam. steer str.z v.

1. tr. guide by the movements of a rudder or helm; gov- ern the movements ef (an airship) in flight; direct.

2. intr. direct, guide; govern the movement of an airship in flight.

steerable 'stn-za-bal adj. capable of being steerd or guided in its course; dirigible.

steerage 'stu-zids n. the process or action of steering; guidance, direction, control.

steerage-control 'stn-zids-kan^jpol n. the control of the steerage of an airship; the management of an aircraft in so far as it consists in steering, guiding, or directing flight; the steering-control.

steerageway 'stir-zids/wee n. [also spelt steerage way} that degree of hedway of an airship which renders steerage possible; forward movement of an air-machine sufficient to make the craft dirigible or subject to control by the helm.

steerer 'sti:-z3z n. one who steers an airship; a steersman or pilot.

steering 'sti:-zirj n. the action of guiding or controlling the direction of an aircraft in flight ; steerage.

lateral steering, sidewise steering, as by means of a verti- cal rudder; steerage to the right or left as distinguisht from steerage up and down; horizontal steering.

vertical steering, up-and-down steering, as by means of a horizontal rudder; steerage vertically as distinguisht from steerage up and down; the practis of height-control.

steering-aeroplane 'stir-zir^ee-aza-pteen n. an aeroplane used for steering; a steering-plane; a rudder-plane.

steering-bag 'sti:-zin,b{eg n. a bag in the lower part of a kite-balloon connected by a valv with the air-bag, used in steering the kite-balloon so that the leng axis is always in the direction of the wind.

steering-balloon 'sti:-zin-b9,foun n. a balloon capable of being steerd; a steerable balloon; a dirigible.

steering-bar 'sti:-zirj,ba:z: n. a bar or red used in steering a flying-machine ; a cross-bar pedal for steering : as, a foot

  • steering-bar.

steering-control 'stir-zin-kan^jpol n. the control or man- agement of the steering of an airship; the steerage-contjol.

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